132,428 research outputs found

    Majority problems of large query size

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    We study two models of the Majority problem. We are given n balls and an unknown coloring of them with two colors. We can ask sets of balls of size k as queries, and in the so-called General Model the answer to a query shows if all the balls in the set are of the same color or not. In the so-called Counting Model the answer to a query gives the difference between the cardinalities of the color classes in the query. Our goal is to show a ball of the larger color class, or prove that the color classes are of the same size, using as few queries as possible. In this paper we improve the bounds given by De Marco and Kranakis for the number of queries needed.Comment: We cut the non-adaptive results from the first version to publish separatel

    On non-adaptive majority problems of large query size

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    We are given nn balls and an unknown coloring of them with two colors. Our goal is to find a ball that belongs to the larger color class, or show that the color classes have the same size. We can ask sets of kk balls as queries, and the problem has different variants, according to what the answers to the queries can be. These questions has attracted several researchers, but the focus of most research was the adaptive version, where queries are decided sequentially, after learning the answer to the previous query. Here we study the non-adaptive version, where all the queries have to be asked at the same time.Comment: 12 page

    Finding a non-minority ball with majority answers

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    Suppose we are given a set of nn balls {b1,,bn}\{b_1,\ldots,b_n\} each colored either red or blue in some way unknown to us. To find out some information about the colors, we can query any triple of balls {bi1,bi2,bi3}\{b_{i_1},b_{i_2},b_{i_3}\}. As an answer to such a query we obtain (the index of) a {\em majority ball}, that is, a ball whose color is the same as the color of another ball from the triple. Our goal is to find a {\em non-minority ball}, that is, a ball whose color occurs at least n2\frac n2 times among the nn balls. We show that the minimum number of queries needed to solve this problem is Θ(n)\Theta(n) in the adaptive case and Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3) in the non-adaptive case. We also consider some related problems

    Pseudo-random graphs and bit probe schemes with one-sided error

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    We study probabilistic bit-probe schemes for the membership problem. Given a set A of at most n elements from the universe of size m we organize such a structure that queries of type "Is x in A?" can be answered very quickly. H.Buhrman, P.B.Miltersen, J.Radhakrishnan, and S.Venkatesh proposed a bit-probe scheme based on expanders. Their scheme needs space of O(nlogm)O(n\log m) bits, and requires to read only one randomly chosen bit from the memory to answer a query. The answer is correct with high probability with two-sided errors. In this paper we show that for the same problem there exists a bit-probe scheme with one-sided error that needs space of O(n\log^2 m+\poly(\log m)) bits. The difference with the model of Buhrman, Miltersen, Radhakrishnan, and Venkatesh is that we consider a bit-probe scheme with an auxiliary word. This means that in our scheme the memory is split into two parts of different size: the main storage of O(nlog2m)O(n\log^2 m) bits and a short word of logO(1)m\log^{O(1)}m bits that is pre-computed once for the stored set A and `cached'. To answer a query "Is x in A?" we allow to read the whole cached word and only one bit from the main storage. For some reasonable values of parameters our space bound is better than what can be achieved by any scheme without cached data.Comment: 19 page