37 research outputs found

    Model checking medium access control for sensor networks

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    We describe verification of S-MAC, a medium access control protocol designed for wireless sensor networks, by means of the PRISM model checker. The S-MAC protocol is built on top of the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless ad hoc networks and, as such, it uses the same randomised backoff procedure as a means to avoid collision. In order to minimise energy consumption, in S-MAC, nodes are periodically put into a sleep state. Synchronisation of the sleeping schedules is necessary for the nodes to be able to communicate. Intuitively, energy saving obtained through a periodic sleep mechanism will be at the expense of performance. In previous work on S-MAC verification, a combination of analytical techniques and simulation has been used to confirm the correctness of this intuition for a simplified (abstract) version of the protocol in which the initial schedules coordination phase is assumed correct. We show how we have used the PRISM model checker to verify the behaviour of S-MAC and compare it to that of IEEE 802.11

    Verification of a Lock-Free Implementation of Multiword LL/SC Object

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    A template-based approach for the generation of abstractable and reducible models of featured networks

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    We investigate the relationship between symmetry reduction and inductive reasoning when applied to model checking networks of featured components. Popular reduction techniques for combatting state space explosion in model checking, like abstraction and symmetry reduction, can only be applied effectively when the natural symmetry of a system is not destroyed during specification. We introduce a property which ensures this is preserved, open symmetry. We describe a template-based approach for the construction of open symmetric Promela specifications of featured systems. For certain systems (safely featured parameterised systems) our generated specifications are suitable for conversion to abstract specifications representing any size of network. This enables feature interaction analysis to be carried out, via model checking and induction, for systems of any number of featured components. In addition, we show how, for any balanced network of components, by using a graphical representation of the features and the process communication structure, a group of permutations of the underlying state space of the generated specification can be determined easily. Due to the open symmetry of our Promela specifications, this group of permutations can be used directly for symmetry reduced model checking. The main contributions of this paper are an automatic method for developing open symmetric specifications which can be used for generic feature interaction analysis, and the novel application of symmetry detection and reduction in the context of model checking featured networks. We apply our techniques to a well known example of a featured network ā€“ an email system

    Timed Analysis of Security Protocols

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    We propose a method for engineering security protocols that are aware of timing aspects. We study a simplified version of the well-known Needham Schroeder protocol and the complete Yahalom protocol, where timing information allows the study of different attack scenarios. We model check the protocols using UPPAAL. Further, a taxonomy is obtained by studying and categorising protocols from the well known Clark Jacob library and the Security Protocol Open Repository (SPORE) library. Finally, we present some new challenges and threats that arise when considering time in the analysis, by providing a novel protocol that uses time challenges and exposing a timing attack over an implementation of an existing security protocol

    Construction and Analysis of Petri Net Model for Distributed Cyber Physical Systems

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    A Distributed Cyber-Physical System (DCPS) composition poses challenges in determining its emergent behaviour. These challenges occur due to (1) the appearance of causal loops of information and energy flow through cyber and physical channels and (2) inherent non-determinism in the temporally ordered flow of events within independently evolving interacting processes of Constituent Systems (CSs). Hence, there is a need to construct a model of the envisaged schematic of DCPS composition for analysis and verification of its significant properties in the conceptual design stage of the system development life cycle. This paper presents a procedure to construct DCPS composition models in Petri net formalism using distributed abstractions. The model for each CS is obtained from elementary constructs using compositional operators. The interaction among CSs occurs through channels obtained by connecting send and receive constructs of two CSs participating in an interaction. The internal processing within a CS characterizing its primary function is abstracted in a generic passthrough construct. Representing these constructs with compositional operators results in the complete DCPS model in Petri net formalism. A toolchain with Reference net workshop (Renew) as an integrated Petri net editing and analysis platform is configured to support DCPS modelling, simulation and analysis. The Renew tool functionality has been enhanced with a plugin designed and developed by authors to facilitate the drawing of the distributed composition model. A low-level Petri net analysis (Lola) v2.0 plugin is employed to verify the Petri net and temporal properties of the modelled DCPS scenarios. The properties of the resultant model are verified using well-established algorithms to analyze Petri nets. Further, system properties specified using temporal logic can be verified using model-checking algorithms for Petri nets. A moderately complex scenario involving interactions among six CSs illustrates the presented approach

    Behavioral Constraints for Services

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    Recently, we introduced the concept of an operating guideline of a service as a structure that characterizes all its properly interacting partner services. The hitherto considered correctness criterion is deadlock freedom of the composition of both services. In practice, there are intended and unintended deadlock-freely interacting partners of a service. In this paper, we provide a formal approach to express intended and unintended behavior as behavioral constraints. With such a constraint, unintended partners can be ā€œfiltered" yielding a customized operating guideline. Customized operating guidelines can be applied to validate a service and for service discovery