121 research outputs found

    Relevance of Agency Theory in Software Development

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    In the Information technology field there has been lots of development. The development of software is increasing every day. IT professional are developing software for different business needs. Software is developed with internal IT professional as well as out sourcing. In many cases the outsourcing has been unsuccessful. In some cases the internal software development has also created some conflict. The relationship between the software developers and the project mangers is undesirable. This paper address these failed relationships and suggest a solution to a problem. The solution would be to diagnose the relationship from both sides. Secondly Agency theory can be implemented to resolve the conflict between the two

    A case study of how reshoring affects the quality of software development

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    The purpose of this research is to provide more insightsinto the consequences of reshoring on the performance ofsoftware development. A thorough understanding of theconsequences of reshoring has been attained byinterviewing the stakeholders of a recently reshoredsoftware development department. This research embraceda multimethod qualitative approach.The insights gained from the case indicates that softwareperformance has been affected by reshoring. Due toreshoring, the software developers of the department aresitting next or close to each other. This results in lesscommunication complexity, more collaboration amongdevelopers and better understanding of the end-product.These consequences did lead to a higher software qualityperformance (SQP). Other than that, reshoring also camealong with some managerial implication, such as hiringnew developers. But there is no causal relationshipbetween reshoring and software quality performance.However, the consequences of reshoring do lead to ahigher SQP

    Knowledge Transfer And Acquisition In Is Outsourcing: Towards A Conceptual Framework

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    The knowledge management literature has recognized the importance of knowledge transfer and acquisition on organizational success and viability. However, there is a dearth of research that has explicitly focused on knowledge transfer and acquisition in the information systems (IS) outsourcing context, and in particular, the factors that facilitate or impede such transfer. This paper attempts to fill this gap by examining the factors that have been cited as significant influences on the ability to transfer knowledge from the vendor to the client organizations in the context of IS outsourcing. In this study, the factors are categorized into four groups and these groups are integrated into a conceptual framework. Conclusions are drawn about how effective knowledge transfer and acquisition can be managed in the context of IS outsourcing

    A Cost-sensitive Intelligent Prediction Model for Outsourced Software Project Risk

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    Outsourced software project is one of the main ways of software development, which is of high failure rate. Intelligent risk prediction model can help identify high risk project in time. However, the existing models are mostly based on such a hypothesis that all the cost of misclassification is equal, which is not consistent with the reality that in the domain of software project risk prediction, the cost of predicting a fail-prone project as a success-prone project is different from predicting a success-prone project as a fail-prone project. To the best of our knowledge, the cost-sensitive learning method has not yet been applied in the domain of outsourced software project risk management though it has been widely used in a variety of fields. Based on this situation, we selected five classifiers, and introduced cost-sensitive learning method to build intelligent prediction models respectively. This paper totally collected 292 real data of outsourced software project for modeling. Experiment results showed that, under cost-sensitive scenario, the polynomial kernel support vector machine is the best classifier for outsourced software project risk prediction among the five classifiers due to its high prediction accuracy, stability and low cost

    Software quality management improvement through mentoring: an exploratory study from GSD projects

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    Proceeding of: OTM 2011 Workshops: Confederated InternationalWorkshops and Posters: EI2N+NSF ICE, ICSP+INBAST, ISDE, ORM, OTMA, SWWS+MONET+SeDeS, and VADER 2011, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, October 17-21, 2011Software Quality Management (SQM) is a set of processes and procedures designed to assure the quality of software artifacts along with their development process. In an environment in which software development is evolving to a globalization, SQM is seen as one of its challenges. Global Software Development is a way to develop software across nations, continents, cultures and time zones. The aim of this paper is to detect if mentoring, one of the lead personnel development tools, can improve SQM of projects developed under GSD. The results obtained in the study reveal that the influence of mentoring on SQM is just temperate

    Business Models of ERP System Providers

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    This contribution will propose an analytically derived reference framework for business models of ERP system providers. First, ERP systems are defined. Further, implications from services marketing are outlined. The business model concept is defined and positioned against strategy and business processes. Furthermore, the business model framework is developed based on previous publications on business models and adapted to ERP system providers. The components of the business model framework are explained. This contribution concludes with a summary and further research questions
