34 research outputs found

    Corticospinal Tract (CST) reconstruction based on fiber orientation distributions(FODs) tractography

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    The Corticospinal Tract (CST) is a part of pyramidal tract (PT), and it can innervate the voluntary movement of skeletal muscle through spinal interneurons (the 4th layer of the Rexed gray board layers), and anterior horn motorneurons (which control trunk and proximal limb muscles). Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a highly disabling disease often caused by traffic accidents. The recovery of CST and the functional reconstruction of spinal anterior horn motor neurons play an essential role in the treatment of SCI. However, the localization and reconstruction of CST are still challenging issues; the accuracy of the geometric reconstruction can directly affect the results of the surgery. The main contribution of this paper is the reconstruction of the CST based on the fiber orientation distributions (FODs) tractography. Differing from tensor-based tractography in which the primary direction is a determined orientation, the direction of FODs tractography is determined by the probability. The spherical harmonics (SPHARM) can be used to approximate the efficiency of FODs tractography. We manually delineate the three ROIs (the posterior limb of the internal capsule, the cerebral peduncle, and the anterior pontine area) by the ITK-SNAP software, and use the pipeline software to reconstruct both the left and right sides of the CST fibers. Our results demonstrate that FOD-based tractography can show more and correct anatomical CST fiber bundles

    Fronto-medial electrode placement for electroconvulsive treatment of depression

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    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most effective treatment for severe treatment-resistant depression but concern about cognitive side-effects, particularly memory loss, limits its use. Recent observational studies on large groups of patients who have received ECT report that cognitive side-effects were associated with electric field (EF) induced increases in hippocampal volume, whereas therapeutic efficacy was associated with EF induced increases in sagittal brain structures. The aim in the present study was to determine whether a novel fronto-medial (FM) ECT electrode placement would minimize electric fields in bilateral hippocampi (HIP) whilst maximizing electric fields in dorsal sagittal cortical regions. An anatomically detailed computational head model was used with finite element analysis, to calculate ECT-induced electric fields in specific brain regions identified by translational neuroimaging studies of treatment-resistant depressive illness, for a range of electrode placements. As hypothesized, compared to traditional bitemporal (BT) electrode placement, a specific FM electrode placement reduced bilateral hippocampal electric fields two-to-three-fold, whilst the electric fields in the dorsal anterior cingulate (dAC) were increased by approximately the same amount. We highlight the clinical relevance of this specific FM electrode placement for ECT, which may significantly reduce cognitive and non-cognitive side-effects and suggest a clinical trial is indicated

    Uncertainty Estimation using the Local Lipschitz for Deep Learning Image Reconstruction Models

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    The use of supervised deep neural network approaches has been investigated to solve inverse problems in all domains, especially radiology where imaging technologies are at the heart of diagnostics. However, in deployment, these models are exposed to input distributions that are widely shifted from training data, due in part to data biases or drifts. It becomes crucial to know whether a given input lies outside the training data distribution before relying on the reconstruction for diagnosis. The goal of this work is three-fold: (i) demonstrate use of the local Lipshitz value as an uncertainty estimation threshold for determining suitable performance, (ii) provide method for identifying out-of-distribution (OOD) images where the model may not have generalized, and (iii) use the local Lipschitz values to guide proper data augmentation through identifying false positives and decrease epistemic uncertainty. We provide results for both MRI reconstruction and CT sparse view to full view reconstruction using AUTOMAP and UNET architectures due to it being pertinent in the medical domain that reconstructed images remain diagnostically accurate

    "MASSIVE" Brain Dataset: Multiple Acquisitions for Standardization of Structural Imaging Validation and Evaluation

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    PURPOSE: In this work, we present the MASSIVE (Multiple Acquisitions for Standardization of Structural Imaging Validation and Evaluation) brain dataset of a single healthy subject, which is intended to facilitate diffusion MRI (dMRI) modeling and methodology development. METHODS: MRI data of one healthy subject (female, 25 years) were acquired on a clinical 3 Tesla system (Philips Achieva) with an eight-channel head coil. In total, the subject was scanned on 18 different occasions with a total acquisition time of 22.5 h. The dMRI data were acquired with an isotropic resolution of 2.5 mm(3) and distributed over five shells with b-values up to 4000 s/mm(2) and two Cartesian grids with b-values up to 9000 s/mm(2) . RESULTS: The final dataset consists of 8000 dMRI volumes, corresponding B0 field maps and noise maps for subsets of the dMRI scans, and ten three-dimensional FLAIR, T1 -, and T2 -weighted scans. The average signal-to-noise-ratio of the non-diffusion-weighted images was roughly 35. CONCLUSION: This unique set of in vivo MRI data will provide a robust framework to evaluate novel diffusion processing techniques and to reliably compare different approaches for diffusion modeling. The MASSIVE dataset is made publically available (both unprocessed and processed) on www.massive-data.org. Magn Reson Med, 2016

    Structural connectivity-based segmentation of the human entorhinal cortex

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    The medial (MEC) and lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), widely studied in rodents, are well defined and characterized. In humans, however, the exact locations of their homologues remain uncertain. Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have subdivided the human EC into posteromedial (pmEC) and anterolateral (alEC) parts, but uncertainty remains about the choice of imaging modality and seed regions, in particular in light of a substantial revision of the classical model of EC connectivity based on novel insights from rodent anatomy. Here, we used structural, not functional imaging, namely diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and probabilistic tractography to segment the human EC based on differential connectivity to other brain regions known to project selectively to MEC or LEC. We defined MEC as more strongly connected with presubiculum and retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and LEC as more strongly connected with distal CA1 and proximal subiculum (dCA1pSub) and lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Although our DTI segmentation had a larger medial-lateral component than in the previous fMRI studies, our results show that the human MEC and LEC homologues have a border oriented both towards the posterior-anterior and medial-lateral axes, supporting the differentiation between pmEC and alEC

    Quantifying Differences and Similarities in Whole-brain White Matter Architecture Using Local Connectome Fingerprints

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