6,361 research outputs found

    Smart tourism – city tourism radar : a tourism monitoring tool at the city of Lisbon

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe increasing demand for Lisbon has led to an uncontrolled access to the city’s main attractions, which is reflected in the number of visitors that can be encountered at the city. Smart Tourism Destinations are gaining relevance in Smart Cities in everyday life, and technology is intricated more than ever in the cities and its citizens. Open Governance is a vital concept in any modern city and data is shared and available like never before. It is proposed a conceptual model to a city tourism dashboard and its materialization using Open Data from the city’s public portal, produced by the Lisbon City Council and other partners. It is also suggested a method to the conception of this tool and the main indicators that must be included based on the actual state of the art. It concludes with a proposal of future developments to perform on the smart tourism destinations area.O aumento da procura de Lisboa como destino turístico conduziu a um acesso descontrolado aos seus principais pontos turísticos, refletindo-se no elevado número de visitantes que se visitam a cidade. As Smart Tourism Destinations estão a ganhar cada vez mais importância no dia-a-dia das Smart Cities, e a tecnologia está cada vez mais intrínseca nas cidades e nos seus cidadãos. Open Governance é um conceito vital em qualquer cidade atual, já que existem dados e informação disponíveis hoje em dia como nunca existiram antes. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma framework conceptual para visualizar a informação adequada à tomada de decisão no turismo de uma cidade onde são apresentados os principais indicadores que devem ser incluídos na mesma, com base no estado de arte atual. É também sugerido um método de instanciação desta ferramenta, utilizando dados abertos do portal público de dados abertos produzidos pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e por outras entidades. Este trabalho é concluído com uma proposta de futuros desenvolvimentos a realizar na área de Smart Tourism Destinations

    Designing Mobile Learning Interventions for Language Learners

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    Book chapter: full reference:Palalas, A., & Anderson, T. (2013). Designing Mobile Learning Interventions for Language Learners. In T. Plomp & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research). Enschede, NL: SLO. Retrieved from http://international.slo.nl/edr Book flyer at http://bit.ly/1d95a2fThis chapter presents a case of an EDR study completed at a Canadian community college and resulting in the development of an innovative educational intervention, Mobile–Enabled Language Learning Eco-System (MELLES), as well as corresponding MELLES design principles, which emerged from this interdisciplinary research experience. The first section of the chapter provides an overview of the educational problem targeted by the study, the purpose and outcomes of the research, as well as the overarching research question. The description of the EDR methodology then follows including its phases, cycles and micro-cycles. The MELLES study adopted the Integrative Learning Design Framework (IDLF) (Bannan, 2009) for design-based research and the corresponding nomenclature. Accordingly, we refer to the preliminary phase of conceptualization as Informed Exploration, followed by the design/development phase called Enactment, and the assessment phase referred to as Evaluation: Local Context. The Purpose and Outcomes and the Study Results sections of this chapter summarize the key outcomes of the study which included the development of a prototype MELLES educational intervention, replicable design principles guiding the creation of such an intervention, a refined theoretical framework of Ecological Constructivism and a comment on the professional development benefits reaped by the study participants and observers. With emphasis given to the praxis of the EDR approach, the Reflections section revisits the main features of the EDR method as distilled from our study, which demonstrates that EDR both enhanced the design and implementation of the study and was able to guide measurement of its efficacy in this context


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    This book focuses on “massive codesign”: the idea that multiple and/or numerous participants having different voices collaborate in a design pro- cess broken down into different steps and formats and resulting in a relevant and diversified amount of data. Services, strategies and scenarios are presented as the main field of ap- plication: these are complex items that demand complex processes be tac- kled, processes in which it is necessary to involve a variety of players who are largely interdependent and therefore who must collaborate in order to achieve any goal. The book essentially makes two main contributions: a “Collaborative De- sign Framework” to identify and structure codesign activities, methods and tools within massive creative processes; a “set of quick lessons learnt” to provide guidance to the conception and organisation of other massive crea- tive processes. The whole book is oriented at practice: it discusses codesign activities from the designer’s point of view, detailing issues such as process from beginning to end, activity flow, manipulability of tools, roles and rules for participants and many others. It is intended as a support for designers dealing in massive codesign processes and aims towards improved results

    From data to innovation : empowering sustainable new product development with AI and data science : insights from Portuguese industries

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    Unlocking the potential of AI and Data Science (AI/DS) in New Product Development (NPD) stands as a promising avenue for innovation acceleration. According to Gomes (2022), despite recognizing the potential of these technologies for better decision-making, many Portuguese firms lack the resources, hindering competitiveness and innovation.This dissertation examines this paradox, aiming to reveal the AI/DS potential for 'Innovation Analytics' in Portugal's NPD landscape. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys, semi-structured interviews, and a practical application, this study investigates the impact of AI/DS adoption on sustainable NPD. Key contributions of this research include a proposed conceptual framework harmonizing both AI/DS and functional departments with Cooper's Stage-Gate model (potentially acting as a roadmap for AI/DS implementation for NPD), insights from AI/DS adoption and a practical examples for rapid innovation using AI tools. The study's insights highlight correlations between AI/DS interest and innovation in NPD, supported by real-world cases. Additionally, a practical application employing AI tools like DALL·E and ChatGPT demonstrates these technologies transformative potential for rapid innovation, improving market research efficiency and product concept visualization. While some Portuguese industry sectors exhibited varied AI/DS adoption profiles, the study found that these sectoral differences were not significant. The insights offered provide guidance for venturing into the realm of AI/DS-powered sustainable innovation.A inclusão da Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Dados (IA/CD) no Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos (DNP) surge como potencial acelerador da inovação. Segundo Gomes (2022) apesar de considerarem estas tecnologias para uma melhor tomada de decisão, muitas empresas portuguesas carecem de recursos, limitando a competitividade e inovação. Pretende-se examinar o potencial da IA/CD no contexto do DNP sustentável em Portugal. Utilizando uma abordagem com métodos mistos: inquéritos, entrevistas semiestruturadas e uma aplicação prática, investigou-se o impacto da IA/CD no DNP. As contribuições-chave englobam uma proposta de framework conceptual alinhando IA/CD com departamentos funcionais, baseada no modelo Stage-Gate de Cooper (servindo como guia de implementação), insights das diversas indústrias na adoção da IA/CD e um exemplo prático para a inovação sustentável. Foram descobertas correlações entre o interesse em IA/CD e a inovação no DNP. Adicionalmente, um guia prático, utilizando ferramentas de IA como DALL·E e ChatGPT, evidencia o potencial transformador destas tecnologias para inovação célere, melhorando a pesquisa de mercado e a visualização de conceitos de produtos. Apesar de alguns setores da indústria portuguesa apresentarem perfis variados de adoção de IA/CD, concluiu-se que essas diferenças setoriais não são significativas. Reconhecendo limitações, esta dissertação fornece orientações no domínio da inovação sustentável impulsionada pela IA/CD

    Participatory simulation in hospital work system design

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    When ergonomic considerations are integrated into the design of work systems, both overall system performance and employee well-being improve. A central part of integrating ergonomics in work system design is to benefit from emplo y-ees’ knowledge of existing work systems. Participatory simulation (PS) is a method to access employee knowledge; namely employees are involved in the simulation and design of their own future work systems through the exploration of models representing work system designs. However, only a few studies have investigated PS and the elements of the method. Yet understanding the elements is essential when analyzing and planning PS in research and practice.This PhD study investigates PS and the method elements in the context of the Danish hospital sector, where PS is applied in the renewal and design of public hospitals and the work systems within the hospitals. The investigation was guided by three research questions focusing on: 1) the influence of simulation media on ergonomic evaluation in PS, 2) the creation of ergonomic knowledge in PS, and 3) the transfer and integration of the ergonomic knowledge into work system design.The investigation was based on three PS cases in the Danish hospital sector. The cases were analyzed from an ergonomics system perspective combined with theories on knowledge creation, transfer, and integration. The results are presented in six scientific papers from which three core findings are extracted: 1) simulation media attributes influence the type of ergonomic conditions that can be evaluated in PS, 2) sequences and overlaps of knowledge creation activities are sources of ergonomic knowledge creation in PS, and 3) intermediaries are means of knowledge transfer, and interpretation and transformation are means of knowledge integration

    Creation of digital tools for a better foreign visitor experience of Espai Far

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'.This document will explore a research which have been done for a museum located in Vilanova I La Getru, Catalonia, Spain. The museum is called Espai Far, what stands for Lighthouse space. Espai Far approached UPC to find a team of international students for doing research and for identifying the approaches the museum needs, to increase the users experience. The team is a group of international designers and engineers on an international design semester, each possessing skills and attributes which will be essential for the completion of this project. Espai Far shows the richness of Vilanova’s maritime inheritance. The Espai Far has three exhibition spaces and opened in July, 2016. The project began at the beginning of February 2017. The team fist got introduced with the museum itself. The first thing which got clear was that al the information was only available in Catalan, besides that the museum has limited space which leaves no room for translation in other languages. The main goal for this project is to improve the visitors’ experience. Firstly, the team wanted to know who are the visitors of Espai Far? Therefore, the team decided to do research on the visitors’ experience, the number of visitors and their origins. With the answers which are provided from this surveys, it became clear for the team which further steps have to be taken. In collaboration with the supervisors there has be agreed on the next steps: • Create new digital tools o Webpage For the most effective template the team did research which can be found in chapter seven. This chapter shows some examples and mock-ups about the final website. Unfortunate the team was not able to create a working webpage and the webpage is now still under construction. o Promotion video´s The team made as well a promotion video with several pictures about Espai Far. In the video shows about the three different parts of the museum, the collaboration with schools and about other activities they organise. The video can be used on the webpage of Espai Far or for instance on social media. Besides the webpage and the promotion videos the team decided to create four more digital tools. First, the team created a navigation video, which shows the route from the train station in Vilanova to Espai Far. In the video shows pictures, street names and recognition sites. Second, panoramic pictures of the museum. Third, the use of QR-codes. Fourth, surveys on GoogleDocs. • Translate the most important information about the museum, which can be placed on the new webpage: The most important information is translated in multiple languages Spanish, English, French and Dutch. • Research on marketing purpose: To discover how Espai far can improve the visitors experience as well, the team did research on the marketing approach of Espai Far. The team had an interview with Mar Sanchez, the director of Espai Far about the actual situation of Espai Far. Besides that, the team also took interviews with other museums as well to compare their strategies with Espai Far’s. • Improve the interactivity in the museum: Interactivity in the museum is also a part of the user experience, that´s why the team invented some interactive ideas for Espai Far. These ideas can be found in chapter 6.2

    Massive Codesign

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    "This book focuses on ""massive codesign"": the idea that multiple and/or numerous participants having different voices collaborate in a design process broken down into different steps and formats and resulting in a relevant and diversified amount of data. Services, strategies and scenarios are presented as the main field of application: these are complex items that demand complex processes be tackled, processes in which it is necessary to involve a variety of players who are largely interdependent and therefore who must collaborate in order to achieve any goal. The book essentially makes two main contributions: a ""Collaborative Design Framework"" to identify and structure codesign activities, methods and tools within massive creative processes; a ""set of quick lessons learnt"" to provide guidance to the conception and organisation of other massive creative processes. The whole book is oriented at practice: it discusses codesign activities from the designer's point of view, detailing issues such as process from beginning to end, activity flow, manipulability of tools, roles and rules for participants and many others. It is intended as a support for designers dealing in massive codesign processes and aims towards improved results.