2 research outputs found

    Control y gesti贸n de sondas de monitorizaci贸n Ethernet usando NETCONF y modelos de datos YANG

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    Actualmente la mayor铆a de dispositivos electr贸nicos que utilizamos est谩n conectados a Internet. Para que todos estos dispositivos tengan un buen rendimiento se necesita una buena calidad de red. La monitorizaci贸n de par谩metros de calidad de servicio (QoS) nos permite detectar anomal铆as y conocer por qu茅 se est谩n produciendo o d贸nde est谩n los problemas. Con el paso del tiempo la complejidad de los sistemas de monitorizaci贸n ha crecido y la gesti贸n de los mismos (realizada tradicionalmente con protocolos como SNMP) se ha convertido en una tarea muy importante. Por este motivo, es necesario crear sistemas de gesti贸n y control de sondas que sean est谩ndares, interoperables y sencillos. En concreto, el protocolo est谩ndar NETCONF junto con las definiciones de modelos de datos en YANG est谩n siendo utilizados en los 煤ltimos a帽os para gestionar de manera transparente equipos de red y middleboxes. En este proyecto se aborda el estudio y la posterior implementaci贸n del control remoto de sondas Ethernet, a trav茅s del protocolo NETCONF y su modelo de datos YANG asociado. El protocolo NETCONF define un mecanismo simple a trav茅s del cual podemos gestionar un dispositivo de red, obtener informaci贸n sobre la configuraci贸n del dispositivo y manipular o actualizar ficheros de configuraci贸n. YANG es un lenguaje de modelado de datos que define una jerarqu铆a sobre los mismos. Adem谩s, se propone la implementaci贸n de estas funcionalidades integradas dentro de un entorno Web que permita realizar operaciones f谩cilmente y de una manera pr谩ctica para el usuario. En concreto, en este proyecto se ha implementado la ejecuci贸n remota de varias herramientas de an谩lisis de red (tanto activas como pasivas) con las que se puede obtener una visi贸n global del rendimiento de la misma. Esta caracter铆stica dota al entorno web desarrollado de la posibilidad de analizar datos en tiempo real y no depender de la propia configuraci贸n de la sonda, permitiendo a los analistas de red realizar mediciones en momentos en los que se detecte alguna anomal铆a. La implementaci贸n propuesta en este trabajo ha sido probada con 茅xito en un entorno virtual que ha permitido validar el correcto funcionamiento de la herramienta, as铆 como definir los casos de uso de utilidad para los analistas y gestores de red.Currently most of the electronic devices are connect to the Internet. Good network quality is required for all these devices. Monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) parameters allows us to detect anomalies and know why they are occurring. Over time, the complexity of monitoring systems has grown and management (traditionally performed with protocols such as SNMP) has become a very important task. For such a reason, it is necessary to create management and control systems for probes that are standard, interoperable and simple. Specifically, the standard protocol NETCONF along with the definitions of YANG data models are being used in recent years to manage network equipment and middleboxes. In this project we will study and implement the remote control of Ethernet probes, using the NETCONF protocol and YANG data models. The NETCONF protocol defines a simple mechanism through which we can manage a network device, obtain information about the configuration of the device and manipulate or update configuration files. YANG is a data modeling language that defines a hierarchy over them. In addition, this work proposes the implementation of these functionalities integrated within a Web environment that allows perform operations easily. In particular, this project has implemented the remote execution of several network analysis tools (for active and passive measurements) that allows obtaining an overall view of the performance of the network This feature provides the developed web environment the possibility of analyzing data in real time and not depending on the probe's own configuration, thus allowing network analysts to perform measurements when an anomaly is detected. The implementation proposed in this work has been successfully tested in a virtual environment that has allowed validating the correct operation of the tool, as well as defining useful use cases for analysts and network managers

    Cloud-based Distributed Internet Measurement Platform

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    Cloud computing has become an essential component of most networked applications today. Thus, Internet failures that prevent access to cloud data centres are sources of service disruptions and monetary losses. To prevent such failures, Internet measurement platforms are utilised to run network diagnostic tests to probe the Internet and identify anomalies. However, maintaining such platforms is complex, as it may involve large amounts of hardware and servers and has non-negligible monetary costs. This thesis investigates the possibility of implementing an Internet measurement platform leveraging the serverless computing paradigm. To this end, the work proposes the design and implementation of a novel cloud-based measurement platform in a serverless fashion. The proposed solution is then evaluated against the more traditional approach of using virtual machines in Google Compute Engine. Cost comparison between the two approaches shows that the serverless solution significantly reduces costs if the duration of the network measurement is below 22 minutes. As a drawback, performing measurements on the serverless approach exhibits slightly higher, yet negligible for measurement platforms, response time than the virtual machine-based approach; about 13.37% longer with 20.3 ms of difference