46 research outputs found

    Discovering Valuable Items from Massive Data

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    Suppose there is a large collection of items, each with an associated cost and an inherent utility that is revealed only once we commit to selecting it. Given a budget on the cumulative cost of the selected items, how can we pick a subset of maximal value? This task generalizes several important problems such as multi-arm bandits, active search and the knapsack problem. We present an algorithm, GP-Select, which utilizes prior knowledge about similarity be- tween items, expressed as a kernel function. GP-Select uses Gaussian process prediction to balance exploration (estimating the unknown value of items) and exploitation (selecting items of high value). We extend GP-Select to be able to discover sets that simultaneously have high utility and are diverse. Our preference for diversity can be specified as an arbitrary monotone submodular function that quantifies the diminishing returns obtained when selecting similar items. Furthermore, we exploit the structure of the model updates to achieve an order of magnitude (up to 40X) speedup in our experiments without resorting to approximations. We provide strong guarantees on the performance of GP-Select and apply it to three real-world case studies of industrial relevance: (1) Refreshing a repository of prices in a Global Distribution System for the travel industry, (2) Identifying diverse, binding-affine peptides in a vaccine de- sign task and (3) Maximizing clicks in a web-scale recommender system by recommending items to users

    Deep Exploration for Recommendation Systems

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    Modern recommendation systems ought to benefit by probing for and learning from delayed feedback. Research has tended to focus on learning from a user's response to a single recommendation. Such work, which leverages methods of supervised and bandit learning, forgoes learning from the user's subsequent behavior. Where past work has aimed to learn from subsequent behavior, there has been a lack of effective methods for probing to elicit informative delayed feedback. Effective exploration through probing for delayed feedback becomes particularly challenging when rewards are sparse. To address this, we develop deep exploration methods for recommendation systems. In particular, we formulate recommendation as a sequential decision problem and demonstrate benefits of deep exploration over single-step exploration. Our experiments are carried out with high-fidelity industrial-grade simulators and establish large improvements over existing algorithms

    Multi-Task Off-Policy Learning from Bandit Feedback

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    Many practical applications, such as recommender systems and learning to rank, involve solving multiple similar tasks. One example is learning of recommendation policies for users with similar movie preferences, where the users may still rank the individual movies slightly differently. Such tasks can be organized in a hierarchy, where similar tasks are related through a shared structure. In this work, we formulate this problem as a contextual off-policy optimization in a hierarchical graphical model from logged bandit feedback. To solve the problem, we propose a hierarchical off-policy optimization algorithm (HierOPO), which estimates the parameters of the hierarchical model and then acts pessimistically with respect to them. We instantiate HierOPO in linear Gaussian models, for which we also provide an efficient implementation and analysis. We prove per-task bounds on the suboptimality of the learned policies, which show a clear improvement over not using the hierarchical model. We also evaluate the policies empirically. Our theoretical and empirical results show a clear advantage of using the hierarchy over solving each task independently.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Revenue management in online markets:pricing and online advertising

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    Revenue management in online markets:pricing and online advertising

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    Dynamic Slate Recommendation with Gated Recurrent Units and Thompson Sampling

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    We consider the problem of recommending relevant content to users of an internet platform in the form of lists of items, called slates. We introduce a variational Bayesian Recurrent Neural Net recommender system that acts on time series of interactions between the internet platform and the user, and which scales to real world industrial situations. The recommender system is tested both online on real users, and on an offline dataset collected from a Norwegian web-based marketplace, FINN.no, that is made public for research. This is one of the first publicly available datasets which includes all the slates that are presented to users as well as which items (if any) in the slates were clicked on. Such a data set allows us to move beyond the common assumption that implicitly assumes that users are considering all possible items at each interaction. Instead we build our likelihood using the items that are actually in the slate, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches theoretically and in experiments. We also introduce a hierarchical prior for the item parameters based on group memberships. Both item parameters and user preferences are learned probabilistically. Furthermore, we combine our model with bandit strategies to ensure learning, and introduce `in-slate Thompson Sampling' which makes use of the slates to maximise explorative opportunities. We show experimentally that explorative recommender strategies perform on par or above their greedy counterparts. Even without making use of exploration to learn more effectively, click rates increase simply because of improved diversity in the recommended slates

    Improved sequential decision-making with structural priors: Enhanced treatment personalization with historical data

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    Personalizing treatments for patients involves a period where different treatments out of a set of available treatments are tried until an optimal treatment is found, for particular patient characteristics. To minimize suffering and other costs, it is critical to minimize this search. When treatments have primarily short-term effects, the search can be performed with multi-armed bandit algorithms (MABs). However, these typically require long exploration periods to guarantee optimality. With historical data, it is possible to recover a structure incorporating the prior knowledge of the types of patients that can be encountered, and the conditional reward models for those patient types. Such structural priors can be used to reduce the treatment exploration period for enhanced applicability in the real world. This thesis presents work on designing MAB algorithms that find optimal treatments quickly, by incorporating a structural prior for patient types in the form of a latent variable model. Theoretical guarantees for the algorithms, including a lower and a matching upper bound, and an empirical study is provided, showing that incorporating latent structural priors is beneficial. Another line of work in this thesis is the design of simulators for evaluating treatment policies and comparing algorithms. A new simulator for benchmarking estimators of causal effects, the Alzheimer’s Disease Causal estimation Benchmark (ADCB) is presented. ADCB combines data-driven simulation with subject-matter knowledge for high realism and causal verifiability. The design of the simulator is discussed, and to demonstrate its utility, the results of a usage scenario for evaluating estimators of causal effects are outlined