24,341 research outputs found

    Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding by transvaginal sonography, sonohysterography and correlation with endometrial histopathology

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in reproductive-age women is common, leading to one-third of outpatient visits by this population and this proportion crosses the two-third threshold in peri or post-menopausal group. Annually 5-10% of women of reproductive age seek medical care for AUB, which negatively impacts quality of life. The aim of the present study was to study the role of transvaginal sonography (TVS) and sonohysterography (SHG) in abnormal uterine bleeding.Methods: The present study was carried out at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Eraā€™s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow in collaboration with Department of Radiology and Pathology, Eraā€™s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow. It was a prospective study carried out over a period of 1 year. Detailed history regarding their present complaints, menstrual history along with thorough examination was noted on the proforma designed for the study. Those with active and heavy bleeding underwent TVS and D&C for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the same sitting. However others without active bleeding underwent TVS, SIS in mid cycle and D&C in premenstrual period.Results: The present study was carried out at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Eraā€™s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow in collaboration with Department of Radiology and Pathology, Eraā€™s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow. It was a prospective study carried out over a period of 1 year. Detailed history regarding their present complaints, menstrual history along with thorough examination was noted on the proforma designed for the study. Those with active and heavy bleeding underwent TVS and D&C for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the same sitting. However others without active bleeding underwent TVS, SIS in mid cycle and D&C in premenstrual period.Conclusions: The findings in present study show a relative supremacy of SIS over TVS in diagnosis of uterine abnormalities in cases of abnormal uterine bleeding

    Physico-chemical attributes and organoleptic assessment of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivars grown in eastern Uttar Pradesh

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the different guava cultivars for their physico-chemical composition and organoleptic assessment during the year 2012-2013. Results of study indicated that Gorakh Bilas Pasand cultivar proved to be superior on the basis of physical characters (Length-7.64 cm, Breadth-7.79 cm , Weight-240.60 g, Number of seeds per fruit-251 etc.) followed by Lucknow-49. However, Lucknow-49 was found noteworthy in respect of chemical composition (TSS-13.00 oBrix, Acidity-0.50%, pH-5.86, Vitamin C-300.36 mg/100g etc). In organoleptic assessment, it was found that ā€˜liked very muchā€™ rating was provided by consumer to Lucknow-49. On the basis of overall findings, it was concluded that ā€˜Lucknow-49ā€™ was superior in most of characters studied and might be one of the promising cultivars for quality fruits under eastern Uttar Pradesh conditions

    Between mimesis and alterity: Art, gift and diplomacy in colonial India, 1770-1800

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    Incident on Lucknow Street: Defenders and the Defended in Halifax, 1915

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    Value co-creation characteristics and creativity-oriented customer citizenship behavior

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    For the competitive advantage of service organization, it is important to improve the creative performance of human resources in the organization. For example, when employees perform creatively, in other words, if they generate novel and useful ideas, it will contribute to organizational competiveness. Therefore, there has been an increased focus in identifying its antecedents and consequences. Unfortunately, little is known about the creative performance of customers. According to service-centered dominant logic, customer is the value co-creator, it emphasizes co-opting customer involvement in the value creation process as an additional human resource. In addition, customers can be a valuable resource for service improvement efforts for firms. For instance, companies might benefit greatly from customer feedback and complaints regarding their offerings and can enhance their productivity in terms of quality and quantity. In this paper, the type of novel, creative-oriented customer behaviors highlighted in the preceding paragraph are referred to as creativity-oriented customer citizenship behaviors (CCBs). In the customer value co-creation context, creative-oriented CCBs refer to extra-role efforts by customers with regards the development of ideas about products, practices, services, and procedures that are novel and potentially useful to a firm. According to the intrinsic motivation perspective, the context in which customers create values, influences their intrinsic motivation, which in turn affects creativity-oriented CCBs. The intrinsic motivation perspective suggests that high intrinsic motivation is affected by information from both task characteristics (i.e., autonomy) and social characteristics (e.g., supplier support). Specifically, complex and challenging task characteristics such as high levels of variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback are expected to increase customer intrinsic motivation. Under these conditions, customers should increase the likelihood of creativity-oriented CCBs. Therefore, customers are expected to be most creative when they experience a high level of intrinsic motivation. In contrast, complex and challenging task and social characteristics can have the opposite effect to customers. For example, in a high level of variety task, increased autonomy can lead to increased workload because they must take on related extra responsibilities and accountability. Increased workload, in turn, is expected to lead to decreased likelihood of creativity-oriented CCBs. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the impact of task characteristics and social characteristics on creativity-oriented CCBs. Furthermore, a substantial body of research has examined the possibility that creativity is affected by personal characteristics. As such, in addition to the relevant task and social characteristics, the moderating influence of several trait variables is also considered. This article makes several contributions. First, this study investigates the trade-off effect of the customer value co-creation related task and social characteristics by examining the underlying opposing mechanism of motivation and work overload. Second, this research provides a deeper understanding of contingency factors that systematically strengthen the relationships under consideration. Third, this study may indicate that companies seek to promote the creativity of their industrial customers and should design the tasks and social characteristics of their industrial customers in a way that maximizes their creativity. But, companies should be aware of the negative impact of specific tasks and social characteristics that may minimize the creativity of industrial customers


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    ā€œTwisterā€ is seen dancing across streets in Lucknow. Golf ball-sized hail was noted to have fallen east of the town which smashed windows. Possible need for upgrade to Probable or Confirmed

    KAP Study on Immunization of Children in a City of North India ā€“ A 30 Cluster Survey

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    Background: To determine the knowledge, attitude and practices about immunization among respondents of children aged 12-23 months.\ud Methods: A total of 510 respondents were interviewed in the urban slums of Lucknow district of India, using 30 cluster sampling technique from January 2005 to April 2005. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to elicit the information about the knowledge, attitude and practices of the respondents regarding immunization. \ud Results: Knowledge regarding the disease prevented, number of doses and correct age of administration of BCG was highest among all the categories of respondents. The paramedical worker was the main source of information to the respondents of completely (52.0%) and partially immunized (48.5%) children while community leaders for unimmunized children. Those availing private facilities were more completely immunized, as compared to the government facilities. 55.8% of those who took 20 minutes to reach the immunization site were completely immunized as compared to 64.1% of those who took more than 20 minutes.\ud Conclusion: Considering the incomplete knowledge, and inappropriate practices of the people, the policy makers and medical professionals require Herculean efforts to raise the knowledge and to break the old beliefs of the peopl

    A survey of Trace Metals Determination in Hospital Waste Incinerator in Lucknow City, India

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    Information on the elemental content of incinerator burning of human organ, animal and medical waste is scanty in India Nineteen trace elements were analyzed in the incinerator ash from four major hospitals, one municipal waste incinerator and two R & D laboratories engaged in animal experiment in Lucknow city. Concentrations of Zinc and Lead were found to be very high in comparison to other metals due to burning of plastic products. The source of Ca, P and K are mainly bone, teeth and other animal organs. A wide variation in trace concentration of several toxic elements have been seen due to variation in initial waste composition, design of the incinerator and operating conditions

    Women's status and experiences of mistreatment during childbirth in Uttar Pradesh: a mixed methods study using cultural health capital theory.

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    BackgroundMistreatment of women in healthcare settings during childbirth has been gaining attention globally. Mistreatment during childbirth directly and indirectly affects health outcomes, patient satisfaction, and the likelihood of delivering in a facility currently or in the future. It is important that we study patients' reports of mistreatment and abuse to develop a deeper understanding of how it is perpetrated, its consequences, and to identify potential points of intervention. Patients' perception of the quality of care is dependent, not only on the content of care, but importantly, on women's expectations of care.MethodsThis study uses rich, mixed-methods data to explore women's characteristics and experiences of mistreatment during childbirth among slum-resident women in Uttar Pradesh, India. To understand the ways in which women's social and cultural factors influence their expectations of care and consequently their perceptions of respectful care, we adopt a Cultural Health Capital (CHC) framework. The quantitative sample includes 392 women, and the qualitative sample includes 26 women.ResultsQuantitative results suggest high levels of mistreatment (over 57Ā % of women reported any form of mistreatment). Qualitative findings suggest that lack of cultural health capital disadvantages patients in their patient-provider relationships, and that women use resources to improve care they receive. Participants articulated how providers set expectations and norms regarding behaviors in facilities; patients with lower social standing may not always understand standard practices and are likely to suffer poor health outcomes as a result. Of importance, however, patients also blame themselves for their own lack of knowledge.ConclusionsLack of cultural health capital disadvantages women during delivery care in India. Providers set expectations and norms around behaviors during delivery, while women are often misinformed and may have low expectations of care

    Detection of genetic diversity among Indian strains of _Xanthomonas campestris_ pv. _mangiferaeindicae_ using PCR-RAPD

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    The randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to investigate the genetic diversity in 6 strains of _Xanthomonas campestris_ pv. _mangiferaeindicae_ (_Xcmi_), the causal pathogen of mango bacterial canker disease (MBCD). The RAPD analysis was also intended to identify molecular markers, specific to the species to develop PCR-based markers for detection of _Xcmi_ in mango field and planting materials. Twenty RAPD primers (CP 1-CP 20) were evaluated to establish molecular characters and genetic variability in the genome of _Xcmi_. Among these, only 4 were found efficient for development of reproducible banding pattern. It has been observed that the largest and smallest amplified RAPD products were of 2.036 and 0.201 kbp. A total of 136 bands were scored against 6 strains of _Xcmi_. There was 7.66 per cent polymorphism in individual isolates which indicates significant polymorphism among the evaluated strains, with mean difference of 0.33 (_Xcmi_ 2 vs. _Xcmi_ 8) and 0.29 (_Xcmi_ 10 vs. _Xcmi_ 12). However, the single linkage euclidean distances were statistically significant (P>0.05), i.e., 0.58. The markers CP 5, 10, 16 and 19 were amplified in all the strains with polymorphic alleles, which indicates that these markers could be used for rapid detection of genetic variability in _Xcmi_ strains
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