122,636 research outputs found

    Multi Agent System for Machine Learning Under Uncertainty in Cyber Physical Manufacturing System

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    Recent advancement in predictive machine learning has led to its application in various use cases in manufacturing. Most research focused on maximising predictive accuracy without addressing the uncertainty associated with it. While accuracy is important, focusing primarily on it poses an overfitting danger, exposing manufacturers to risk, ultimately hindering the adoption of these techniques. In this paper, we determine the sources of uncertainty in machine learning and establish the success criteria of a machine learning system to function well under uncertainty in a cyber-physical manufacturing system (CPMS) scenario. Then, we propose a multi-agent system architecture which leverages probabilistic machine learning as a means of achieving such criteria. We propose possible scenarios for which our architecture is useful and discuss future work. Experimentally, we implement Bayesian Neural Networks for multi-tasks classification on a public dataset for the real-time condition monitoring of a hydraulic system and demonstrate the usefulness of the system by evaluating the probability of a prediction being accurate given its uncertainty. We deploy these models using our proposed agent-based framework and integrate web visualisation to demonstrate its real-time feasibility

    Machine tool process monitoring by segmented timeseries anomaly detection using subprocess-specific thresholds

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    Time series data generated by manufacturing machines during processing is widely used in mass part production to assess if processes run without errors. Systems that make use of this data use machine learning approaches for flagging a time series as a deviation from normal behaviour. In single part production, the amount of data generated is not sufficient for learning-based classification. Here, methods often focus on global signal variance but have trouble finding anomalies that present as local signal deviations. The referencing of the process states of the machine is usually performed by state indexing which, however, is not sufficient in highly flexible production plants. In this paper, a system that learns granular patterns in time series based on mean shift clustering is used for detecting processing segments in varying machine conditions. An anomaly detection then finds deviating patterns based on the previously identified processing segments. The anomalies can then be labeled by a human-in-the-loop approach for enabling future anomaly classification using a combination of machine learning algorithms. The method of anomaly detection is validated using an industrial machine tool and multiple test series

    Cloud-based platform for intelligent healthcare monitoring and risk prevention in hazardous manufacturing contexts

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    This paper presents an intelligent cloud-based platform for workers healthcare monitoring and risk prevention in potentially hazardous manufacturing contexts. The platform is structured according to sequential modules dedicated to data acquisition, processing and decision-making support. Several sensors and data sources, including smart wearables, machine tool embedded sensors and environmental sensors, are employed for data collection, comprising information on offline clinical background, operational and environmental data. The cloud data processing module is responsible for extracting relevant features from the acquired data in order to feed a machine learning-based decision-making support system. The latter provides a classification of workers’ health status so that a prompt intervention can be performed in particularly challenging scenarios

    Detection and classification of aircraft fixation elements during manufacturing processes using a convolutional neural network

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    The aerospace sector is one of the main economic drivers that strengthens our present, constitutes our future and is a source of competitiveness and innovation with great technological development capacity. In particular, the objective of manufacturers on assembly lines is to automate the entire process by using digital technologies as part of the transition toward Industry 4.0. In advanced manufacturing processes, artificial vision systems are interesting because their performance influences the liability and productivity of manufacturing processes. Therefore, developing and validating accurate, reliable and flexible vision systems in uncontrolled industrial environments is a critical issue. This research deals with the detection and classification of fasteners in a real, uncontrolled environment for an aeronautical manufacturing process, using machine learning techniques based on convolutional neural networks. Our system achieves 98.3% accuracy in a processing time of 0.8 ms per image. The results reveal that the machine learning paradigm based on a neural network in an industrial environment is capable of accurately and reliably estimating mechanical parameters to improve the performance and flexibility of advanced manufacturing processing of large parts with structural responsibility.This publication was carried out as part of the project Nuevas Uniones de estructuras aeronáuticas reference number IDI-20180754. This project has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Ciencia e Innovación and Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI)

    A big data MapReduce framework for fault diagnosis in cloud-based manufacturing

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    This research develops a MapReduce framework for automatic pattern recognition based on fault diagnosis by solving data imbalance problem in a cloud-based manufacturing (CBM). Fault diagnosis in a CBM system significantly contributes to reduce the product testing cost and enhances manufacturing quality. One of the major challenges facing the big data analytics in cloud-based manufacturing is handling of datasets, which are highly imbalanced in nature due to poor classification result when machine learning techniques are applied on such datasets. The framework proposed in this research uses a hybrid approach to deal with big dataset for smarter decisions. Furthermore, we compare the performance of radial basis function based Support Vector Machine classifier with standard techniques. Our findings suggest that the most important task in cloud-based manufacturing, is to predict the effect of data errors on quality due to highly imbalance unstructured dataset. The proposed framework is an original contribution to the body of literature, where our proposed MapReduce framework has been used for fault detection by managing data imbalance problem appropriately and relating it to firm’s profit function. The experimental results are validated using a case study of steel plate manufacturing fault diagnosis, with crucial performance matrices such as accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. A comparative study shows that the methods used in the proposed framework outperform the traditional ones

    Machine learning analysis of acoustic attenuation measurements for cellular characterization.

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    T-cell therapies have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their cancer fighting potential. With remission rates improving in this field of immunotherapy, the demand for T-cell therapies has also increased; however, the cell processing techniques for these therapeutic products have yet to rise to the level of demand. The manufacturing process takes too long and a significant amount of processed cell batches can fail to meet safety requirements. These limitations of cell processing can be detrimental to patients seeking T-cell therapies. While current products have improved the time it takes to manufacture these therapeutic products, there is still a lack of an in-line non-destructive sample quality control monitoring system to reduce the risk of batch failures and delays. In this thesis, theoretical and experimental testing was conducted to serve as a proof of concept that machine learning analysis of acoustic attenuation signals could be utilized for cellular characterization. A machine learning analysis method was able to determine sizes of theoretical microparticles and concentrations of different cell lines from acoustic attenuation signals collected in a static ultrasound chamber, as well as a continuous flow ultrasound chamber. It was found that the machine learning technique called scratch learning generally served as a better model for these cellular characterization trials, rather than transfer learning. With further refinement of the scratch learning architecture, as well as the further development of the attenuation signal acquisition system, optimization of classification accuracy of the machine learning analysis method could be further improved. This optimization could enable an in-line ultrasound-based quality control module for classification of multiple cell characteristics to be implemented into cell processing procedures for T-cell therapies

    Terahertz Pulse Shaping Using Diffractive Surfaces

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    Recent advances in deep learning have been providing non-intuitive solutions to various inverse problems in optics. At the intersection of machine learning and optics, diffractive networks merge wave-optics with deep learning to design task-specific elements to all-optically perform various tasks such as object classification and machine vision. Here, we present a diffractive network, which is used to shape an arbitrary broadband pulse into a desired optical waveform, forming a compact pulse engineering system. We experimentally demonstrate the synthesis of square pulses with different temporal-widths by manufacturing passive diffractive layers that collectively control both the spectral amplitude and the phase of an input terahertz pulse. Our results constitute the first demonstration of direct pulse shaping in terahertz spectrum, where a complex-valued spectral modulation function directly acts on terahertz frequencies. Furthermore, a Lego-like physical transfer learning approach is presented to illustrate pulse-width tunability by replacing part of an existing network with newly trained diffractive layers, demonstrating its modularity. This learning-based diffractive pulse engineering framework can find broad applications in e.g., communications, ultra-fast imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure
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