16 research outputs found

    Average-Case Lower Bounds for Noisy Boolean Decision Trees

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    We present a new method for deriving lower bounds to the expected number of queries made by noisy decision trees computing Boolean functions. The new method has the feature that expectations are taken with respect to a uniformly distributed random input, as well as with respect to the random noise, thus yielding stronger lower bounds. It also applies to many more functions than do previous results. The method yields a simple proof of the result (previously established by Reischuk and Schmeltz) that almost all Boolean functions of n arguments require \Me(n \log n) queries, and strengthens this bound from the worst-case over inputs to the average over inputs. The method also yields bounds for specific Boolean functions in terms of their spectra (their Fourier transforms). The simplest instance of this spectral bound yields the result (previously established by Feige, Peleg, Raghavan, and Upfal) that the parity function of n arguments requires \Me(n \log n) queries and again strengthens this bound from the worst-case over inputs to the average over inputs. In its full generality, the spectral bound applies to the highly resilient functions introduced by Chor, Friedman, Goldreich, Hastad, Rudich, and Smolensky, and it yields nonlinear lower bounds whenever the resiliency is asymptotic to the number of arguments

    Analysis and Design of Finite Alphabet Iterative Decoders Robust to Faulty Hardware

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    This paper addresses the problem of designing LDPC decoders robust to transient errors introduced by a faulty hardware. We assume that the faulty hardware introduces errors during the message passing updates and we propose a general framework for the definition of the message update faulty functions. Within this framework, we define symmetry conditions for the faulty functions, and derive two simple error models used in the analysis. With this analysis, we propose a new interpretation of the functional Density Evolution threshold previously introduced, and show its limitations in case of highly unreliable hardware. However, we show that under restricted decoder noise conditions, the functional threshold can be used to predict the convergence behavior of FAIDs under faulty hardware. In particular, we reveal the existence of robust and non-robust FAIDs and propose a framework for the design of robust decoders. We finally illustrate robust and non-robust decoders behaviors of finite length codes using Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Noisy Computing of the OR\mathsf{OR} and MAX\mathsf{MAX} Functions

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    We consider the problem of computing a function of nn variables using noisy queries, where each query is incorrect with some fixed and known probability p(0,1/2)p \in (0,1/2). Specifically, we consider the computation of the OR\mathsf{OR} function of nn bits (where queries correspond to noisy readings of the bits) and the MAX\mathsf{MAX} function of nn real numbers (where queries correspond to noisy pairwise comparisons). We show that an expected number of queries of (1±o(1))nlog1δDKL(p1p) (1 \pm o(1)) \frac{n\log \frac{1}{\delta}}{D_{\mathsf{KL}}(p \| 1-p)} is both sufficient and necessary to compute both functions with a vanishing error probability δ=o(1)\delta = o(1), where DKL(p1p)D_{\mathsf{KL}}(p \| 1-p) denotes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between Bern(p)\mathsf{Bern}(p) and Bern(1p)\mathsf{Bern}(1-p) distributions. Compared to previous work, our results tighten the dependence on pp in both the upper and lower bounds for the two functions

    Selection in the Presence of Memory Faults, with Applications to In-place Resilient Sorting

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    The selection problem, where one wishes to locate the kthk^{th} smallest element in an unsorted array of size nn, is one of the basic problems studied in computer science. The main focus of this work is designing algorithms for solving the selection problem in the presence of memory faults. These can happen as the result of cosmic rays, alpha particles, or hardware failures. Specifically, the computational model assumed here is a faulty variant of the RAM model (abbreviated as FRAM), which was introduced by Finocchi and Italiano. In this model, the content of memory cells might get corrupted adversarially during the execution, and the algorithm is given an upper bound δ\delta on the number of corruptions that may occur. The main contribution of this work is a deterministic resilient selection algorithm with optimal O(n) worst-case running time. Interestingly, the running time does not depend on the number of faults, and the algorithm does not need to know δ\delta. The aforementioned resilient selection algorithm can be used to improve the complexity bounds for resilient kk-d trees developed by Gieseke, Moruz and Vahrenhold. Specifically, the time complexity for constructing a kk-d tree is improved from O(nlog2n+δ2)O(n\log^2 n + \delta^2) to O(nlogn)O(n \log n). Besides the deterministic algorithm, a randomized resilient selection algorithm is developed, which is simpler than the deterministic one, and has O(n+α)O(n + \alpha) expected time complexity and O(1) space complexity (i.e., is in-place). This algorithm is used to develop the first resilient sorting algorithm that is in-place and achieves optimal O(nlogn+αδ)O(n\log n + \alpha\delta) expected running time.Comment: 26 page

    Energy-efficient circuit design

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    We initiate the theoretical investigation of energy-efficient circuit design. We assume that the circuit design speci-fies the circuit layout as well as the supply voltages for the gates. To obtain maximum energy efficiency, the circuit de-sign must balance the conflicting demands of minimizing the energy used per gate, and minimizing the number of gates in the circuit; If the energy supplied to the gates is small, then functional failures are likely, necessitating a circuit layout that is more fault-tolerant, and thus that has more gates. By leveraging previous work on fault-tolerant circuit design, we show general upper and lower bounds on the amount of energy required by a circuit to compute a given rela-tion. We show that some circuits would be asymptotically more energy-efficient if heterogeneous supply voltages were allowed, and show that for some circuits the most energy-efficient supply voltages are homogeneous over all gates

    Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Reliable Boolean Circuits with Noisy Gates

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    We prove that the reliable computation of any Boolean function with sensitivity s log s) gates if the gates fail independently with a xed positive probability. This theorem was stated by Dobrushin and Ortyukov in 1977, but their proof was found by Pippenger, Stamoulis and Tsitsiklis to contain some errors