6 research outputs found

    Editorial—A Survey of Research Questions for Intelligent Information Systems in Education

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    Education is an application domain in which many research questions from Intelligent Information Systems may prove their worth. We discuss three themes in this editorial: distributed education and learner modeling, semantic analysis of text, and intelligent information management.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46463/1/10844_2004_Article_386186.pd


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    ABSTRACT Modern developments in digital media technologies has made transmitting and storing large amounts of multi/rich media data (e.g. text, images, music, video and their combination

    Multimedia databases in managing the intangible cultural heritage

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    Motivacija za izradu ove doktorske disertacije je multimedijalna kolekcija koja je rezultat vi²egodi²njih terenskih istraºivanja istraºiva£a iz Balkanolo²kog instituta Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti. Kolekcija se sastoji od materijala u vidu snimljenih intervjua, snimljenih raznih obi£aja, pridruºenih tekstualnih opisa (protokola) i brojnih drugih dokumenata. Predmet istraºivanja ove disertacije je prou£avanje mogu¢nosti i razvoj novih metoda kojima bi se zapo£elo re²avanje problema upravljanja nematerijalnim kulturnim nasle em Balkana. Podzadaci koji se tom prilikom otvaraju su razvoj adekvatnog dizajna i implementacije multimedijalne baze podataka nematerijalnog kulturnog nasle a koja bi odgovarala potrebama razli£itih vrsta korisnika, automatska semanti£ka anotacija protokola uz pomo¢ metoda obrade prirodnih jezika, kao osnova za polu-automatsku anotaciju multimedijalne kolekcije i uspe²nu pretragu po metapodacima koji su u skladu sa CIDOC CRM standardom, istraºivanje dodatnih mogu¢nosti pretrage ove kolekcije u cilju dobijanja novih znanja, kao i razvoj izabranih metoda. Glavni problem sa dostupnim metodama je u tome ²to jo² uvek nema dovoljno razvijene infrastrukture u kontekstu obrade teksta na prirodnom jeziku, organizacije i upravljanja u domenu kulturnog nasle a na prostoru Balkana i posebno za slu£aj srpskog jezika, koja bi se mogla efektivno koristiti za re²avanje postavljenog problema. Stoga, postoji izraºena potreba za razvojem metoda kojima bi se do²lo do odgovaraju¢eg re²enja. Za polu-automatsku anotaciju multimedijalnih materijala kori²¢ena je automatska semanti£ka anotacija protokola koji su pridruºeni materijalima. Ona je sprovedena metodama ekstrakcije informacija, prepoznavanja imenovanih entiteta i ekstrakcije tema, tehnikama zasnovanim na pravilima uz pomo¢ dodatnih resursa poput elektronskih re£nika, tezaurusa i re£nika re£i iz speci£nog domena. Za klasikaciju tekstualnih protokola u odnosu na tematiku, izvedeno je istraºivanje o metodama koje se mogu primeniti za re²avanje problema klasikacije tekstova na srpskom jeziku, i ponu ena je metoda koja je prilago ena speci£nom domenu koji se obra uje (nematerijalno kulturno nasle e), speci£nim problemima koji se re²avaju (klasikacija protokola u odnosu na tematiku) i srpskom jeziku, kao jednom od morfolo²ki bogatih jezika...The motivation for writing this doctoral dissertation is a multimedia collection that is the result of many years of eld research conducted by researchers from the Institute for Balkan studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The collection consists of materials in the form of recorded interviews, various recorded customs, associated textual descriptions (protocols) and numerous other documents. The subject of research of this dissertation is the study of possibilities and the development of new methods that could be used as a starting point in solving the problem of managing the intangible cultural heritage of the Balkans. The subtasks that emerge in this endeavor are the development of adequate design and implementation of a multimedia database of intangible cultural heritage that would meet the needs of dierent types of users, automatic semantic annotation of protocols using natural language processing methods, as a basis for semi-automatic annotation of the multimedia collection, and successful search by metadata which comply with the CIDOC CRM standard, study of additional search possibilities of this collection in order to gain new knowledge, as well as development of selected methods. The main problem with the available methods is that there is still not enough developed infrastructure in the context of natural language processing, organization and management in the eld of cultural heritage in the Balkans and especially for the Serbian language, which could be eectively used to solve the proposed problem. There is thus a strong need to develop methods to reach an appropriate solution. For the semi-automatic annotation of multimedia materials, automatic semantic annotation of the protocols associated with the materials was used. It was carried out by methods of information extraction, recognition of named entities and topic extraction, using rule-based techniques with the help of additional resources such as electronic dictionaries, thesauri and vocabularies from a specic domain. To classify textual protocols in relation to the topic, research was conducted on methods that can be used to solve the problem of classifying texts in the Serbian language, and a method was oered that is adapted to the specic domain being processed (intangible cultural heritage), to the specic problems being solved (classi cation of protocols in relation to the topic) and to the Serbian language, as one of the morphologically rich languages..