179 research outputs found

    IP and ATM - current evolution for integrated services

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    Current and future applications make use of different technologies as voice, data, and video. Consequently network technologies need to support them. For many years, the ATM based Broadband-ISDN has generally been regarded as the ultimate networking technology, which can integrate voice, data, and video services. With the recent tremendous growth of the Internet and the reluctant deployment of public ATM networks, the future development of ATM seems to be less clear than it used to be. In the past IP provided (and was though to provide) only best effort services, thus, despite its world wide diffution, was not considered as a network solution for multimedia application. Currently many of the IETF working groups work on areas related to integrated services, and IP is also proposing itself as networking technology for supporting voice, data, and video services. This paper give a technical overview on the competing integrated services network solutions, such as IP, ATM and the different available and emerging technologies on how to run IP over ATM, and tries to identify their potential and shortcomings

    Multidomain Network Based on Programmable Networks: Security Architecture

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    This paper proposes a generic security architecture designed for a multidomain and multiservice network based on programmable networks. The multiservice network allows users of an IP network to run programmable services using programmable nodes located in the architecture of the network. The programmable nodes execute codes to process active packets, which can carry user data and control information. The multiservice network model defined here considers the more pragmatic trends in programmable networks. In this scenario, new security risks that do not appear in traditional IP networks become visible. These new risks are as a result of the execution of code in the programmable nodes and the processing of the active packets. The proposed security architecture is based on symmetric cryptography in the critical process, combined with an efficient manner of distributing the symmetric keys. Another important contribution has been to scale the security architecture to a multidomain scenario in a single and efficient way.Publicad

    IP and ATM - a position paper

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    This paper gives a technical overview of different networking technologies, such as the Internet, ATM. It describes different approaches of how to run IP on top of an ATM network, and assesses their potential to be used as an integrated services network

    Building Programmable Wireless Networks: An Architectural Survey

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    In recent times, there have been a lot of efforts for improving the ossified Internet architecture in a bid to sustain unstinted growth and innovation. A major reason for the perceived architectural ossification is the lack of ability to program the network as a system. This situation has resulted partly from historical decisions in the original Internet design which emphasized decentralized network operations through co-located data and control planes on each network device. The situation for wireless networks is no different resulting in a lot of complexity and a plethora of largely incompatible wireless technologies. The emergence of "programmable wireless networks", that allow greater flexibility, ease of management and configurability, is a step in the right direction to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings of the wireless networks. In this paper, we provide a broad overview of the architectures proposed in literature for building programmable wireless networks focusing primarily on three popular techniques, i.e., software defined networks, cognitive radio networks, and virtualized networks. This survey is a self-contained tutorial on these techniques and its applications. We also discuss the opportunities and challenges in building next-generation programmable wireless networks and identify open research issues and future research directions.Comment: 19 page

    Global Standards for Supply Chain Management in Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

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    Development and evaluation of a reference measurement model for assessing the resource and energy efficiency of software products and components—Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM)

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    In the past decade, research on measuring and assessing the environmental impact of software has gained significant momentum in science and industry. However, due to the large number of research groups, measurement setups, procedure models, tools, and general novelty of the research area, a comprehensive research framework has yet to be created. The literature documents several approaches from researchers and practitioners who have developed individual methods and models, along with more general ideas like the integration of software sustainability in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or science communication approaches to make the resource cost of software transparent to society. However, a reference measurement model for the energy and resource consumption of software is still missing. In this article, we jointly develop the Green Software Measurement Model (GSMM), in which we bring together the core ideas of the measurement models, setups, and methods of over 10 research groups in four countries who have done pioneering work in assessing the environmental impact of software. We briefly describe the different methods and models used by these research groups, derive the components of the GSMM from them, and then we discuss and evaluate the resulting reference model. By categorizing the existing measurement models and procedures and by providing guidelines for assimilating and tailoring existing methods, we expect this work to aid new researchers and practitioners who want to conduct measurements for their individual use cases

    stochastic modeling and analysis of 3g mobile communication systems

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    Third-generation (3G) mobile communication systems are currently one of the key communication technologies in research and development due to the high market demand for advanced wireless communication. The current evolution is primarily characterized by a transition from circuit-switched voice-oriented networks to integrated multi-service all IP networks. To effectively design complex mobile communication systems, the design process should be accompanied by stochastic modeling and quantitative evaluation of different design alternatives. The most popular language for model specification used in industrial projects is the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Although conceived as a general-purpose modeling language, the current version of the UML does not contain building blocks for introducing stochastic timing into UML diagrams.The first part of this thesis presents new results for numerical quantitative analysis of discrete-event stochastic systems specified in Petri net notation or as UML diagrams. An efficient algorithm for the state space generation out of an UML state diagram or activity diagram that allows quantitative analysis by means of the underlying stochastic process is presented. Furthermore, this thesis considers new methodological results for the effective numerical analysis of finite-state generalized semi-Markov processes with exponential and deterministic events by an embedded general state space Markov chain (GSSMC). Key contributions constitute (i) the observation that elements of the transition kernel of the GSSMC can always be computed by appropriate summation of transient state probabilities of continuous-time Markov chains and (ii) the derivation of conditions under which kernel elements are constant. To provide automated tool support, the presented algorithms are included in the software package DSPNexpress-NG available for download on the Web.The support of multimedia services over wireless channels presents a number of technical challenges. One of the major challenges is to effectively utilize the scarce radio bandwidth in the access network by adaptive control of system parameters. The second part of this thesis is devoted to this topic. A Markov model representing the sharing of radio channels by circuit-switched connections and packet-switched sessions under a dynamic channel allocation scheme is evaluated. Closing the loop between network operation and network control, a framework for the adaptive quality of service management for 3G mobile networks is introduced. Building on this framework, a novel call admission control and bandwidth reservation scheme for the optimization of quality of service for mobile subscribers is presented. The performance of the solutions proposed in this thesis is investigated experimentally based on numerical quantitative analysis and discrete-event simulation

    Calypso Service Architecture for Broadband Networks

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    The Calypso project aims at developing an extremely flexible control and service architecture for ATM-based broadband networks. This architecture provides various alternatives to distribute the network and service control functions among clients, servers and different network nodes. This means that a control or service function can reside not only in a network node, but in the customer's workstation or in the service provider's dedicated server. Instead of the traditional ATM or IN signalling, the Calypso architecture uses the TCP/IP protocol suite for the management and control of the network and services. The management, control and user data is transferred by means of IP switching. In addition to IP switching, the architecture will support endto -end native ATM streams with guaranteed Quality of Service. In this paper we compare the Calypso architecture with the traditional B-ISDN and IN architectures. We focus on describing the Java-based Service Execution Environment that provides..

    A comparative reliability analysis of ETCS train radio communications

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    StoCharts have been proposed as a UML statechart extension for performance and dependability evaluation, and were applied in the context of train radio reliability assessment to show the principal tractability of realistic cases with this approach. In this paper, we extend on this bare feasibility result in two important directions. First, we sketch the cornerstones of a mechanizable translation of StoCharts to MoDeST. The latter is a process algebra-based formalism supported by the Motor/Möbius tool tandem. Second, we exploit this translation for a detailed analysis of the train radio case study

    Inter-organizational Integration of Smart Objects: White Spots in the Solution Landscape

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    The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) has sparked considerable efforts in research and development over the past decade.Much of these efforts were driven by applications of RFID technology for monitoring the flow of goods and prominent earlyadopters such as Wal-Mart and Metro Group. Also, the global standards organization GS1 provided a number of wellrecognized specifications that are tailored to monitor objects across organizations.Development of the IoT has certainly benefited from the strong demand for monitoring goods in business applications.However, the dominance of these application scenarios and corresponding standards comes at the risk of neglectingrequirements from other domains. In this paper, we review the focus of existing works. Our contribution is twofold. (1) Usinga systematic literature review, we analyze existing research contributions and identify underrepresented areas. (2) We discussselected approaches in detail and highlight open issues in the covered functionality. The aim of our work is to raise awarenessfor open potentials in the IoT service domain and to direct future research and developments
