2,454 research outputs found

    The imperatives of internal audit in Nigerian banks: Issues and prospects

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    Many have argued that internal audit plays a pivotal role in enhancing corporate performance in organizations (Oseni, 1994 and Lav, 2004).This is the focus of this paper, using Nigerian recapitalized banks as a reference point. This paper empirically evaluates the relationship between internal audit and corporate performance. In pursuance of this, a survey sampling of the banks was conducted. The dependent variable was corporate performance that was measured by return on total assets (ROTA).The independent variables were the motivation of internal audit staff and the efficiency of internal controls. The data collected for the variables were subjected to the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The results indicated that motivation of audit staff positively affect bank’s corporate performance; and the efficiency of the internal control was also positively related to corporate performance. It is therefore recommended that Nigerian banks should professionalize the audit departments to optimize the objectives for which they are establishe

    The imperatives of internal audit in Nigerian banks: issues and prospects

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    Many have argued that internal audit plays a pivotal role in enhancing corporate performance in organizations (Oseni, 1994 and Lav, 2004).This is the focus of this paper, using Nigerian recapitalized banks as a reference point. This paper empirically evaluates the relationship between internal audit and corporate performance. In pursuance of this, a survey sampling of the banks was conducted. The dependent variable was corporate performance that was measured by return on total assets (ROTA).The independent variables were the motivation of internal audit staff and the efficiency of internal controls. The data collected for the variables were subjected to the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The results indicated that motivation of audit staff positively affect bank’s corporate performance; and the efficiency of the internal control was also positively related to corporate performance. It is therefore recommended that Nigerian banks should professionalize the audit departments to optimize the objectives for which they are established.KEYWORDS: Internal Audit, Corporate Performance, Motivation, Internal Control Efficiency, Internal Audit Staf

    Xmess--a graphical voice-mail interface

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    Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 1990.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 50).by Lorne David Berman.B.S

    Cyclic Di-GMP-Mediated Repression of Swarming Motility by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 Requires the MotAB Stator

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    The second messenger cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP) plays a critical role in the regulation of motility. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14, c-di-GMP inversely controls biofilm formation and surface swarming motility, with high levels of this dinucleotide signal stimulating biofilm formation and repressing swarming. P. aeruginosa encodes two stator complexes, MotAB and MotCD, that participate in the function of its single polar flagellum. Here we show that the repression of swarming motility requires a functional MotAB stator complex. Mutating the motAB genes restores swarming motility to a strain with artificially elevated levels of c-di-GMP as well as stimulates swarming in the wild-type strain, while overexpression of MotA from a plasmid represses swarming motility. Using point mutations in MotA and the FliG rotor protein of the motor supports the conclusion that MotA-FliG interactions are critical for c-di-GMP-mediated swarming inhibition. Finally, we show that high c-di-GMP levels affect the localization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MotD fusion, indicating a mechanism whereby this second messenger has an impact on MotCD function. We propose that when c-di-GMP level is high, the MotAB stator can displace MotCD from the motor, thereby affecting motor function. Our data suggest a newly identified means of c-di-GMP-mediated control of surface motility, perhaps conserved among Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and other organisms that encode two stator systems

    Tarea 11 – Prueba de habilidades técnicas diplomado de profundización Cisco 203092.

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    Dentro del programa de formación Cisco CCNA se tocan los aspectos principales de la operación, configuración y diagnostico de las redes LAN y WAN. Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado utilizando todo el conocimiento adquirido a través del curso, llevándolos a la practica por medio de dos laboratorios prácticos que plantean topologías de red similares a las encontradas en entornos de producción. Para el desarrollo de las mismas se ha tenido que poner en practica conocimientos básicos para el diseño de redes (direccionamiento IP, dimensionamiento de equipos, tipos de conectividad), así como el desarrollo de protocolos de enrutamiento, y servicios de redes para usuarios finales (DNS, DHCP, ARP). A nivel de capa 2 se han puesto en practica conceptos de segmentación virtual de switches (VLAN), así como los aspectos mas importantes del protocolo 802.1Q, configurando interfaces de acceso y troncales. A nivel de seguridad se han puesto en practica los protocolos de seguridad del plano de control de los equipos (bloqueo de sesiones, AAA, niveles de autenticación, banner de ingreso, seguridad en lineas de acceso), como seguridad en el plano de datos (listas de acceso estándar y extendidas, NAT dinámico y estático para la publicación de servidores). Se realizaron todas las configuraciones solicitadas en los laboratorios, tomando evidencia de cada paso realizado hasta llegar a las configuraciones finales (agregadas en el apéndice – configuraciones finales).The Cisco CCNA education program includes main aspects about operating, configure an troubleshooting LAN and WAN networks. This inform has been developed using the aquired knowledge through the course, putting in practice through both practical labs that includes logical topologies close enough to the environment founded in production networks. In order to develop the practical labs has been necesary put in practice basical knowledge for network design (IP protocol, devices sizing, link types), also the configuration and operation of routing protocols, and network services for end users (DNS, DHCP, ARP). For layer 2 services has been in practice basical concepts for virtual segmentation of switches (VLAN), also the main factors of 802.1Q protocol, configuring trunks and Access ports. For security has been configuring security protocols for the control plane of the devices (sesión blocking, AAA, authentication levels, banner MOTD, remote Access security), as well as security in the data plane (extended and standard access list, dynamic and static NAT for internet connection and public servers). All the configurations required in the practical guide have been done, taking evidence in every step until complete the final configurations (includes in the appendix chapter)

    Diplomado de profundización CISCO.

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    El diplomado de profundización cisco diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas lan / wan se ha implementado como opción de grado para Ingeniería de sistemas la cual profundiza en redes e implementación, se manejaron todas las herramientas en Cisco y su plataforma se manejaron los módulos Introducción a las redes y Principios básicos de routing y switching. En los dos casos que trabajaremos aplicaremos los conocimientos adquiridos y los aplicaremos en el desarrollo de los mismos.The diploma of deepening cisco design and implementation of integrated solutions lan / wan has been implemented as a degree option for Systems Engineering which deepens in networks and implementation, all tools were handled in Cisco and its platform modules were introduced Introduction to the networks and basic principles of routing and switching. In the two cases that we will work, we will apply the knowledge acquired and apply them in their development

    Diplomado De profundización Cisco prueba De habilidades Prácticas CCNP

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    En la actualidad la mayoría de las redes empresariales están evolucionando, esto lo que permite es la integración de diversos ambientes empresariales hacia el core de negocio; adicional se utilizan las redes para fortalecer y sostener la información que se procesa, efectuando la disponibilidad, confidencialidad y veracidad de esta. Por lo anterior se hace de vital importancia los protocolos de enrutamiento como EIGRP, OSPF que permiten enrutamientos dinámicos, los cuales por medio de algoritmos nos permiten determinar cuáles son las rutas más favorables para el procesamiento de la información, EIGRP protocolo propietario que solo permite su funcionamiento en equipos Cisco, estos realizan la distribución de rutas hacia diferentes protocolos como OSPS los cuales sin son interoperable con otras marcas. Así se logra la integración de diferentes tecnologías. De igual manera existen a nivel de Switchhing protocolos de Etherchanel que por medio de la LACP y PAgP, solucionan un inconveniente que puede presentar la tecnología ethernet, dado que permiten suma canales para generar redundancia de conexiones y más ancho de banda. Finalmente, con estos conceptos de switching y rounting se logra obtener aspectos claros para aportar al core de cualquier negocio.Currently, most business networks are evolving, this allowing the integration of various business environments towards the core of business; Additionally, the networks are used to strengthen and sustain the information that is processed, making it available, confidential and accurate. Therefore, routing protocols such as EIGRP, OSPF that allow dynamic routing are vitally important, which by means of algorithms allow us to determine which are the most favorable routes for information processing, EIGRP proprietary protocol that only allows its operation in Cisco equipment, these perform the distribution of routes to different protocols such as OSPS which are interoperable with other brands. This is how the integration of different technologies is achieved. In the same way, there are Etherchanel protocols at the Switching level that, through LACP and PAgP, solve a problem that ethernet technology can present, since they allow adding channels to generate redundancy of connections and more bandwidth. Finally, with these concepts of switching and rounting, it is possible to obtain clear aspects to contribute to the core of any business


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    En el presente documento escrito se plama una simulacion del paso dos donde se practican los comandos de la configuración de cada uno de los protocolos. En los presente esenarios se configuran los routers según lo planteado en cada actividad y se verifican estas configuraciones mediante el uso de los comandos show ip route. Donde se estructurar redes conmutadas mediante el uso del protocolo e implementación de servicios IP con calidad de servicio en ambientes de red empresariales LAN y protocolo STPIn this written document, a simulation of step two is planned, where the configuration commands of each of the protocols are practiced. In these scenarios, the routers are configured as proposed in each activity and these configurations are verified by using the show ip route commands. Where switched networks are structured through the use of the protocol and implementation of IP services with quality of service in business network environments LAN and STP protoco