241 research outputs found

    Improving Developer Profiling and Ranking to Enhance Bug Report Assignment

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    Bug assignment plays a critical role in the bug fixing process. However, bug assignment can be a burden for projects receiving a large number of bug reports. If a bug is assigned to a developer who lacks sufficient expertise to appropriately address it, the software project can be adversely impacted in terms of quality, developer hours, and aggregate cost. An automated strategy that provides a list of developers ranked by suitability based on their development history and the development history of the project can help teams more quickly and more accurately identify the appropriate developer for a bug report, potentially resulting in an increase in productivity. To automate the process of assigning bug reports to the appropriate developer, several studies have employed an approach that combines natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to extract two categories of features: one targeting developers who have fixed similar bugs before and one targeting developers who have worked on source files similar to the description of the bug. As developers document their changes through their commit messages it represents another rich resource for profiling their expertise, as the language used in commit messages typically more closely matches the language used in bug reports. In this study, we have replicated the approach presented in [32] that applies a learning-to-rank technique to rank appropriate developers for each bug report. Additionally, we have extended the study by proposing an additional set of features to better profile a developer through their commit logs and through the API project descriptions referenced in their code changes. Furthermore, we explore the appropriateness of a joint recommendation approach employing a learning-to-rank technique and an ordinal regression technique. To evaluate our model, we have considered more than 10,000 bug reports with their appropriate assignees. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our model in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods in recommending developers for open bug reports

    Automatic Generation of Text Descriptive Comments for Code Blocks

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    We propose a framework to automatically generate descriptive comments for source code blocks. While this problem has been studied by many researchers previously, their methods are mostly based on fixed template and achieves poor results. Our framework does not rely on any template, but makes use of a new recursive neural network called Code-RNN to extract features from the source code and embed them into one vector. When this vector representation is input to a new recurrent neural network (Code-GRU), the overall framework generates text descriptions of the code with accuracy (Rouge-2 value) significantly higher than other learning-based approaches such as sequence-to-sequence model. The Code-RNN model can also be used in other scenario where the representation of code is required.Comment: aaai 201

    Changeset-based Retrieval of Source Code Artifacts for Bug Localization

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    Modern software development is extremely collaborative and agile, with unprecedented speed and scale of activity. Popular trends like continuous delivery and continuous deployment aim at building, fixing, and releasing software with greater speed and frequency. Bug localization, which aims to automatically localize bug reports to relevant software artifacts, has the potential to improve software developer efficiency by reducing the time spent on debugging and examining code. To date, this problem has been primarily addressed by applying information retrieval techniques based on static code elements, which are intrinsically unable to reflect how software evolves over time. Furthermore, as prior approaches frequently rely on exact term matching to measure relatedness between a bug report and a software artifact, they are prone to be affected by the lexical gap that exists between natural and programming language. This thesis explores using software changes (i.e., changesets), instead of static code elements, as the primary data unit to construct an information retrieval model toward bug localization. Changesets, which represent the differences between two consecutive versions of the source code, provide a natural representation of a software change, and allow to capture both the semantics of the source code, and the semantics of the code modification. To bridge the lexical gap between source code and natural language, this thesis investigates using topic modeling and deep learning architectures that enable creating semantically rich data representation with the goal of identifying latent connection between bug reports and source code. To show the feasibility of the proposed approaches, this thesis also investigates practical aspects related to using a bug localization tool, such retrieval delay and training data availability. The results indicate that the proposed techniques effectively leverage historical data about bugs and their related source code components to improve retrieval accuracy, especially for bug reports that are expressed in natural language, with little to no explicit code references. Further improvement in accuracy is observed when the size of the training dataset is increased through data augmentation and data balancing strategies proposed in this thesis, although depending on the model architecture the magnitude of the improvement varies. In terms of retrieval delay, the results indicate that the proposed deep learning architecture significantly outperforms prior work, and scales up with respect to search space size

    Too Few Bug Reports? Exploring Data Augmentation for Improved Changeset-based Bug Localization

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    Modern Deep Learning (DL) architectures based on transformers (e.g., BERT, RoBERTa) are exhibiting performance improvements across a number of natural language tasks. While such DL models have shown tremendous potential for use in software engineering applications, they are often hampered by insufficient training data. Particularly constrained are applications that require project-specific data, such as bug localization, which aims at recommending code to fix a newly submitted bug report. Deep learning models for bug localization require a substantial training set of fixed bug reports, which are at a limited quantity even in popular and actively developed software projects. In this paper, we examine the effect of using synthetic training data on transformer-based DL models that perform a more complex variant of bug localization, which has the goal of retrieving bug-inducing changesets for each bug report. To generate high-quality synthetic data, we propose novel data augmentation operators that act on different constituent components of bug reports. We also describe a data balancing strategy that aims to create a corpus of augmented bug reports that better reflects the entire source code base, because existing bug reports used as training data usually reference a small part of the code base

    RLocator: Reinforcement Learning for Bug Localization

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    Software developers spend a significant portion of time fixing bugs in their projects. To streamline this process, bug localization approaches have been proposed to identify the source code files that are likely responsible for a particular bug. Prior work proposed several similarity-based machine-learning techniques for bug localization. Despite significant advances in these techniques, they do not directly optimize the evaluation measures. We argue that directly optimizing evaluation measures can positively contribute to the performance of bug localization approaches. Therefore, In this paper, we utilize Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques to directly optimize the ranking metrics. We propose RLocator, a Reinforcement Learning-based bug localization approach. We formulate RLocator using a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to optimize the evaluation measures directly. We present the technique and experimentally evaluate it based on a benchmark dataset of 8,316 bug reports from six highly popular Apache projects. The results of our evaluation reveal that RLocator achieves a Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of 0.62, a Mean Average Precision (MAP) of 0.59, and a Top 1 score of 0.46. We compare RLocator with two state-of-the-art bug localization tools, FLIM and BugLocator. Our evaluation reveals that RLocator outperforms both approaches by a substantial margin, with improvements of 38.3% in MAP, 36.73% in MRR, and 23.68% in the Top K metric. These findings highlight that directly optimizing evaluation measures considerably contributes to performance improvement of the bug localization problem

    Efficient Information Retrieval for Software Bug Localization

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    Software systems are often shipped with defects. When a bug is reported, developers use the information available in the associated report to locate source code fragments that need to be modified to fix the bug. However, as software systems evolve in size and complexity, bug localization can become a tedious and time-consuming process. Contemporary bug localization tools utilize Information Retrieval (IR) methods for automated support to minimize the manual effort. IR methods exploit the textual content of bug reports to capture and rank relevant buggy source files. However, for an IR-based bug localization tool to be useful, it must achieve adequate retrieval accuracy. Lower precision and recall can leave developers with large amounts of incorrect information to wade through. Motivated by these observations, in this dissertation, we propose a new paradigm of information-theoretic IR methods to support bug localization tasks in software systems. These methods exploit the co-occurrence patterns of code terms in software systems to reveal latent semantic information that other methods often fail to capture. We further investigate the impact of combining various IR methods on the retrieval accuracy of bug localization engines. The main assumption is that different IR methods, targeting different dimensions of similarity between software artifacts, can enhance the confidence in each other\u27s results. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach for enhancing the performance of IR-enabled bug localization methods in the context of Open-Source Software (OSS). The proposed approach exploits knowledge from previously resolved bugs to help localize new bugs. Our analysis uses multiple datasets generated for multiple open-source and closed source projects. Our results show that a) information-theoretic IR methods can significantly outperform classical IR methods in bug localization tasks, b) optimized IR-hybrids can significantly outperform individual IR methods, and near-optimal global configurations can be determined for different combinations of IR methods, and c) information extracted from previously resolved bug reports can significantly enhance the accuracy of IR-enabled bug localization methods in OSS
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