6 research outputs found

    Vision-based interface for grasping intention detection and grip selection : towards intuitive upper-limb assistive devices

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    Assistive devices for indivuals with upper-limb movement often lack controllability and intuitiveness, in particular for grasping function. In this work, we introduce a novel user interface for grasping movement control in which the user delegates the grasping task decisions to the device, only moving their (potentially prosthetic) hand toward the targeted object

    Motion Primitives and Planning for Robots with Closed Chain Systems and Changing Topologies

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    When operating in human environments, a robot should use predictable motions that allow humans to trust and anticipate its behavior. Heuristic search-based planning offers predictable motions and guarantees on completeness and sub-optimality of solutions. While search-based planning on motion primitive-based (lattice-based) graphs has been used extensively in navigation, application to high-dimensional state-spaces has, until recently, been thought impractical. This dissertation presents methods we have developed for applying these graphs to mobile manipulation, specifically for systems which contain closed chains. The formation of closed chains in tasks that involve contacts with the environment may reduce the number of available degrees-of-freedom but adds complexity in terms of constraints in the high-dimensional state-space. We exploit the dimensionality reduction inherent in closed kinematic chains to get efficient search-based planning. Our planner handles changing topologies (switching between open and closed-chains) in a single plan, including what transitions to include and when to include them. Thus, we can leverage existing results for search-based planning for open chains, combining open and closed chain manipulation planning into one framework. Proofs regarding the framework are introduced for the application to graph-search and its theoretical guarantees of optimality. The dimensionality-reduction is done in a manner that enables finding optimal solutions to low-dimensional problems which map to correspondingly optimal full-dimensional solutions. We apply this framework to planning for opening and navigating through non-spring and spring-loaded doors using a Willow Garage PR2. The framework motivates our approaches to the Atlas humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics for both stationary manipulation and quasi-static walking, as a closed chain is formed when both feet are on the ground

    Manipulation of Documented Objects by a Walking Humanoid Robot

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    International audienceThis paper deals with manipulation task planning for a humanoid robot while stepping. It introduces the concept of "documented" objects, i.e. objects that provide information on how to manipulate them. The planning phase is decoupled into two parts. First a random motion planner uses the documentation of the object to quickly plan a collision free motion for a simplified model of the robot manipulating the object. Then an inverse kinematics solver animates the whole set of the robot's degrees of freedom by converting the simplified path into time parametrized tasks. Several examples show the generalization of the method

    Manipulation of documented objects by a walking humanoid robot

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    Motion planning for manipulation and/or navigation tasks with emphasis on humanoid robots

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    This thesis handles the motion planning problem for various robotic platforms. This is a fundamental problem, especially referring to humanoid robots for which it is particularly challenging for a number of reasons. The first is the high number of degrees of freedom. The second is that a humanoid robot is not a free-flying system in its configuration space: its motions must be generated appropriately. Finally, the implicit requirement that the robot maintains equilibrium, either static or dynamic, typically constrains the trajectory of the robot center of mass. In particular, we are interested in handling problems in which the robot must execute a task, possibly requiring stepping, in environments cluttered by obstacles. In order to solve this problem, we propose to use offline probabilistic motion planning techniques such as Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs) that consist in finding a solution by means of a graph built in an appropriately defined configuration space. The novelty of the approach is that it does not separate locomotion from task execution. This feature allows to generate whole-body movements while fulfilling the task. The task can be assigned as a trajectory or a single point in the task space or even combining tasks of different nature (e.g., manipulation and navigation tasks). The proposed method is also able to deform the task, if the assigned one is too difficult to be fulfilled. It automatically detects when the task should be deformed and which kind of deformation to apply. However, there are situations, especially when robots and humans have to share the same workspace, in which the robot has to be equipped with reactive capabilities (as avoiding moving obstacles), allowing to reach a basic level of safety. The final part of the thesis handles the rearrangement planning problem. This problem is interesting in view of manipulation tasks, where the robot has to interact with objects in the environment. Roughly speaking, the goal of this problem is to plan the motion for a robot whose assigned a task (e.g., move a target object in a goal region). Doing this, the robot is allowed to move some movable objects that are in the environment. The problem is difficult because we must plan in continuous, high-dimensional state and action spaces. Additionally, the physical constraints induced by the nonprehensile interaction between the robot and the objects in the scene must be respected. Our insight is to embed physics models in the planning stage, allowing robot manipulation and simultaneous objects interaction. Throughout the thesis, we evaluate the proposed planners through experiments on different robotic platforms