21 research outputs found

    Mapping the Intel Last-Level Cache

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    Modern Intel processors use an undisclosed hash function to map memory lines into last-level cache slices. In this work we develop a technique for reverse-engineering the hash function. We apply the technique to a 6-core Intel processor and demonstrate that knowledge of this hash function can facilitate cache-based side channel attacks, reducing the amount of work required for profiling the cache by three orders of magnitude. We also show how using the hash function we can double the number of colours used for page-colouring techniques

    PolyDL: Polyhedral Optimizations for Creation of High Performance DL primitives

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have revolutionized many aspects of our lives. The use of DNNs is becoming ubiquitous including in softwares for image recognition, speech recognition, speech synthesis, language translation, to name a few. he training of DNN architectures however is computationally expensive. Once the model is created, its use in the intended application - the inference task, is computationally heavy too and the inference needs to be fast for real time use. For obtaining high performance today, the code of Deep Learning (DL) primitives optimized for specific architectures by expert programmers exposed via libraries is the norm. However, given the constant emergence of new DNN architectures, creating hand optimized code is expensive, slow and is not scalable. To address this performance-productivity challenge, in this paper we present compiler algorithms to automatically generate high performance implementations of DL primitives that closely match the performance of hand optimized libraries. We develop novel data reuse analysis algorithms using the polyhedral model to derive efficient execution schedules automatically. In addition, because most DL primitives use some variant of matrix multiplication at their core, we develop a flexible framework where it is possible to plug in library implementations of the same in lieu of a subset of the loops. We show that such a hybrid compiler plus a minimal library-use approach results in state-of-the-art performance. We develop compiler algorithms to also perform operator fusions that reduce data movement through the memory hierarchy of the computer system.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2002.0214

    Warping Cache Simulation of Polyhedral Programs

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    Techniques to evaluate a program’s cache performance fall into two camps: 1. Traditional trace-based cache simulators precisely account for sophisticated real-world cache models and support arbitrary workloads, but their runtime is proportional to the number of memory accesses performed by the program under analysis. 2. Relying on implicit workload characterizations such as the polyhedral model, analytical approaches often achieve problem-size-independent runtimes, but so far have been limited to idealized cache models. We introduce a hybrid approach, warping cache simulation, that aims to achieve applicability to real-world cache models and problem-size-independent runtimes. As prior analytical approaches, we focus on programs in the polyhedral model, which allows to reason about the sequence of memory accesses analytically. Combining this analytical reasoning with information about the cache behavior obtained from explicit cache simulation allows us to soundly fast-forward the simulation. By this process of warping, we accelerate the simulation so that its cost is often independent of the number of memory accesses

    Packet Chasing: Spying on Network Packets over a Cache Side-Channel

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    This paper presents Packet Chasing, an attack on the network that does not require access to the network, and works regardless of the privilege level of the process receiving the packets. A spy process can easily probe and discover the exact cache location of each buffer used by the network driver. Even more useful, it can discover the exact sequence in which those buffers are used to receive packets. This then enables packet frequency and packet sizes to be monitored through cache side channels. This allows both covert channels between a sender and a remote spy with no access to the network, as well as direct attacks that can identify, among other things, the web page access patterns of a victim on the network. In addition to identifying the potential attack, this work proposes a software-based short-term mitigation as well as a light-weight, adaptive, cache partitioning mitigation that blocks the interference of I/O and CPU requests in the last-level cache

    Cache Attacks Enable Bulk Key Recovery on the Cloud

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    Cloud services keep gaining popularity despite the security concerns. While non-sensitive data is easily trusted to cloud, security critical data and applications are not. The main concern with the cloud is the shared resources like the CPU, memory and even the network adapter that provide subtle side-channels to malicious parties. We argue that these side-channels indeed leak fine grained, sensitive information and enable key recovery attacks on the cloud. Even further, as a quick scan in one of the Amazon EC2 regions shows, high percentage -55\%- of users run outdated, leakage prone libraries leaving them vulnerable to mass surveillance. The most commonly exploited leakage in the shared resource systems stem from the cache and the memory. High resolution and the stability of these channels allow the attacker to extract fine grained information. In this work, we employ the \PnP\ attack to retrieve an RSA secret key from a co-located instance. To speed up the attack, we reverse engineer the cache slice selection algorithm for the Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 that is used in our cloud instances. Finally we employ noise reduction to deduce the RSA private key from the monitored traces. By processing the noisy data we obtain the complete 2048-bit RSA key used during the decryption

    Cache-Base Application Detection in the Cloud Using Machine Learning

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    Cross-VM attacks have emerged as a major threat on commercial clouds. These attacks commonly exploit hardware level leakages on shared physical servers. A co-located machine can readily feel the presence of a co-located instance with a heavy computational load through performance degradation due to contention on shared resources. Shared cache architectures such as the last level cache (LLC) have become a popular leakage source to mount cross-VM attack. By exploiting LLC leakages, researchers have already shown that it is possible to recover fine grain information such as cryptographic keys from popular software libraries. This makes it essential to verify implementations that handle sensitive data across the many versions and numerous target platforms, a task too complicated, error prone and costly to be handled by human beings. Here we propose a machine learning based technique to classify applications according to their cache access profiles. We show that with minimal and simple manual processing steps feature vectors can be used to train models using support vector machines to classify the applications with a high degree of success. The profiling and training steps are completely automated and do not require any inspection or study of the code to be classified. In native execution, we achieve a successful classification rate as high as 98\% (L1 cache) and 78\% (LLC) over 40 benchmark applications in the Phoronix suite with mild training. In the cross-VM setting on the noisy Amazon EC2 the success rate drops to 60\% for a suite of 25 applications. With this initial study we demonstrate that it is possible to train meaningful models to successfully predict applications running in co-located instances

    nanoBench: A Low-Overhead Tool for Running Microbenchmarks on x86 Systems

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    We present nanoBench, a tool for evaluating small microbenchmarks using hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD x86 systems. Most existing tools and libraries are intended to either benchmark entire programs, or program segments in the context of their execution within a larger program. In contrast, nanoBench is specifically designed to evaluate small, isolated pieces of code. Such code is common in microbenchmark-based hardware analysis techniques. Unlike previous tools, nanoBench can execute microbenchmarks directly in kernel space. This allows to benchmark privileged instructions, and it enables more accurate measurements. The reading of the performance counters is implemented with minimal overhead avoiding functions calls and branches. As a consequence, nanoBench is precise enough to measure individual memory accesses. We illustrate the utility of nanoBench at the hand of two case studies. First, we briefly discuss how nanoBench has been used to determine the latency, throughput, and port usage of more than 13,000 instruction variants on recent x86 processors. Second, we show how to generate microbenchmarks to precisely characterize the cache architectures of eleven Intel Core microarchitectures. This includes the most comprehensive analysis of the employed cache replacement policies to date