186 research outputs found

    Metadata for Resource Description on Corporate Intranets

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    Since resource discovery has become a difficult and time-consuming task, some corporations are instituting metadata initiatives to alleviate these problems. This paper reports on an exploratory study of the metadata schemas supporting corporate intranets. The study consists of two parts; an examination of the metadata elements currently in use for corporate intranets and a comparison of these elements to the schema developed by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Schemas were collected from ten such corporations and the aggregate data was examined to uncover what types of elements are likely to be important for resource description on a corporate intranet. The results found that thirteen of the fifteen metadata elements most commonly used by schemas in this study are supported by the Dublin Core. An additional 20 elements not supported by the Dublin Core were also found. These additional elements show how corporations can enhance the Dublin Core to meet the needs of their own intranet

    Evaluation eines Intranets, dargelegt am Beispiel der Gewerkschaft ÖTV

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    Intranets werden in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen und Unternehmen eingesetzt, um den Informationsaustausch und die Kommunikation zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. Auch in der Gewerkschaft ÖTV wurde ein Intranet eingefĂŒhrt, um Defizite in der Binnenkommunikation, die im Wesentlichen aus dem dreistufigen Organisationsaufbau der ÖTV aus Hauptverwaltung, Bezirken und Kreisen resultieren, zu beseitigen. Außerdem wird mit dem Intranet eine Verbesserung des Informationsflusses und ein effizienter, sowie transparenter Informationsaustausch angestrebt. Die Bewertung des Intranet- Konzepts der Gewerkschaft ÖTV ist Thema dieser Arbeit. Anhand verschiedener Kriterien fĂŒhre ich eine Evaluation des Intranets durch, um zu analysieren, ob die Ziele, die mit der EinfĂŒhrung eines organisationsweiten Intranets verbunden werden, erreicht werden können. Die Evaluation hat gezeigt, dass das Intranet ein bedeutender Schritt zu einer professionellen Informations- und Kommunikationsarbeit ist. Vor allem die Ziele, mit einem Intranet eine bessere und schnellere Informationsversorgung und Informationstransparenz zu erreichen, lassen sich mit dem ÖTV-Intranet realisieren. Insgesamt kann jedoch festgestellt werden, dass noch nicht das gesamte Potential, das ein Intranet bieten kann, ausgeschöpft wird. Insbesondere im Bereich der Verwirklichung eines gewerkschaftlichen Wissensmanagements zur Nutzung des vorhandenen Expertenwissens sind noch keine ausreichenden Konzepte vorhanden

    Realm Specific IP: Framework

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    Energy Counselling and Modern IT. Drawing on Web 2.0 for a Greener World

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    The aim of this article is to explore how modern IT solutions for collaborative knowledge evolution could lead to more effective energy counselling and increased energy knowledge among the public. Comparative studies have been performed where the focus has been on the prerequisites for effective use of web 2.0 type collaboration and wikis. The research is primarily aimed at actors within the energy sector, although similar developments also take place in other sectors. Targeted investments employing collaborative IT to involve the public in energy counselling could lead to lower energy consumption and an increased consciousness of environmental issues in the society. A conclusion is that web 2.0-like initiatives could play a valuable role in the knowledge development and exchange between energy counsellors, and further the knowledge exchange between the counsellors, the regional energy agencies and the public. They could also help channel an energy interest among the public into a collaborative knowledge production, and contribute to a good quality factual basis for the conceptions that develop in society. This would strengthen both the energy counselling and the energy counsellor corps.communities, sustainability, sector transcendence, energy counselling, web 2.0.

    The Realms Of Knowledge Management From An Organizational Perspective

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    The international scenario of industrial competitiveness has tremendously transformed during the last few decades. Organizations competing in the global economy are facing different challenges in order to survive and make progress. The rapid advancements in computer technology, emergence of the internet, World Wide Web, and telecommunication devices have profoundly affected the activities of business organizations. These trends have forced the organizations to reshape and redefine their economic and business strategies. This factor can be counted as the knowledge boom which, in today’s developed world, is more appropriately referred to as the knowledge management. Knowledge Management is one of the burning topics nowadays, which has brought significant changes in organizations in developed countries and gave new impetus for global competition and new challenges for the organization in developing countries. This paper aims at providing a ground work for organizations in developing countries.  It will help organizations provide a framework for contribution to  knowledge management aspect and also enable organizations in developing countries, especially large organizations intending to globalize their operations, to analyze their position and design a future strategy accordingly

    Introduction: Global Coordinates of Internet Histories

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    This chapter introduces the particular angle and contribution of the Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories – the imperative to grasp the global character of Internet histories. The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories brings together research on local and international internet histories that have evolved in different regions, language cultures and social contexts across the globe. While the internet is now in its fifth decade, the understanding and formulation of its histories outside of an Anglophone framework is very much in its infancy. The emphasis of this volume is on understanding and formulating internet histories outside of the Anglophone case studies and theoretical paradigms that have so far dominated academic scholarship on internet history. Interdisciplinary in scope, the collection offers a variety of historical lenses on the development of the internet: as a new communications technology seen in the context of older technologies; as a new form of sociality read alongside previous technologically mediated means of relating; and as a new media ‘vehicle’ for the communication of content.Australian Research Counci

    A Survey of Distributed Enterprise Network and Systems Management Paradigms

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    Since the mid 1990s, network and systems management has steadily evolved from centralized paradigms, where the management application runs on a single management station, to distributed paradigms, where it is distributed over many nodes. In this survey, our goal is to classify all these paradigms, especially the new ones, in order to help network and systems administrators design a management application, and choose between mobile code, distributed objects, intelligent agents, etc. Step by step, we build an enhanced taxonomy based on four criteria: the delegation granularity, the semantic richness of the information model, the degree of specification of a task, and the degree of automation of management

    A Study of E-Business/E-Manufacturing Models

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    Traditional business methods are taking a drastic turn and changing to digitized businesses. Information and communication technology is being integrated into orthodox business practices and giving birth to e-business. E-business in turn, is looking up to e-business models for dynamic integration. The e-business concept was first explored. It was broken down into its smaller entities to make for a clearer and better understanding. Components of an electronic business were identified, and e-commerce was understood to be a subset of e-business. It was established that for a business to be e-business enabled, it required information and communication technology (ICT) to be integrated into its brick and mortar business practice. This showed that the e-business concept was not replacing traditional business practices but improving on it. The e-manufacturing business practice was also researched. This practice was found to be in essence e-business, but in the manufacturing context. It showed that e-manufacturing made for a dynamic integration of the complex manufacturing business practice in real-time. It linked shop floors to top floors, as well as all the other areas of the whole manufacturing supply chain. Adequate relevance was established for designing e-business and e-manufacturing models. This was achieved through rigorous literature review as well as a questionnaire survey. A hypothesis design and test based on the literature review was made to ascertain what models are utilized and in what context. Currently used models in different company sectors were discovered, and their subsequent benefits identified. Also reasons behind the adoption of the different models in the firms investigated were identified. Barriers associated with the e-business practice as well as the implementation of an e-business model were also identified. A measurement system was utilized to ascertain if the investigated models met that stated in the literature (i.e. product innovation, infrastructure and the network of partners, customer relation, and finance). This was adopted from that presented in the literature review. Based on the study, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations suggested.

    Montana Business Quarterly, Fall 1999

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    This is an academic publication produced by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) at the University of Montana’s College of Business. This is volume 37, number 3.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mtbusinessquarterly/1159/thumbnail.jp

    Building a Secure Intranet

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    This thesis will explain the vulnerabilities of computers in a networking environment and demonstrate proper procedures for building a secure Intranet. The Internet is built around the concept of open communication. Data is shared around the globe just as easily as it is from one office or cubical to the next. Corporations are skeptical about putting company data on such a public transport mechanism as the Internet, but the tools used on the Internet are exciting and everyone wants to use them. Out of a desire for the best of both worlds, the Intranet was born. An intranet that has no connection to the Internet can safely make a significant amount of company data available to employees, but when hosts are connected to the Internet, things change. Each application on the Internet comes with a threat to a company\u27s data. More office managers would probably install and use an Intranet if they understood them better and trusted them more. The purpose of his paper is to educate the non-technical manager in the subject of Internet applications and security mechanisms so that he or she can make an informed decision about installing an Intranet. There is so much software available for building and securing a Web site that many feel overwhelmed at the prospect of getting started. The goal will be to define the terms and acronyms used in this technology, and to evaluate the services and software available for building a secure Intranet. Securing a Web site requires some knowledge of TCP/IP, routers, firewalls and data encryption. These subjects will be covered at an introductory level with the goal of enabling the reader to understand the issues involved. The work will terminate in a project that builds an Intranet that shares data with a selective audience while securing it from others. The hardware and software configuration will be documented as a sample that can be duplicated in any office environment. The Web site will be built using some HTML coding to demonstrate the complexity of the language and some high-level software that demonstrates the value of these new tools. Two security specialists evaluated the project. They agreed that an Intranet built with the specifications in the project would be functional and secure
