19 research outputs found

    MACE 2.0 Reference Manual and Guide

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    MACE is a program that searches for finite models of first-order statements. The statement to be modeled is first translated to clauses, then to relational clauses; finally for the given domain size, the ground instances are constructed. A Davis-Putnam-Loveland-Logeman procedure decides the propositional problem, and any models found are translated to first-order models. MACE is a useful complement to the theorem prover Otter, with Otter searching for proofs and MACE looking for countermodels.Comment: 10 page

    Mace4 Reference Manual and Guide

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    Mace4 is a program that searches for finite models of first-order formulas. For a given domain size, all instances of the formulas over the domain are constructed. The result is a set of ground clauses with equality. Then, a decision procedure based on ground equational rewriting is applied. If satisfiability is detected, one or more models are printed. Mace4 is a useful complement to first-order theorem provers, with the prover searching for proofs and Mace4 looking for countermodels, and it is useful for work on finite algebras. Mace4 performs better on equational problems than did our previous model-searching program Mace2.Comment: 17 page

    A Logic-based Approach for Recognizing Textual Entailment Supported by Ontological Background Knowledge

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    We present the architecture and the evaluation of a new system for recognizing textual entailment (RTE). In RTE we want to identify automatically the type of a logical relation between two input texts. In particular, we are interested in proving the existence of an entailment between them. We conceive our system as a modular environment allowing for a high-coverage syntactic and semantic text analysis combined with logical inference. For the syntactic and semantic analysis we combine a deep semantic analysis with a shallow one supported by statistical models in order to increase the quality and the accuracy of results. For RTE we use logical inference of first-order employing model-theoretic techniques and automated reasoning tools. The inference is supported with problem-relevant background knowledge extracted automatically and on demand from external sources like, e.g., WordNet, YAGO, and OpenCyc, or other, more experimental sources with, e.g., manually defined presupposition resolutions, or with axiomatized general and common sense knowledge. The results show that fine-grained and consistent knowledge coming from diverse sources is a necessary condition determining the correctness and traceability of results.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Live Programming for Finite Model Finders

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    Finite model finders give users the ability to specify properties of a system in mathematical logic and then automatically find concrete examples, called solutions, that satisfy the properties. These solutions are often viewed as a key benefit of model finders, as they create an exploratory environment for developers to engage with their model. In practice, users find less benefit from these solutions than expected. For years, researchers believed that the problem was that too many solutions are produced. However, a recent user study found that users actually prefer enumerating a broad set of solutions. Inspired by a recent user study on Alloy, a modeling language backed by a finite model finder, we believe that the issue is that solutions are too removed from the logical constraints that generate them to help users build an understanding of the constraints themselves. In this paper, we outline a proof-of-concept for live programming of Alloy models in which writing the model and exploring solutions are intertwined. We highlight how this development environment enables more productive feedback loops between the developer, the model and the solutions

    Executing Underspecified OCL Operation Contracts with a SAT Solver

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    Executing formal operation contracts is an important technique for requirements validation and rapid prototyping. Current approaches require additional guidance from the user or exhibit poor performance for underspecified contracts that describe the operation results non-constructively. We present an efficient and fully automatic approach to executing OCL operation contracts which uses a satisfiability (SAT) solver. The operation contract is translated to an arithmetic formula with bounded quantifiers and later to a satisfiability problem. Based on the system state in which the operation is called and the arguments to the operation, an off-the-shelf SAT solver computes a new state that satisfies the postconditions of the operation. An effort is made to keep the changes to the system state as small as possible. We present a tool for generating Java method bodies for operations specified with OCL. The efficiency of our method is confirmed by a comparison with existing approaches

    An Algorithm for Approximating the Satisfiability Problem of High-level Conditions

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    AbstractThe satisfiability problem is the fundamental problem in proving the conflict-freeness of specifications, or in finding a counterexample for an invalid statement. In this paper, we present a non-deterministic, monotone algorithm for this undecidable problem on graphical conditions that is both correct and complete, but in general not guaranteed to terminate. For a fragment of high-level conditions, the algorithm terminates, hence it is able to decide. Instead of enumerating all possible objects of a category to approach the problem, the algorithm uses the input condition in a constructive way to progress towards a solution. To this aim, programs over transformation rules with external interfaces are considered. We use the framework of weak adhesive HLR categories. Consequently, the algorithm is applicable to a number of replacement capable structures, such as Petri-Nets, graphs or hypergraphs