6 research outputs found

    Many Server Scaling of the N-System Under FCFS-ALIS

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    The N-System with independent Poisson arrivals and exponential server-dependent service times under first come first served and assign to longest idle server policy has explicit steady state distribution. We scale the arrival and the number of servers simultaneously, and obtain the fluid and central limit approximation for the steady state. This is the first step towards exploring the many server scaling limit behavior of general parallel service systems

    Power-of-two sampling in redundancy systems:The impact of assignment constraints

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    A classical sampling strategy for load balancing policies is power-of-two, where any server pair is sampled with equal probability. This does not cover practical settings with assignment constraints which force non-uniform sampling. While intuition suggests that non-uniform sampling adversely impacts performance, this was only supported through simulations, and rigorous statements have remained elusive. Building on product-form distributions for redundancy systems, we prove the stochastic dominance of uniform sampling for a four-server system as well as arbitrary-size systems in light traffic.</p

    Design heuristic for parallel many server systems under FCFS-ALIS

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    We study a parallel service queueing system with servers of types s1,…,sJs_1,\ldots,s_J, customers of types c1,…,cIc_1,\ldots,c_I, bipartite compatibility graph G\mathcal{G}, where arc (ci,sj)(c_i, s_j) indicates that server type sjs_j can serve customer type cic_i, and service policy of first come first served FCFS, assign longest idle server ALIS. For a general renewal stream of arriving customers and general service time distributions, the behavior of such systems is very complicated, in particular the calculation of matching rates rci,sjr_{c_i,s_j}, the fraction of services of customers of type cic_i by servers of type sjs_j, is intractable. We suggest through a heuristic argument that if the number of servers becomes large, the matching rates are well approximated by matching rates calculated from the tractable FCFS bipartite infinite matching model. We present simulation evidence to support this heuristic argument, and show how this can be used to design systems for given performance requirements