4 research outputs found

    Sistem Repositori Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa dengan Fungsi Peringkat Okapi BM25

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    Saat ini Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas ’X’ mewajibkan mahasiswa yang telah selesai tugas akhir untuk mengumpulkan hasil karya mereka dalam bentuk softcopy (CD) yang berisi program aplikasi dan dokumentasi, serta hardcopy (dalam bentuk buku laporan dan jurnal). Karya tersebut disimpan di perpustakaan secara fisik dan beberapa data disimpan di Digital Library Universitas ’X’. Namun keterbatasan sistem yang ada saat ini menyebabkan kesulitan pencarian hasil karya tugas akhir, karena teknik/metode yang digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian dibuat dalam bentuk query sederhana dengan kriteria yang masih terbatas, tanpa pengurutan dengan peringkat. Selain itu, kepala lab di jurusan juga menemui kesulitan dalam melakukan pemetaan bidang keahlian dari tugas akhir yang dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa di masing-masing lab. Berbagai permasalahan tersebut melatarbelakangi penelitian ini, sehingga diperlukan adanya sistem yang dapat membantu jurusan dalam menyimpan hasil karya tugas akhir mahasiswa, mempermudah pencarian, serta menampilkannya. Pencarian tugas akhir pada penelitian ini berdasarkan query yang diinput oleh pengguna menggunakan metode pencarian fungsi Okapi BM25. Dengan fungsi peringkat Okapi BM25 maka hasil karya dapat ditampilkan dengan urutan peringkat sesuai relevansinya

    Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts. EVA 2012 Florence

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    The key aim of this Event is to provide a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans in the wide area of Culture & Technology. Participants receive up to date news on new EC and international arts computing & telecommunications initiatives as well as on Projects in the visual arts field, in archaeology and history. Working Groups and new Projects are promoted. Scientific and technical demonstrations are presented

    22ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών : Επιστροφή στο μέλλον - οι αξίες του παρελθόντος οδηγοί για το μέλλον

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    Proceedings of the 22nd Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries with the theme "Back to the future: the values of the past, our guides for the future". The conference was held from October 23 to October 25, 2013 and it was organized by the Library & Information Center of the University of Patras. The economic crisis has emerged serious problems for the Greek academic libraries. The libraries are now called upon to respond to the challenge of maintaining the high standards of service that won during the previous years, as well as further developing inside a hostile environment. At the same time, the international library community faces radical changes in the approach of data management with the maturation of a new bibliographic framework and the advent of technology applications that support it. Therefore, libraries are called to reconsider their perspectives and take advantage of their strong principles and technological developments in order to meet the challenges, to regroup and to assist the effort of the society to exit from the crisis. The Organizing Committee of the 22th Panhellenic Academic Libraries Conference accepted submissions at the following, but not limited to, topics: Bibliographical standards and practical applications, Sound and efficient library administration models, Libraries and social support services (homeless, unemployed, etc.), Libraries collaborative efforts, Management of electronic resources, Management of research data, Production and distribution of digital content, Electronic publishing, Information library systems (e.g. integrated library systems), Open Data, Semantic Web, Digital libraries and digital collections, Institutional and subject repositories, Libraries and mobile applications, Social networks and media, Libraries and Copyright


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    Repository platforms offer significant tools aiding institutions to preserve the wealth of their information resources. This paper presents the data model as well as the architectural features of Mopseus, a digital library service, built on top of Fedora-commons middleware, designed to facilitate institutions to develop and preserve their own repositories. The main advantage of Mopseus is that it minimizes the customization and programming effort that Fedora-commons involves. Moreover it provides an added value service which semantically annotates the internal structure of a Digital Object. The paper focuses on the preservation functionalities of Mopseus and presents a mechanism for automated generation of PREMIS metadata for each Digital Object of the repository. This mechanism is activated whenever an object is modified and is based on a mapping of the Mopseus data model to the PREMIS data model that ensures the validity of the transformation of the information stored in a Mopseus repository to semantically equivalent PREMIS metadata