4 research outputs found

    An Uncertainty Measure for Interval-valued Evidences

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    Interval-valued belief structure (IBS), as an extension of single-valued belief structures in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, is gradually applied in many fields. An IBS assigns belief degrees to interval numbers rather than precise numbers, thereby it can handle more complex uncertain information. However, how to measure the uncertainty of an IBS is still an open issue. In this paper, a new method based on Deng entropy denoted as UIV is proposed to measure the uncertainty of the IBS. Moreover, it is proved that UIV meets some desirable axiomatic requirements. Numerical examples are shown in the paper to demonstrate the efficiency of UIV by comparing the proposed UIV with existing approaches.

    Enhancement of the HILOMOT Algorithm with Modified EM and Modified PSO Algorithms for Nonlinear Systems Identification

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    Developing a mathematical model has become an inevitable need in studies of all disciplines. With advancements in technology, there is an emerging need to develop complex mathematical models. System identification is a popular way of constructing mathematical models of highly complex processes when an analytical model is not feasible. One of the many model architectures of system identification is to utilize a Local Model Network (LMN). Hierarchical Local Model Tree (HILOMOT) is an iterative LMN training algorithm that uses the axis-oblique split method to divide the input space hierarchically. The split positions of the local models directly influence the accuracy of the entire model. However, finding the best split positions of the local models presents a nonlinear optimization problem. This paper presents an optimized HILOMOT algorithm with enhanced Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms which includes the normalization parameter and utilizes the reduced-parameter vector. Finally, the performance of the improved HILOMOT algorithm is compared with the existing algorithm by modeling the NOx emission model of a gas turbine and multiple nonlinear test functions of different orders and structures.Scopu

    MVEM-Based Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Engines Using Dempster鈥揝hafer Theory and Multiple Hypotheses Testing

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    Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo para motores de encendido provocado operando con gasolina, con el fin de predecir potencia de salida, torque y consumo espec铆fico

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    El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis de maestr铆a, est谩 encaminado a la formulaci贸n de un modelo predictivo de motores de combusti贸n interna de encendido provocado, alimentados con gasolina con inyecci贸n indirecta en estado estacionario. Para ello, se posee el desarrollo previo de modelos de diagn贸stico de la combusti贸n y predicci贸n de presi贸n en c谩mara de combusti贸n de diversos autores y distintos tipos de motores. Con base en ese desarrollo, previo a las consideraciones de deformaciones en c谩mara, fueron a帽adidos modelos de deformaci贸n que consideran efectos t茅rmicos sobre el pist贸n y la biela, adem谩s de desplazamientos de las uniones entre los componentes del mecanismo manivela-biela-pist贸n, as铆 como la consideraci贸n del fen贸meno de transferencia de calor a trav茅s de las paredes. A su vez, en el modelo se emple贸 una formulaci贸n de dos zonas al interior de la c谩mara de combusti贸n y tambi茅n cuenta con la capacidad de predecir ensayos de combusti贸n intermedios a los ya predichos. Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo se obtuvo que, con un determinado n煤mero de datos, puede hacerse una caracterizaci贸n global de motores de combusti贸n interna, con el fin de predecir estad铆sticamente par谩metros operacionales parametrizables, tales como la relaci贸n de compresi贸n real, y constantes asociadas a los sub-modelos de deformaciones y transferencia de calor. El modelo presenta un alto nivel de desempe帽o a la hora de predecir tanto variables termodin谩micas al interior de la c谩mara de combusti贸n, como de par谩metros operacionales indicados a la hora de evaluar el desempe帽o de un motor.Maestr铆aMagister en Ingenier铆a Mec谩nic