4 research outputs found

    Zachowania zdrowotne a ból kręgosłupa wśród personelu pielęgniarskiego

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    Introduction. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often caused by long-term and often simultaneous influence of the work environment and individual physical factors of each human being. Healthcare workers are most at risk of suffering from musculoskeletal pain.Aim. Assessment of health behaviours and back pain among professionally active nursing team.Material and Methods. 123 active nurses participated in the study. The method of diagnostic survey was used, using standardized research tools: VAS pain scales, Oswestry questionnaire, IZZ questionnaire.Results. According to the conducted analysis, 79.7% of people experience pain; 17.1% reported ailments on an average level. The highest results were obtained by the respondents in terms of questions concerning a positive mental attitude (average value: 3.45 ± 0.59), and the lowest in terms of health practices (average value: 2.89 ± 0.64). In the case of questions about preventive behaviours, women had statistically significantly (p = 0.010) higher results than men.Conclusions. Pain in the spine concerns the majority of the surveyed nurses. In terms of their own health behaviours, the respondents paid the least attention to proper health habits. There was no correlation in pain, functional capacity and personal health behaviour. (JNNN 2021;10(4):135–143)Wstęp. Schorzenia układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego są często spowodowane długotrwałym i często jednoczesnym wpływem środowiska pracy oraz indywidualnymi czynnikami fizycznymi każdego człowieka. Najbardziej narażeni na ból związany z układem mięśniowo-szkieletowym są pracownicy sektorów opieki zdrowotnej.Cel. Ocena zachowań zdrowotnych oraz bólu kręgosłupa wśród aktywnego zawodowo zespołu pielęgniarskiego.Materiał i metody. W badaniu uczestniczyły 123 pielęgniarki(arze), aktywni zawodowo. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, wykorzystując standaryzowane narzędzia badawcze: skale bólu VAS, kwestionariusz Oswestry, kwestionariusz IZZ.Wyniki. Według przeprowadzonej analizy 79,7% osób odczuwa dolegliwości bólowe; 17,1% deklarowało dolegliwości na poziomie średnim. Najwyższe rezultaty ankietowani uzyskali w zakresie pytań dotyczących pozytywnego nastawienia psychicznego (wartość średnia: 3,45 ± 0,59), a najniższe w zakresie praktyk zdrowotnych (wartość średnia: 2,89 ± 0,64). W przypadku pytań o zachowania profilaktyczne kobiety miały istotnie statystycznie (p = 0,010) wyższe wyniki niż mężczyźni.Wnioski. Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa dotyczą większości badanych pielęgniarek. W zakresie własnych zachowań zdrowotnych badani najmniej uwagi poświęcali prawidłowym nawykom zdrowotnym. Nie wykazano korelacji w zakresie bólu, wydolności funkcjonalnej i własnych zachowań zdrowotnych. (PNN 2021;10(4):135–143

    Reliability of the Coach’s Eye goniometer application during squat exercise

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    This study examined the test re-test, intrarater and interrater reliability of joint kinematics from the Coach’s Eye smartphone application. Twenty-two males completed a 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) assessment followed by 2 identical sessions using 5 incremental loads (20%-40%-60%-80%-90% 1-RM). Peak flexion angles at the hip, knee, and ankle joints were assessed using 1 experienced practitioner and 1 inexperienced practitioner. The acceptable reliability thresholds were defined as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (r) > 0.70 and coefficient of variation (CV) ≤ 10%. The test re-test reliability of peak hip and knee flexion were reliable across 20-90% 1-RM (r > 0.64; CV 0.70; CV 0.11). The intrarater reliability was near perfect (r > 0.90) except for peak ankle flexion (r > 0.85). The interrater reliability was nearly perfect (r > 0.91) except for hip flexion at 80% 1-RM and ankle flexion at 20% (r > 0.77). Concludingly, the Coach’s Eye application can produce repeatable assessments of joint kinematics using either a single examiner or 2 examiners, regardless of experience level. The Coach’s Eye can accurately monitor squat depth

    Reliability of the Coach’s Eye Goniometer Application during Squat Exercise

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    This study examined the test re-test, intrarater and interrater reliability of joint kinematics from the Coach’s Eye smartphone application. Twenty-two males completed a 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) assessment followed by 2 identical sessions using 5 incremental loads (20%-40%-60%-80%-90% 1-RM). Peak flexion angles at the hip, knee, and ankle joints were assessed using 1 experienced practitioner and 1 inexperienced practitioner. The acceptable reliability thresholds were defined as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (r) > 0.70 and coefficient of variation (CV) ≤ 10%. The test re-test reliability of peak hip and knee flexion were reliable across 20-90% 1-RM (r > 0.64; CV 0.70; CV 0.11). The intrarater reliability was near perfect (r > 0.90) except for peak ankle flexion (r > 0.85). The interrater reliability was nearly perfect (r > 0.91) except for hip flexion at 80% 1-RM and ankle flexion at 20% (r > 0.77). Concludingly, the Coach’s Eye application can produce repeatable assessments of joint kinematics using either a single examiner or 2 examiners, regardless of experience level. The Coach’s Eye can accurately monitor squat depth

    Is lumbar flexion in lifting loads a risk factor for back pain? : a systematic review

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: El dolor lumbar corresponde a uno de los motivos de consulta más prevalente en los distintos sistemas de salud a nivel mundial. El levantamiento de peso ha sido identificado como un principal factor de riesgo para la exacerbación del dolor lumbar. Además, realizar este movimiento con la “espalda recta” se ha convertido en un principio aceptado por la salud pública y ocupacional. Objetivo: Analizar la literatura actual disponible y conocer si la flexión lumbar es un factor de riesgo para el dolor lumbar a la hora de realizar levantamientos de cargas. Material y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMED, Cochrane y BVS de ensayos clínicos publicados desde 2012 hasta la actualidad. Fueron incluidos 10 artículos seleccionados mediante los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Durante el análisis se ha podido determinar la falta de resultados unificados. En las investigaciones estudiadas se evalúan diferentes cargas y técnicas de levantamiento, con distintos objetivos en cada estudio. No se obtienen resultados significativos para la respuesta a nuestra pregunta de investigación. Conclusión: Hoy en día, no hay la suficiente evidencia científica que apoye la flexión lumbar en el levantamiento de cargas como un factor de riesgo por sí mismo para el dolor lumbar y por ello se necesita más investigación sobre el tema no solo investigando este factor aislado del resto de factores anatómicos y fisiológicos.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Low back pain corresponds to one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in the different health systems worldwide. Weightlifting has been identified as a major risk factor for exacerbation of low back pain. In addition, performing this movement with a “straight back” has become an accepted principle of public and occupational health. Objective: To analyze the current available literature and to know if lumbar flexion is a risk factor for low back pain when lifting loads. Material and methods: A systematic research was carried out in the PubMED, Cochrane and BVS databases of clinical trials published from 2012 to the present. 10 articles selected using the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. Results: During the analysis it was possible to determine the lack of unified results. In the investigations studied, different loads and lifting techniques are evaluated, with different aims in each study. No significant results were obtained to answer our research question. Conclusion: Nowadays, there is not enough scientific evidence to support lumbar flexion in lifting loads as a risk factor in itself for low back pain and therefore more research is needed on the subject, not only investigating this factor isolated from the rest anatomical and physiological factors.Grado en Fisioterapi