42 research outputs found

    Lower bounds on locality sensitive hashing

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    Optimal lower bounds for locality sensitive hashing (except when q is tiny)

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    We study lower bounds for Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) in the strongest setting: point sets in {0,1}^d under the Hamming distance. Recall that here H is said to be an (r, cr, p, q)-sensitive hash family if all pairs x, y in {0,1}^d with dist(x,y) at most r have probability at least p of collision under a randomly chosen h in H, whereas all pairs x, y in {0,1}^d with dist(x,y) at least cr have probability at most q of collision. Typically, one considers d tending to infinity, with c fixed and q bounded away from 0. For its applications to approximate nearest neighbor search in high dimensions, the quality of an LSH family H is governed by how small its "rho parameter" rho = ln(1/p)/ln(1/q) is as a function of the parameter c. The seminal paper of Indyk and Motwani showed that for each c, the extremely simple family H = {x -> x_i : i in d} achieves rho at most 1/c. The only known lower bound, due to Motwani, Naor, and Panigrahy, is that rho must be at least .46/c (minus o_d(1)). In this paper we show an optimal lower bound: rho must be at least 1/c (minus o_d(1)). This lower bound for Hamming space yields a lower bound of 1/c^2 for Euclidean space (or the unit sphere) and 1/c for the Jaccard distance on sets; both of these match known upper bounds. Our proof is simple; the essence is that the noise stability of a boolean function at e^{-t} is a log-convex function of t.Comment: 9 pages + abstract and reference

    Практична реалізація алгоритму фрактального стиснення зображень, що є ефективним за часом

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    Наведений опис програмної реалізації алгоритму фрактального стиснення зображень за допомогою просторово-чутливого хешування. Дані комплексні критерії якості алгоритмів стиснення і відновлення растрових зображень; проведено практичне порівняння з іншими сучасними алгоритмами стиснення зображень на основі комплексного критерію якості

    Tight Lower Bounds for Data-Dependent Locality-Sensitive Hashing

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    We prove a tight lower bound for the exponent ρ\rho for data-dependent Locality-Sensitive Hashing schemes, recently used to design efficient solutions for the cc-approximate nearest neighbor search. In particular, our lower bound matches the bound of ρ12c1+o(1)\rho\le \frac{1}{2c-1}+o(1) for the 1\ell_1 space, obtained via the recent algorithm from [Andoni-Razenshteyn, STOC'15]. In recent years it emerged that data-dependent hashing is strictly superior to the classical Locality-Sensitive Hashing, when the hash function is data-independent. In the latter setting, the best exponent has been already known: for the 1\ell_1 space, the tight bound is ρ=1/c\rho=1/c, with the upper bound from [Indyk-Motwani, STOC'98] and the matching lower bound from [O'Donnell-Wu-Zhou, ITCS'11]. We prove that, even if the hashing is data-dependent, it must hold that ρ12c1o(1)\rho\ge \frac{1}{2c-1}-o(1). To prove the result, we need to formalize the exact notion of data-dependent hashing that also captures the complexity of the hash functions (in addition to their collision properties). Without restricting such complexity, we would allow for obviously infeasible solutions such as the Voronoi diagram of a dataset. To preclude such solutions, we require our hash functions to be succinct. This condition is satisfied by all the known algorithmic results.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Practical and Optimal LSH for Angular Distance

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    We show the existence of a Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) family for the angular distance that yields an approximate Near Neighbor Search algorithm with the asymptotically optimal running time exponent. Unlike earlier algorithms with this property (e.g., Spherical LSH [Andoni, Indyk, Nguyen, Razenshteyn 2014], [Andoni, Razenshteyn 2015]), our algorithm is also practical, improving upon the well-studied hyperplane LSH [Charikar, 2002] in practice. We also introduce a multiprobe version of this algorithm, and conduct experimental evaluation on real and synthetic data sets. We complement the above positive results with a fine-grained lower bound for the quality of any LSH family for angular distance. Our lower bound implies that the above LSH family exhibits a trade-off between evaluation time and quality that is close to optimal for a natural class of LSH functions.Comment: 22 pages, an extended abstract is to appear in the proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2015

    Tradeoffs for nearest neighbors on the sphere

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    We consider tradeoffs between the query and update complexities for the (approximate) nearest neighbor problem on the sphere, extending the recent spherical filters to sparse regimes and generalizing the scheme and analysis to account for different tradeoffs. In a nutshell, for the sparse regime the tradeoff between the query complexity nρqn^{\rho_q} and update complexity nρun^{\rho_u} for data sets of size nn is given by the following equation in terms of the approximation factor cc and the exponents ρq\rho_q and ρu\rho_u: c2ρq+(c21)ρu=2c21.c^2\sqrt{\rho_q}+(c^2-1)\sqrt{\rho_u}=\sqrt{2c^2-1}. For small c=1+ϵc=1+\epsilon, minimizing the time for updates leads to a linear space complexity at the cost of a query time complexity n14ϵ2n^{1-4\epsilon^2}. Balancing the query and update costs leads to optimal complexities n1/(2c21)n^{1/(2c^2-1)}, matching bounds from [Andoni-Razenshteyn, 2015] and [Dubiner, IEEE-TIT'10] and matching the asymptotic complexities of [Andoni-Razenshteyn, STOC'15] and [Andoni-Indyk-Laarhoven-Razenshteyn-Schmidt, NIPS'15]. A subpolynomial query time complexity no(1)n^{o(1)} can be achieved at the cost of a space complexity of the order n1/(4ϵ2)n^{1/(4\epsilon^2)}, matching the bound nΩ(1/ϵ2)n^{\Omega(1/\epsilon^2)} of [Andoni-Indyk-Patrascu, FOCS'06] and [Panigrahy-Talwar-Wieder, FOCS'10] and improving upon results of [Indyk-Motwani, STOC'98] and [Kushilevitz-Ostrovsky-Rabani, STOC'98]. For large cc, minimizing the update complexity results in a query complexity of n2/c2+O(1/c4)n^{2/c^2+O(1/c^4)}, improving upon the related exponent for large cc of [Kapralov, PODS'15] by a factor 22, and matching the bound nΩ(1/c2)n^{\Omega(1/c^2)} of [Panigrahy-Talwar-Wieder, FOCS'08]. Balancing the costs leads to optimal complexities n1/(2c21)n^{1/(2c^2-1)}, while a minimum query time complexity can be achieved with update complexity n2/c2+O(1/c4)n^{2/c^2+O(1/c^4)}, improving upon the previous best exponents of Kapralov by a factor 22.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 2 figures. Mostly subsumed by arXiv:1608.03580 [cs.DS] (along with arXiv:1605.02701 [cs.DS]

    Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for Low Dimensional Queries

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    We study the Approximate Nearest Neighbor problem for metric spaces where the query points are constrained to lie on a subspace of low doubling dimension, while the data is high-dimensional. We show that this problem can be solved efficiently despite the high dimensionality of the data.Comment: 25 page