5 research outputs found

    Mapping and visualizing ancient water storage systems with an ROV - an approach based on fusing stationary scans within a particle filter

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    This paper presents a new method for construct- ing 2D maps of enclosed underwater structures using an underwater robot equipped with only a 2D scanning sonar, compass and depth sensor. In particular, no motion model or odometry is used. To accomplish this, a two step offline SLAM method is applied to a set of stationary sonar scans. In the first step, the change in position of the robot between each consecutive pair of stationary sonar scans is estimated using a particle filter. This set of pair wise relative scan positions is used to create an estimate of each scan’s position within a global coordinate frame using a weighted least squares fit that optimizes consistency between the relative positions of the entire set of scans. In the second step of the method, scans and their estimated positions act as inputs to a mapping algorithm that constructs 2D octree-based evidence grid maps of the site. This work is motivated by a multi-year archeological project that aims to construct maps of ancient water storage systems, i.e. cisterns, on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Cisterns, wells, and water galleries within fortresses, churches and homes oper- ated as water storage systems as far back as 2000 B.C. Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) these water storage systems located around the islands were explored while collecting video, still images, sonar, depth, and compass measurements. Data gathered from 3 different expeditions has produced maps of over 60 sites. Presented are results from applying the new mapping method to both a swimming pool of known size and to several of the previously unexplored water storage systems.peer-reviewe

    Toward autonomous exploration in confined underwater environments

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of John Wiley & Sons for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 33 (2016): 994-1012, doi:10.1002/rob.21640.In this field note we detail the operations and discuss the results of an experiment conducted in the unstructured environment of an underwater cave complex, using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). For this experiment the AUV was equipped with two acoustic sonar to simultaneously map the caves’ horizontal and vertical surfaces. Although the caves’ spatial complexity required AUV guidance by a diver, this field deployment successfully demonstrates a scan matching algorithm in a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework that significantly reduces and bounds the localization error for fully autonomous navigation. These methods are generalizable for AUV exploration in confined underwater environments where surfacing or pre-deployment of localization equipment are not feasible and may provide a useful step toward AUV utilization as a response tool in confined underwater disaster areas.This research work was partially sponsored by the EU FP7-Projects: Tecniospring- Marie Curie (TECSPR13-1-0052), MORPH (FP7-ICT-2011-7-288704), Eurofleets2 (FP7-INF-2012-312762), and the National Science Foundation (OCE-0955674)

    Mapping and Visualizing Ancient Water Storage Systems with an ROV -- An Approach Based on Fusing Stationary Scans within a Particle Filter

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    This paper presents a new method for constructing 2D maps of enclosed un- derwater structures using an underwater robot equipped with only a 2D scanning sonar, compass and depth sensor. In particular, no motion model or odometry is used. To accomplish this, a two step offline SLAM method is applied to a set of stationary sonar scans. In the first step, the change in position of the robot between each consecutive pair of stationary sonar scans is estimated using a particle filter. This set of pair wise relative scan positions is used to create an estimate of each scan’s position within a global coordinate frame using a weighted least squares fit that optimizes consistency between the relative positions of the entire set of scans. In the second step of the method, scans and their estimated positions act as inputs to a mapping algorithm that constructs 2D octree-based evidence grid maps of the site. This work is motivated by a multi-year archaeological project that aims to construct maps of ancient water storage systems, i.e. cisterns, on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Cisterns, wells, and water galleries within fortresses, churches and homes operated as water storage systems as far back as 2000 B.C. Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) these water storage systems located around the islands were explored while collecting video, still images, sonar, depth, and compass measurements. Data gathered from 5 different expeditions has produced maps of over 90 sites. Presented are results from applying the new mapping method to both a swimming pool of known size and to several of the previously unexplored water storage systems

    Toward autonomous underwater mapping in partially structured 3D environments

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2014Motivated by inspection of complex underwater environments, we have developed a system for multi-sensor SLAM utilizing both structured and unstructured environmental features. We present a system for deriving planar constraints from sonar data, and jointly optimizing the vehicle and plane positions as nodes in a factor graph. We also present a system for outlier rejection and smoothing of 3D sonar data, and for generating loop closure constraints based on the alignment of smoothed submaps. Our factor graph SLAM backend combines loop closure constraints from sonar data with detections of visual fiducial markers from camera imagery, and produces an online estimate of the full vehicle trajectory and landmark positions. We evaluate our technique on an inspection of a decomissioned aircraft carrier, as well as synthetic data and controlled indoor experiments, demonstrating improved trajectory estimates and reduced reprojection error in the final 3D map

    Dense, sonar-based reconstruction of underwater scenes

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2019.Three-dimensional maps of underwater scenes are critical to—or the desired end product of—many applications, spanning a spectrum of spatial scales. Examples range from inspection of subsea infrastructure to hydrographic surveys of coastlines. Depending on the end use, maps will have different accuracy requirements. The accuracy of a mapping platform depends mainly on the individual accuracies of (i) its pose estimate in some global frame, (ii) the estimates of offsets between mapping sensors and platform, and (iii) the accuracy of the mapping sensor measurements. Typically, surface-based surveying platforms will employ highly accurate positioning sensors—e.g. a combination of differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver with an accurate attitude and heading reference system—to instrument the pose of a mapping sensor such as a multibeam sonar. For underwater platforms, the rapid attenuation of electromagnetic signals in water precludes the use of GNSS receivers at any meaningful depth. Acoustic positioning systems, the underwater analogues to GNSS, are limited to small survey areas and free of obstacles that may result in undesirable acoustic effects such as multi-path propagation and reverberation. Save for a few exceptions, the accuracy and update rate of these systems is significantly lower than that of differential GNSS. This performance reduction shifts the accuracy burden to inertial navigation systems (INS), often aided by Doppler velocity logs. Still, the pose estimates of an aided INS will incur in unbounded drift growth over time, often necessitating the use of techniques such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to leverage local features to bound the uncertainty in the position estimate. The contributions presented in this dissertation aim at improving the accuracy of maps of underwater scenes produced from multibeam sonar data. First, we propose robust methods to process and segment sonar data to obtain accurate range measurements in the presence of noise, sensor artifacts, and outliers. Second, we propose a volumetric, submap-based SLAM technique that can successfully leverage map information to correct for drift in the mapping platform’s pose estimate. Third, and informed by the previous two contributions, we propose a dense approach to the sonar-based reconstruction problem, in which the pose estimation, sonar segmentation and model optimization problems are tackled simultaneously under the unified framework of factor graphs. This stands in contrast with the traditional approach where the sensor processing and segmentation, pose estimation, and model reconstruction problems are solved independently. Finally, we provide experimental results obtained over several deployments of a commercial inspection platform that validate the proposed techniques.This work was generously supported by the Office of Naval Research1, the MIT-Portugal Program, and the Schlumberger Technology Corporation