191 research outputs found

    Effects of Time-Varying Relative Spectral Response on the Calibration of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands

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    Calibration of the on-orbit gain changes of the narrow bandwidth reflective solar bands (RSB) of Terra and Aqua MODIS is usually based on the band center wavelength. The relative spectral response (RSR) of each band is assumed to be constant on orbit and the time dependence of an overall gain factor is calculated. Any on-orbit changes to the RSR of the MODIS bands will introduce some error into the calibration and may also have an impact on the Earth scene radiance retrieval. We consider two different ways to track how the RSR of the MODIS RSB may be changing on orbit, and the effect that these changes will have on the calibration. First, we examine in-band RSR measurements from the spectro-radiometric calibration assembly (SRCA) carried on-board both MODIS instruments. Second, we study the broadband degradation of the MODIS scan mirror and how it may be changing the effective out-of-band response of the RSB. We find that RSR changes have a small effect on the radiance calibrated using the on-board solar diffuser, generally less than 0.5% in all cases at any time in the missions, with bands 1, 8, and 9 impacted the most

    Early On-Orbit Performance of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Satellite

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    The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is one of the key environmental remote-sensing instruments onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership spacecraft, which was successfully launched on October 28, 2011 from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Following a series of spacecraft and sensor activation operations, the VIIRS nadir door was opened on November 21, 2011. The first VIIRS image acquired signifies a new generation of operational moderate resolution-imaging capabilities following the legacy of the advanced very high-resolution radiometer series on NOAA satellites and Terra and Aqua Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer for NASA's Earth Observing system. VIIRS provides significant enhancements to the operational environmental monitoring and numerical weather forecasting, with 22 imaging and radiometric bands covering wavelengths from 0.41 to 12.5 microns, providing the sensor data records for 23 environmental data records including aerosol, cloud properties, fire, albedo, snow and ice, vegetation, sea surface temperature, ocean color, and nigh-time visible-light-related applications. Preliminary results from the on-orbit verification in the postlaunch check-out and intensive calibration and validation have shown that VIIRS is performing well and producing high-quality images. This paper provides an overview of the onorbit performance of VIIRS, the calibration/validation (cal/val) activities and methodologies used. It presents an assessment of the sensor initial on-orbit calibration and performance based on the efforts from the VIIRS-SDR team. Known anomalies, issues, and future calibration efforts, including the long-term monitoring, and intercalibration are also discussed

    Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Design Concepts and Performance Requirements

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    In late 1978, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the Nimbus-7 satellite with the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and several other sensors, all of which provided major advances in Earth remote sensing. The inspiration for the CZCS is usually attributed to an article in Science by Clarke et al. who demonstrated that large changes in open ocean spectral reflectance are correlated to chlorophyll-a concentrations. Chlorophyll-a is the primary photosynthetic pigment in green plants (marine and terrestrial) and is used in estimating primary production, i.e., the amount of carbon fixed into organic matter during photosynthesis. Thus, accurate estimates of global and regional primary production are key to studies of the earth's carbon cycle. Because the investigators used an airborne radiometer, they were able to demonstrate the increased radiance contribution of the atmosphere with altitude that would be a major issue for spaceborne measurements. Since 1978, there has been much progress in satellite ocean color remote sensing such that the technique is well established and is used for climate change science and routine operational environmental monitoring. Also, the science objectives and accompanying methodologies have expanded and evolved through a succession of global missions, e.g., the Ocean Color and Temperature Sensor (OCTS), the Seaviewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), and the Global Imager (GLI). With each advance in science objectives, new and more stringent requirements for sensor capabilities (e.g., spectral coverage) and performance (e.g., signal-to-noise ratio, SNR) are established. The CZCS had four bands for chlorophyll and aerosol corrections. The Ocean Color Imager (OCI) recommended for the NASA Pre-Aerosol, Cloud, and Ocean Ecosystems (PACE) mission includes 5 nanometers hyperspectral coverage from 350 to 800 nanometers with three additional discrete near infrared (NIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) ocean aerosol correction bands. Also, to avoid drift in sensor sensitivity from being interpreted as environmental change, climate change research requires rigorous monitoring of sensor stability. For SeaWiFS, monthly lunar imaging accurately tracked stability at an accuracy of approximately 0.1% that allowed the data to be used for climate studies [2]. It is now acknowledged by the international community that future missions and sensor designs need to accommodate lunar calibrations. An overview of ocean color remote sensing and a review of the progress made in ocean color remote sensing and the variety of research applications derived from global satellite ocean color data are provided. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the design options for ocean color satellite radiometers, performance and testing criteria, and sensor components (optics, detectors, electronics, etc.) that must be integrated into an instrument concept. These ultimately dictate the quality and quantity of data that can be delivered as a trade against mission cost. Historically, science and sensor technology have advanced in a "leap-frog" manner in that sensor design requirements for a mission are defined many years before a sensor is launched and by the end of the mission, perhaps 15-20 years later, science applications and requirements are well beyond the capabilities of the sensor. Section 3 provides a summary of historical mission science objectives and sensor requirements. This progression is expected to continue in the future as long as sensor costs can be constrained to affordable levels and still allow the incorporation of new technologies without incurring unacceptable risk to mission success. The IOCCG Report Number 13 discusses future ocean biology mission Level-1 requirements in depth

    The on-orbit performance of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) instrument and its radiometrically calibrated products

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    The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) carries and points a three-channel imaging grating spectrometer designed to collect high-resolution, co-boresighted spectra of reflected sunlight within the molecular oxygen (O_2) A-band at 0.765 microns and the carbon dioxide (CO_2) bands at 1.61 and 2.06 microns. These measurements are calibrated and then combined into soundings that are analyzed to retrieve spatially resolved estimates of the column-averaged CO_2 dry-air mole fraction, XCO_2. Variations of XCO_2 in space and time are then analyzed in the context of the atmospheric transport to quantify surface sources and sinks of CO_2. This is a particularly challenging remote-sensing observation because all but the largest emission sources and natural absorbers produce only small (< 0.25 %) changes in the background XCO_2 field. High measurement precision is therefore essential to resolve these small variations, and high accuracy is needed because small biases in the retrieved XCO_2 distribution could be misinterpreted as evidence for CO_2 fluxes. To meet its demanding measurement requirements, each OCO-2 spectrometer channel collects 24 spectra s^(−1) across a narrow ( 17 000), dynamic range (∼ 10^4), and sensitivity (continuum signal-to-noise ratio > 400). The OCO-2 instrument performance was extensively characterized and calibrated prior to launch. In general, the instrument has performed as expected during its first 18 months in orbit. However, ongoing calibration and science analysis activities have revealed a number of subtle radiometric and spectroscopic challenges that affect the yield and quality of the OCO-2 data products. These issues include increased numbers of bad pixels, transient artifacts introduced by cosmic rays, radiance discontinuities for spatially non-uniform scenes, a misunderstanding of the instrument polarization orientation, and time-dependent changes in the throughput of the oxygen A-band channel. Here, we describe the OCO-2 instrument, its data products, and its on-orbit performance. We then summarize calibration challenges encountered during its first 18 months in orbit and the methods used to mitigate their impact on the calibrated radiance spectra distributed to the science community

    Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments

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    Intercalibration of satellite instruments is critical for detection and quantification of changes in the Earth’s environment, weather forecasting, understanding climate processes, and monitoring climate and land cover change. These applications use data from many satellites; for the data to be interoperable, the instruments must be cross-calibrated. To meet the stringent needs of such applications, instruments must provide reliable, accurate, and consistent measurements over time. Robust techniques are required to ensure that observations from different instruments can be normalized to a common scale that the community agrees on. The long-term reliability of this process needs to be sustained in accordance with established reference standards and best practices. Furthermore, establishing physical meaning to the information through robust Système International d’unités traceable calibration and validation (Cal/Val) is essential to fully understand the parameters under observation. The processes of calibration, correction, stabilitymonitoring, and quality assurance need to be underpinned and evidenced by comparison with “peer instruments” and, ideally, highly calibrated in-orbit reference instruments. Intercalibration between instruments is a central pillar of the Cal/Val strategies of many national and international satellite remote sensing organizations. Intercalibration techniques as outlined in this paper not only provide a practical means of identifying and correcting relative biases in radiometric calibration between instruments but also enable potential data gaps between measurement records in a critical time series to be bridged. Use of a robust set of internationally agreed upon and coordinated intercalibration techniques will lead to significant improvement in the consistency between satellite instruments and facilitate accurate monitoring of the Earth’s climate at uncertainty levels needed to detect and attribute the mechanisms of change. This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of postlaunch radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellite instruments through intercalibration

    PACE Technical Report Series, Volume 7: Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) Concept Design Studies

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    Extending OCI hyperspectral radiance measurements in the ultraviolet to 320 nm on the blue spectrograph enables quantitation of atmospheric total column ozone (O3) for use in ocean color atmospheric correction algorithms. The strong absorption by atmospheric ozone below 340 nm enables the quantification of total column ozone. Other applications are possible but were not investigated due to their exploratory nature and lower priority.The first step in the atmospheric correction processing, which converts top-of-the-atmosphere radiances to water-leaving radiances, is removal of the absorbance by atmospheric trace gases such as water vapor, oxygen, ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Details of the atmospheric correction process currently used by the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) and will be employed for PACE with appropriate modifications, are described by Mobley et al. [2016]. Atmospheric ozone absorbs within the visible to near-infrared spectrum between ~450 nm and 800nm and most appreciably between 530 nm and 650 nm, a spectral region critical for maintaining NASA's chlorophyll-a climate data record and for PACE algorithms planned to characterize phytoplankton community composition and other ocean color products.While satellite-based observations will likely be available during PACE's mission lifetime, the difference in acquisition time with PACE, the coarseness in their spatial resolution, and differences in viewing geometries will introduce significant levels of uncertainties in PACE ocean color data products

    Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments

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    Intercalibration of satellite instruments is critical for detection and quantification of changes in the Earth’s environment, weather forecasting, understanding climate processes, and monitoring climate and land cover change. These applications use data from many satellites; for the data to be interoperable, the instruments must be cross-calibrated. To meet the stringent needs of such applications, instruments must provide reliable, accurate, and consistent measurements over time. Robust techniques are required to ensure that observations from different instruments can be normalized to a common scale that the community agrees on. The long-term reliability of this process needs to be sustained in accordance with established reference standards and best practices. Furthermore, establishing physical meaning to the information through robust Système International d’unités traceable calibration and validation (Cal/Val) is essential to fully understand the parameters under observation. The processes of calibration, correction, stabilitymonitoring, and quality assurance need to be underpinned and evidenced by comparison with “peer instruments” and, ideally, highly calibrated in-orbit reference instruments. Intercalibration between instruments is a central pillar of the Cal/Val strategies of many national and international satellite remote sensing organizations. Intercalibration techniques as outlined in this paper not only provide a practical means of identifying and correcting relative biases in radiometric calibration between instruments but also enable potential data gaps between measurement records in a critical time series to be bridged. Use of a robust set of internationally agreed upon and coordinated intercalibration techniques will lead to significant improvement in the consistency between satellite instruments and facilitate accurate monitoring of the Earth’s climate at uncertainty levels needed to detect and attribute the mechanisms of change. This paper summarizes the state-of-the-art of postlaunch radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellite instruments through intercalibration

    The on-orbit performance of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) instrument and its radiometrically calibrated products

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    The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) carries and points a three-channel imaging grating spectrometer designed to collect high-resolution, co-boresighted spectra of reflected sunlight within the molecular oxygen (O_2) A-band at 0.765 microns and the carbon dioxide (CO_2) bands at 1.61 and 2.06 microns. These measurements are calibrated and then combined into soundings that are analyzed to retrieve spatially resolved estimates of the column-averaged CO_2 dry-air mole fraction, XCO_2. Variations of XCO_2 in space and time are then analyzed in the context of the atmospheric transport to quantify surface sources and sinks of CO_2. This is a particularly challenging remote-sensing observation because all but the largest emission sources and natural absorbers produce only small (< 0.25 %) changes in the background XCO_2 field. High measurement precision is therefore essential to resolve these small variations, and high accuracy is needed because small biases in the retrieved XCO_2 distribution could be misinterpreted as evidence for CO_2 fluxes. To meet its demanding measurement requirements, each OCO-2 spectrometer channel collects 24 spectra s^(−1) across a narrow ( 17 000), dynamic range (∼ 10^4), and sensitivity (continuum signal-to-noise ratio > 400). The OCO-2 instrument performance was extensively characterized and calibrated prior to launch. In general, the instrument has performed as expected during its first 18 months in orbit. However, ongoing calibration and science analysis activities have revealed a number of subtle radiometric and spectroscopic challenges that affect the yield and quality of the OCO-2 data products. These issues include increased numbers of bad pixels, transient artifacts introduced by cosmic rays, radiance discontinuities for spatially non-uniform scenes, a misunderstanding of the instrument polarization orientation, and time-dependent changes in the throughput of the oxygen A-band channel. Here, we describe the OCO-2 instrument, its data products, and its on-orbit performance. We then summarize calibration challenges encountered during its first 18 months in orbit and the methods used to mitigate their impact on the calibrated radiance spectra distributed to the science community

    Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Mission Science Definition Team Report

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    We live in an era in which increasing climate variability is having measurable impact on marine ecosystems within our own lifespans. At the same time, an ever-growing human population requires increased access to and use of marine resources. To understand and be better prepared to respond to these challenges, we must expand our capabilities to investigate and monitor ecological and bio geo chemical processes in the oceans. In response to this imperative, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conceived the Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission to provide new information for understanding the living ocean and for improving forecasts of Earth System variability. The PACE mission will achieve these objectives by making global ocean color measurements that are essential for understanding the carbon cycle and its inter-relationship with climate change, and by expanding our understanding about ocean ecology and biogeochemistry. PACE measurements will also extend ocean climate data records collected since the 1990s to document changes in the function of aquatic ecosystems as they respond to human activities and natural processes over short and long periods of time. These measurements are pivotal for differentiating natural variability from anthropogenic climate change effects and for understanding the interactions between these processes and various human uses of the ocean. PACE ocean science goals and measurement capabilities greatly exceed those of our heritage ocean color sensors, and are needed to address the many outstanding science questions developed by the oceanographic community over the past 40 years