144,362 research outputs found

    A Meaningful MD5 Hash Collision Attack

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    It is now proved by Wang et al., that MD5 hash is no more secure, after they proposed an attack that would generate two different messages that gives the same MD5 sum. Many conditions need to be satisfied to attain this collision. Vlastimil Klima then proposed a more efficient and faster technique to implement this attack. We use these techniques to first create a collision attack and then use these collisions to implement meaningful collisions by creating two different packages that give identical MD5 hash, but when extracted, each gives out different files with contents specified by the atacker

    Криптоанализ MD5

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    В статті розглядаються сучасні методи кріптоаналізу хеш-функції MD5 з метою розкриття паролю та підробки цифрового підпису документу. Зроблені висновки відповідно до перспектив кріптоаналізу на сучасному технічному рівні та наведені рекомендації до подальшого використання MD5 з урахуванням знайдених вразливостей.In present article were overviewed methods of MD hash-function cryptanalysis for document digital signature falsification and password disclosing purposes. Conclusions regarding cryptanalysis aspects on modern technical level are given. Adducted recommendations for further MD using with taking in consideration of found weaknesses are given

    The Topology of Foliations Formed by the Generic K-Orbits of a Subclass of the Indecomposable MD5-Groups

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    The present paper is a continuation of [13], [14] of the authors. Specifically, the paper considers the MD5-foliations associated to connected and simply connected MD5-groups such that their Lie algebras have 4-dimensional commutative derived ideal. In the paper, we give the topological classification of all considered MD5-foliations. A description of these foliations by certain fibrations or suitable actions of R2\mathbb{R}^{2} and the Connes' C*-algebras of the foliations which come from fibrations are also given in the paper.Comment: 20 pages, no figur

    Message authentication codes for the Network Time Protocol

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    RFC 5905 [RFC5905] states that Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets should be authenticated by appending a 128-bit key to the NTP data, and hashing the result with MD5 to obtain a 128-bit tag. This document deprecates MD5-based authentication, which is considered to be too weak, and recommends the use of AES-CMAC [RFC4493] as a replacement.https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-ntp-mac/First author draf