12 research outputs found

    MILP-based Differential Attack on Round-reduced GIFT

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    At Asiacrypt 2014, Sun et al. proposed a MILP model to search for differential characteristics of bit-oriented block ciphers. In this paper, we improve this model to search for differential characteristics of GIFT, a new lightweight block cipher proposed at CHES 2017. GIFT has two versions, namely GIFT-64 and GIFT-128. For GIFT-64, we find the best 12-round differential characteristic and a number of iterative 4-round differential characteristics with our MILP-based model. We give a key-recovery attack on 19-round GIFT-64. For GIFT-128, we find a 18-round differential characteristic and give the first attack on 22-round GIFT-128

    Full-Round Differential Attack on ULC and LICID Block Ciphers Designed for IoT

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    The lightweight block ciphers ULC and LICID are introduced by Sliman et al. (2021) and Omrani et al. (2019) respectively. These ciphers are based on substitution permutation network structure. ULC is designed using the ULM method to increase efficiency, memory usage, and security. On the other hand, LICID is specifically designed for image data. In the ULC paper, the authors have given a full-round differential characteristic with a probability of 2−802^{-80}. In the LICID paper, the authors have presented an 8-round differential characteristic with a probability of 2−112.662^{-112.66}. In this paper, we present the 15-round ULC and the 14-round LICID differential characteristics of probabilities 2−452^{-45} and 2−402^{-40} respectively using the MILP model

    Key-dependent side-channel cube attack on CRAFT

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    CRAFT is a tweakable block cipher introduced in 2019 that aims to provide strong protection against differential fault analysis. In this paper, we show that CRAFT is vulnerable to side-channel cube attacks. We apply side-channel cube attacks to CRAFT with the Hamming weight leakage assumption. We found that the first half of the secret key can be recovered from the Hamming weight leakage after the first round. Next, using the recovered key bits, we continue our attack to recover the second half of the secret key. We show that the set of equations that are solvable varies depending on the value of the key bits. Our result shows that 99.90% of the key space can be fully recovered within a practical time

    Improving Matsui\u27s Search Algorithm for the Best Differential/Linear Trails and its Applications for DES, DESL and GIFT

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    Automatic search methods have been widely used for cryptanalysis of block ciphers, especially for the most classic cryptanalysis methods -- differential and linear cryptanalysis. However, the automatic search methods, no matter based on MILP, SMT/SAT or CP techniques, can be inefficient when the search space is too large. In this paper, we improve Matsui\u27s branch-and-bound search algorithm which is known as the first generic algorithm for finding the best differential and linear trails by proposing three new methods. The three methods, named Reconstructing DDT and LAT According to Weight, Executing Linear Layer Operations in Minimal Cost and Merging Two 4-bit S-boxes into One 8-bit S-box respectively, can efficiently speed up the search process by reducing the search space as much as possible and reducing the cost of executing linear layer operations. We apply our improved algorithm to DESL and GIFT, which are still the hard instances for the automatic search methods. As a result, we find the best differential trails for DESL (up to 14 rounds) and GIFT-128 (up to 19 rounds). The best linear trails for DESL (up to 16 rounds), GIFT-128 (up to 10 rounds) and GIFT-64 (up to 15 rounds) are also found. To the best of our knowledge, these security bounds for DESL and GIFT under single-key scenario are given for the first time. Meanwhile, it is the longest exploitable (differential or linear) trails for DESL and GIFT. Furthermore, benefiting from the efficiency of the improved algorithm, we do experiments to demonstrate that the clustering effect of differential trails for 13-round DES and DESL are both weak

    Generalized Related-Key Rectangle Attacks on Block Ciphers with Linear Key Schedule: Applications to SKINNY and GIFT

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    This paper gives a new generalized key-recovery model of related-key rectangle attacks on block ciphers with linear key schedules. The model is quite optimized and applicable to various block ciphers with linear key schedule. As a proof of work, we apply the new model to two very important block ciphers, i.e. SKINNY and GIFT, which are basic modules of many candidates of the Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) standardization project by NIST. For SKINNY, we reduce the complexity of the best previous 27-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on SKINNY-128-384 from 23312^{331} to 22942^{294}. In addition, the first 28-round related-tweakey rectangle attack on SKINNY-128-384 is given, which gains one more round than before. For the case of GIFT-64, we give the first 24-round related-key rectangle attack with a time complexity 291.582^{91.58}, while the best previous attack on GIFT-64 only reaches 23 rounds at most

    New Insights On Differential And Linear Bounds Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Full Version)

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    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is a very common method of modelling differential and linear bounds for ciphers, as it automates the process of finding the best differential trail or linear approximation. The Convex Hull (CH) modelling, introduced by Sun et al. (Eprint 2013/Asiacrypt 2014), is a popular method in this regard, which can convert the conditions corresponding to a small (4-bit) SBox to MILP constraints efficiently. In our work, we study this modelling with CH in more depth and observe a previously unreported problem associated with it. Our analysis shows, there are SBoxes for which the CH modelling can yield incorrect modelling. As such, using the CH modelling may lead to incorrect differential or linear bounds. This arises from the observation that although the CH is generated for a certain set of points, there can be points outside this set which also satisfy all the inequalities of the CH. As apparently no variant of the CH modelling can circumvent this problem, we propose a new modelling for differential and linear bounds. Our modelling makes use of every points of interest individually. This modelling works for an arbitrary SBox, and is able to find the exact bound. Additionally, we also explore the possibility of using redundant constraints, such that the run time for an MILP solver can be reduced while keeping the optimal result unchanged. For this purpose, we revisit the CH modelling and use the CH constraints as redundant constraints (on top of our usual constraints, which ensure the aforementioned problem does not occur). In fact, we choose two heuristics from the convex hull modelling. The first uses all the inequalities of a convex hull, while second uses a reduced number of inequalities. Apart from that, we also propose to use the solutions for the smaller rounds as another heuristic to find the optimal bound for a higher round. With our experiments on round-reduced GIFT-128, we show it is possible to reduce the run time a few folds using a suitable choice of redundant constraints. Further, we observe the necessity to consider separate heuristics for the differential and linear cases. We also present the optimal linear bounds for 11- and 12-rounds of GIFT-128, extending from the best-known result of 10-rounds

    Generating graphs packed with paths: Estimation of linear approximations and differentials:Estimation of linear approximations and differentials

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    When designing a new symmetric-key primitive, the designer must show resistance to known attacks. Perhaps most prominent amongst these are linear and differential cryptanalysis. However, it is notoriously difficult to accurately demonstrate e.g. a block cipher’s resistance to these attacks, and thus most designers resort to deriving bounds on the linear correlations and differential probabilities of their design. On the other side of the spectrum, the cryptanalyst is interested in accurately assessing the strength of a linear or differential attack. While several tools have been developed to search for optimal linear and differential trails, e.g. MILP and SAT based methods, only few approaches specifically try to find as many trails of a single approximation or differential as possible. This can result in an overestimate of a cipher’s resistance to linear and differential attacks, as was for example the case for PRESENT. In this work, we present a new algorithm for linear and differential trail search. The algorithm represents the problem of estimating approximations and differentials as the problem of finding many long paths through a multistage graph. We demonstrate that this approach allows us to find a very large number of good trails for each approximation or differential. Moreover, we show how the algorithm can be used to efficiently estimate the key dependent correlation distribution of a linear approximation, facilitating advanced linear attacks. We apply the algorithm to 17 different ciphers, and present new and improved results on several of these

    Improved (Related-key) Differential Cryptanalysis on GIFT

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    In this paper, we reevaluate the security of GIFT against differential cryptanalysis under both single-key scenario and related-key scenario. Firstly, we apply Matsui\u27s algorithm to search related-key differential trails of GIFT. We add three constraints to limit the search space and search the optimal related-key differential trails on the limited search space. We obtain related-key differential trails of GIFT-64/128 for up to 15/14 rounds, which are the best results on related-key differential trails of GIFT so far. Secondly, we propose an automatic algorithm to increase the probability of the related-key boomerang distinguisher of GIFT by searching the clustering of the related-key differential trails utilized in the boomerang distinguisher. We find a 20-round related-key boomerang distinguisher of GIFT-64 with probability 2^-58.557. The 25-round related-key rectangle attack on GIFT-64 is constructed based on it. This is the longest attack on GIFT-64. We also find a 19-round related-key boomerang distinguisher of GIFT-128 with probability 2^-109.626. We propose a 23-round related-key rectangle attack on GIFT-128 utilizing the 19-round distinguisher, which is the longest related-key attack on GIFT-128. The 24-round related-key rectangle attack on GIFT-64 and 22-round related-key boomerang attack on GIFT-128 are also presented. Thirdly, we search the clustering of the single-key differential trails. We increase the probability of a 20-round single-key differential distinguisher of GIFT-128 from 2^-121.415 to 2^-120.245. The time complexity of the 26-round differential attack on GIFT-128 is improved from 2^124:415 to 2^123:245

    BAKSHEESH: Similar Yet Different From GIFT

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    We propose a lightweight block cipher named BAKSHEESH, which follows up on the popular cipher GIFT-128 (CHES\u2717). BAKSHEESH runs for 35 rounds, which is 12.50 percent smaller compared to GIFT-128 (runs for 40 rounds) while maintaining the same security claims against the classical attacks. The crux of BAKSHEESH is to use a 4-bit SBox that has a non-trivial Linear Structure (LS). An SBox with one or more non-trivial LS has not been used in a cipher construction until DEFAULT (Asiacrypt\u2721). DEFAULT is pitched to have inherent protection against the Differential Fault Attack (DFA), thanks to its SBox having 3 non-trivial LS. BAKSHEESH, however, uses an SBox with only 1 non-trivial LS; and is a traditional cipher just like GIFT-128, with no claims against DFA. The SBox requires a low number of AND gates, making BAKSHEESH suitable for side channel countermeasures (when compared to GIFT-128) and other niche applications. Indeed, our study on the cost of the threshold implementation shows that BAKSHEESH offers a few-fold advantage over other lightweight ciphers. The design is not much deviated from its predecessor (GIFT-128), thereby allowing for easy implementation (such as fix-slicing in software). However, BAKSHEESH opts for the full-round key XOR, compared to the half-round key XOR in GIFT. Thus, when taking everything into account, we show how a cipher construction can benefit from the unique vantage point of using 1 LS SBox, by combining the state-of-the-art progress in classical cryptanalysis and protection against device-dependent attacks. We, therefore, create a new paradigm of lightweight ciphers, by adequate deliberation on the design choice, and solidify it with appropriate security analysis and ample implementation/benchmark