21 research outputs found

    Universal Forgery and Multiple Forgeries of MergeMAC and Generalized Constructions

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    This article presents universal forgery and multiple forgeries against MergeMAC that has been recently proposed to fit scenarios where bandwidth is limited and where strict time constraints apply. MergeMAC divides an input message into two parts, mm~m\|\tilde{m}, and its tag is computed by F(P1(m)P2(m~))\mathcal{F}( \mathcal{P}_1(m) \oplus \mathcal{P}_2(\tilde{m}) ), where P1\mathcal{P}_1 and P2\mathcal{P}_2 are PRFs and F\mathcal{F} is a public function. The tag size is 64 bits. The designers claim 6464-bit security and imply a risk of accepting beyond-birthday-bound queries. This paper first shows that it is inevitable to limit the number of queries up to the birthday bound, because a generic universal forgery against CBC-like MAC can be adopted to MergeMAC. Afterwards another attack is presented that works with a very few number of queries, 3 queries and 258.62^{58.6} computations of F\mathcal{F}, by applying a preimage attack against weak F\mathcal{F}, which breaks the claimed security. The analysis is then generalized to a MergeMAC variant where F\mathcal{F} is replaced with a one-way function H\mathcal{H}. Finally, multiple forgeries are discussed in which the attacker\u27s goal is to improve the ratio of the number of queries to the number of forged tags. It is shown that the attacker obtains tags of q2q^2 messages only by making 2q12q-1 queries in the sense of existential forgery, and this is tight when q2q^2 messages have a particular structure. For universal forgery, tags for 3q3q arbitrary chosen messages can be obtained by making 5q5q queries

    On Weak Keys and Forgery Attacks Against Polynomial-Based MAC Schemes

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    Abstract. Universal hash functions are commonly used primitives for fast and secure message authentication in the form of Message Authentication Codes (MACs) or Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) schemes. These schemes are widely used and standardised, the most well known being McGrew and Viega’s Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). In this paper we identify some properties of hash functions based on polynomial evaluation that arise from the underlying algebraic structure. As a result we are able to describe a general forgery attack, of which Saarinen’s cycling attack from FSE 2012 is a special case. Our attack removes the requirement for long messages and applies regardless of the field in which the hash function is evaluated. Furthermore we provide a common description of all published attacks against GCM, by showing that the existing attacks are the result of these algebraic properties of the polynomial-based hash function. We also greatly expand the number of known weak GCM keys and show that almost every subset of the keyspace is a weak key class. Finally, we demonstrate that these algebraic properties and corresponding attacks are highly relevant to GCM/2 +, a variant of GCM designed to increase the efficiency in software

    The LOCAL attack: Cryptanalysis of the authenticated encryption scheme ALE

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    We show how to produce a forged (ciphertext,tag) pair for the scheme ALE with data and time complexity of 2^102 ALE encryptions of short messages and the same number of authentication attempts. We use a differential attack based on a local collision, which exploits the availability of extracted state bytes to the adversary. Our approach allows for a time-data complexity tradeoff, with an extreme case of a forgery produced after $2^119 attempts and based on a single authenticated message. Our attack is further turned into a state recovery and a universal forgery attack with a time complexity of 2^120 verification attempts using only a single authenticated 48-byte message

    On the Security Margin of TinyJAMBU with Refined Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis

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    International audienceThis paper presents the first third-party security analysis of TinyJAMBU, which is one of 32 second-round candidates in NIST’s lightweight cryptography standardization process. TinyJAMBU adopts an NLFSR based keyed-permutation that computes only a single NAND gate as a non-linear component per round. The designers evaluated the minimum number of active AND gates, however such a counting method neglects the dependency between multiple AND gates. There also exist previous works considering such dependencies with stricter models, however those are known to be too slow. In this paper, we present a new model that provides a good balance of efficiency and accuracy by only taking into account the first-order correlation of AND gates that frequently occurs in TinyJAMBU. With the refined model, we show a 338-round differential with probability 2^(−62.68) that leads to a forgery attack breaking 64-bit security. This implies that the security margin of TinyJAMBU with respect to the number of unattacked rounds is approximately 12%. We also show a differential on full 384 rounds with probability 2^(−70.64), thus the security margin of full rounds with respect to the data complexity, namely the gap between the claimed security bits and the attack complexity, is less than 8 bits. Our attacks also point out structural weaknesses of the mode that essentially come from the minimal state size to be lightweight

    Lightweight MACs from Universal Hash Functions

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    International audienceLightweight cryptography is a topic of growing importance, with the goal to secure the communication of low-end devices that are not powerful enough to use conventional cryptography. There have been many recent proposals of lightweight block ciphers, but comparatively few results on lightweight Message Authentication Codes (MACs). Therefore, this paper focuses on lightweight MACs. We review some existing constructions, and revisit the choices made in mainstream MACs with a focus on lightweight cryptography. We consider MACs based on universal hash functions, because they offer information theoretic security , can be implemented efficiently and are widely used in conventional cryptography. However, many constructions used in practice (such as GMAC or Poly1305-AES) follow the Wegman-Carter-Shoup construction , which is only secure up to 2 64 queries with a 128-bit state. We point out that there are simple solutions to reach security beyond the birthday bound, and we propose a concrete instantiation, MAC611, reaching 61-bit security with a 61-bit universal hash function. We wrote an optimized implementation on two ARM micro-controllers, and we obtain very good performances on the Cortex-M4, at only 3.7 c/B for long messages, and less than one thousand cycles for short messages

    Optimal Forgeries Against Polynomial-Based MACs and GCM

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    Polynomial-based authentication algorithms, such as GCM and Poly1305, have seen widespread adoption in practice. Due to their importance, a significant amount of attention has been given to understanding and improving both proofs and attacks against such schemes. At EUROCRYPT 2005, Bernstein published the best known analysis of the schemes when instantiated with PRPs, thereby establishing the most lenient limits on the amount of data the schemes can process per key. A long line of work, initiated by Handschuh and Preneel at CRYPTO 2008, finds the best known attacks, advancing our understanding of the fragility of the schemes. Yet surprisingly, no known attacks perform as well as the predicted worst-case attacks allowed by Bernstein\u27s analysis, nor has there been any advancement in proofs improving Bernstein\u27s bounds, and the gap between attacks and analysis is significant. We settle the issue by finding a novel attack against polynomial-based authentication algorithms using PRPs, and combine it with new analysis, to show that Bernstein\u27s bound, and our attacks, are optimal

    Cryptanalysis of OCB2

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    We present practical attacks against OCB2, an ISO-standard authenticated encryption (AE) scheme. OCB2 is a highly-efficient blockcipher mode of operation. It has been extensively studied and widely believed to be secure thanks to the provable security proofs. Our attacks allow the adversary to create forgeries with single encryption query of almost-known plaintext. This attack can be further extended to powerful almost-universal and universal forgeries using more queries. The source of our attacks is the way OCB2 implements AE using a tweakable blockcipher, called XEX*. We have verified our attacks using a reference code of OCB2. Our attacks do not break the privacy of OCB2, and are not applicable to the others, including OCB1 and OCB3

    Reforgeability of Authenticated Encryption Schemes

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    This work pursues the idea of multi-forgery attacks as introduced by Ferguson in 2002. We recoin reforgeability for the complexity of obtaining further forgeries once a first forgery has succeeded. First, we introduce a security notion for the integrity (in terms of reforgeability) of authenticated encryption schemes: j-Int-CTXT, which is derived from the notion INT-CTXT. Second, we define an attack scenario called j-IV-Collision Attack (j-IV-CA), wherein an adversary tries to construct j forgeries provided a first forgery. The term collision in the name stems from the fact that we assume the first forgery to be the result from an internal collision within the processing of the associated data and/or the nonce. Next, we analyze the resistance to j-IV-CAs of classical nonce-based AE schemes (CCM, CWC, EAX, GCM) as well as all 3rd-round candidates of the CAESAR competition. The analysis is done in the nonce-respecting and the nonce-ignoring setting. We find that none of the considered AE schemes provides full built-in resistance to j-IV-CAs. Based on this insight, we briefly discuss two alternative design strategies to resist j-IV-CAs

    Tight Security Analysis of EHtM MAC

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    The security of a probabilistic Message Authentication Code (MAC) usually depends on the uniqueness of the random salt which restricts the security to birthday bound of the salt size due to the collision on random salts (e.g XMACR). To overcome the birthday bound limit, the natural approach to use (a) either a larger random salt (e.g MACRX3 uses 3n bits of random salt where n is the input and output size of the underlying non-compressing pseudorandom function or PRF) or (b) a PRF with increased domain size (e.g RWMAC or Randomized WMAC). Enhanced Hashthen- Mask (EHtM), proposed by Minematsu in FSE 2010, is the first probabilistic MAC scheme that provides beyond birthday bound security without increasing the randomness of the salt and the domain size of the non-compressing PRF. The author proved the security of EHtM as long as the number of MAC query is smaller than 22n/3 where n is the input size of the underlying non-compressing PRF. In this paper, we provide the exact security bound of EHtM and prove that this construction offers security up to 23n/4 MAC queries. The exactness is shown by demonstrating a matching attack