6 research outputs found

    Evolution von Software-Architekturen

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    In diesem technischen Bericht wird die Evolution von Software-Architekturen anhand von kleinen, effizient und schnell ausführbaren, systematischen Schritten dargestellt. Die Architektur wird dabei so adaptiert, dass diese sich besser für die Erweiterung um neue Funktionalität eignet. Die Umgestaltungsschritte werden durch einen dargestellten Kalkül formal beschrieben, wodurch die Implikationen präzise und bis hin zu notwendigen Beweisverpflichtungen festgelegt sind. Dabei bleibt das migrierte System in jedem Zwischenschritt lauffähig, kann so weiter im Produktiveinsatz verbleiben und permanenten Tests unterzogen werden

    A software infrastructure to support component based software architecture construction

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    Orientador: Cecilia Mary Fischer RubiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os paradigmas de arquitetura de software e de desenvolvimento baseado em componentes (DBC) são abordagens complementares para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de software. O DBC se baseia na construção de sistemas através da integração de componentes de software reutilizáveis. A arquitetura de software auxilia na forma como estes componentes são integrados levando em consideração atributos de qualidade, tais como confiabilidade e distribuição. Entretanto, observa-se atualmente a falta de consenso entre os conceitos, termos e definições utilizados nas abordagens de arquitetura de software e de DBC, dificultando a integração das respectivas técnicas e ferramentas. As ferramentas e ambientes atuais para descrição de arquiteturas de software não apóiam todas as fases dos processos de DBC, normalmente não geram implementações das arquiteturas e não implementam conceitos importantes de DBC, tais como especificações de interfaces providas e requeridas. Por outro lado, ferramentas e ambientes DBC atuais, em geral, são baseados em modelagem UML e não englobam todos os conceitos presentes em arquitetura de software, tais como estilos arquiteturais e uso explícito de conectores. Este trabalho apresenta uma infra-estrutura de software para construção de arquiteturas de software baseadas em componentes, composta por um conjunto de ferramentas que estentem o ambiente integrado de desenvolvimento Eclipse. As ferramentas foram construídas sobre um metamodelo conceitual integrado para arquitetura de software e DBC, que define e relaciona os conceitos existentes nas duas abordagens. Esta infra- estrutura faz parte do ambiente Bellatrix, um ambiente integrado de desenvolvimento que oferece apoio ao DBC com ênfase na arquitetura de software. As ferramentas apóiam a construção de arquiteturas de software baseadas em componentes desde a sua especificação, passando pelo seu projeto até a sua materialização em forma de código. O modelo de componentes utilizado é o COSMOS, um modelo de implementação de componentes que materializa os conceitos de arquiteturas de software em uma linguagem de programação. No caso do ambiente Bellatrix, a linguagem de programação adotada é JavaAbstract: Component-based development (CBD) and architecture-centric development are two complementary approaches for developing software systems. CBD is based on the construction of systems using the integration of reusable software components. Software architecture centric development complements the CBD paradigm because it is responsible for the component integration, achieving the final system's desired quality requirements, such as dependability and distribution. However, there is a lack of consensus among the concepts, terms, and definitions used in the software architecture and CBD paradigms, hindering the integration of techniques and tools. Existing software architecture environments and tools do not support all the phases involved in CBD process, normally do not generate architecture implementations and do not implement the main CBD concepts, e.g. specification of provided and required interfaces. CBD tools and environments, in general, use UML modeling and do not cover the main software architecture concepts, e.g. architectural styles and architectural connectors. In this work, we propose a software infrastructure to construct component-based software architectures. It has been built as a set of tools that extend the Eclipse integrated development environment. These tools were constructed based on an integrated conceptual metamodel for software architectures and CBD. This metamodel defines and relates the main concepts of the two paradigms. The infrastructure is included in the Bellatix environment, an integrated development environment that supports CBD with emphasis on software architecture. The tools support the construction of component-based software architectures since the specification phase, through the design, until its materialization in code. The component model used is COSMOS, a component implementation model that materializes the elements of a software architecture using the concepts available in object-oriented programming languages. In Bellatix environment, the adopted programming language is JavaMestradoSistemas de InformaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    SAVCBS 2003: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems

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    These are the proceedings for the SAVCBS 2003 workshop. This workshop was held at ESEC/FSE 2003 in Helsinki Finland in September 2003

    Actes des 2èmes journées sur l’Ingénierie Dirigée

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    National audienceL’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM), appelée en anglais MDE (Model-Driven Engineering) ou aussi MDD (Model-Driven Development) place le modèle au centre du processus de conception et permet à cette notion de modèle de passer d’un rôle contemplatif à un rôle unificateur vis-à-vis des autres activités du cycle de développement du logiciel. L’IDM doit alors être vu non pas comme une révolution, mais comme un moyen d’intégrationde différents espaces techniques pour aller vers une production automatisée des logiciels.L’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles apporte alors des solutions à la construction de ces nouveaux logiciels en proposant des approches de modélisation, de métamodélisation, de détermination du domaine, de transformation et de prise en compte des plates-formes. Ces approches sont accompagnées de démarches de conception et de moyens de génération de code, mais également de validation et de vérification de la conformité des modèles produits vis-à-vis des métamodèles. Elles sont proches des idées actuelles comme la programmation générative, les langages spécifiques de domaine (DSL), le MIC (Model Integrating Computing) ou encore les usines à logiciels (Software factories). Après le succès des journées IDM à Paris en 2005, la seconde édition de ces journées se déroule à Lille et a pour objectif de rassembler les chercheurs francophones intéressés par ce domaine et souhaitant participer à la structuration de cette communauté scientifique émergente

    Mae - A System Model and Environment for Managing Architectural Evolution

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    As with any other artifact produced as part of the software life cycle, software architectures evolve and this evolution must be managed. One approach to doing so would be to apply any of a host of existing configuration management systems, which have long been used successfully at the level of source code. Unfortunately, such an approach leads to many problems that prevent effective management of architectural evolution. To overcome these problems, we have developed an alternative approach centered on the use of an integrated architectural and configuration management system model. Because the system model combines architectural and configuration management concepts in a single representation, it has the distinct benefit that all architectural changes can be precisely captured and clearly related to each other---both at the fine-grained level of individual architectural elements and at the coarse-grained level of architectural configurations. To support the use of the system model, we have developed Mae, an architectural evolution environment through which users can specify architectures in a traditional manner, manage the evolution of the architectures using a check-out/check-in mechanism that tracks all changes, select a specific architectural configuration, and analyze the consistency of a selected configuration. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach by showing how the system model and its accompanying environment were used in the context of several representative projects