3 research outputs found

    Set-based design of mechanical systems with design robustness integrated

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    This paper presents a method for parameter design of mechanical products based on a set-based approach. Set-based concurrent engineering emphasises on designing in a multi-stakeholder environment with concurrent involvement of the stakeholders in the design process. It also encourages flexibility in design through communication in terms of ranges instead of fixed point values and subsequent alternative solutions resulting from intersection of these ranges. These alternative solutions can then be refined and selected according to the designers’ preferences and clients’ needs. This paper presents a model and tools for integrated flexible design that take into account the manufacturing variations as well as the design objectives for finding inherently robust solutions using QCSP transformation through interval analysis. In order to demonstrate the approach, an example of design of rigid flange coupling with a variable number of bolts and a choice of bolts from ISO M standard has been resolved and demonstrated

    Maintaining Global Hull Consistency with Local Search for Continuous CSPs

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    This paper addresses constraint solving over continuous domains in the context of decision making, and discusses the trade-off between precision in the definition of the solution space and the computational efforts required. In alternative to local consistency, we propose maintaining global hull-consistency and present experimental results that show that this may be an appropriate alternative to other higher order consistencies. We tested various global hull enforcing algorithms and the best results were obtained with the integration of a local search procedure within interval constraint propagation

    Constraint reasoning for differential models

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    The basic motivation of this work was the integration of biophysical models within the interval constraints framework for decision support. Comparing the major features of biophysical models with the expressive power of the existing interval constraints framework, it was clear that the most important inadequacy was related with the representation of differential equations. System dynamics is often modelled through differential equations but there was no way of expressing a differential equation as a constraint and integrate it within the constraints framework. Consequently, the goal of this work is focussed on the integration of ordinary differential equations within the interval constraints framework, which for this purpose is extended with the new formalism of Constraint Satisfaction Differential Problems. Such framework allows the specification of ordinary differential equations, together with related information, by means of constraints, and provides efficient propagation techniques for pruning the domains of their variables. This enabled the integration of all such information in a single constraint whose variables may subsequently be used in other constraints of the model. The specific method used for pruning its variable domains can then be combined with the pruning methods associated with the other constraints in an overall propagation algorithm for reducing the bounds of all model variables. The application of the constraint propagation algorithm for pruning the variable domains, that is, the enforcement of local-consistency, turned out to be insufficient to support decision in practical problems that include differential equations. The domain pruning achieved is not, in general, sufficient to allow safe decisions and the main reason derives from the non-linearity of the differential equations. Consequently, a complementary goal of this work proposes a new strong consistency criterion, Global Hull-consistency, particularly suited to decision support with differential models, by presenting an adequate trade-of between domain pruning and computational effort. Several alternative algorithms are proposed for enforcing Global Hull-consistency and, due to their complexity, an effort was made to provide implementations able to supply any-time pruning results. Since the consistency criterion is dependent on the existence of canonical solutions, it is proposed a local search approach that can be integrated with constraint propagation in continuous domains and, in particular, with the enforcing algorithms for anticipating the finding of canonical solutions. The last goal of this work is the validation of the approach as an important contribution for the integration of biophysical models within decision support. Consequently, a prototype application that integrated all the proposed extensions to the interval constraints framework is developed and used for solving problems in different biophysical domains