260 research outputs found

    A Near-Optimal Depth-Hierarchy Theorem for Small-Depth Multilinear Circuits

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    We study the size blow-up that is necessary to convert an algebraic circuit of product-depth Δ+1\Delta+1 to one of product-depth Δ\Delta in the multilinear setting. We show that for every positive Δ=Δ(n)=o(logn/loglogn),\Delta = \Delta(n) = o(\log n/\log \log n), there is an explicit multilinear polynomial P(Δ)P^{(\Delta)} on nn variables that can be computed by a multilinear formula of product-depth Δ+1\Delta+1 and size O(n)O(n), but not by any multilinear circuit of product-depth Δ\Delta and size less than exp(nΩ(1/Δ))\exp(n^{\Omega(1/\Delta)}). This result is tight up to the constant implicit in the double exponent for all Δ=o(logn/loglogn).\Delta = o(\log n/\log \log n). This strengthens a result of Raz and Yehudayoff (Computational Complexity 2009) who prove a quasipolynomial separation for constant-depth multilinear circuits, and a result of Kayal, Nair and Saha (STACS 2016) who give an exponential separation in the case Δ=1.\Delta = 1. Our separating examples may be viewed as algebraic analogues of variants of the Graph Reachability problem studied by Chen, Oliveira, Servedio and Tan (STOC 2016), who used them to prove lower bounds for constant-depth Boolean circuits

    Functional lower bounds for arithmetic circuits and connections to boolean circuit complexity

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    We say that a circuit CC over a field FF functionally computes an nn-variate polynomial PP if for every x{0,1}nx \in \{0,1\}^n we have that C(x)=P(x)C(x) = P(x). This is in contrast to syntactically computing PP, when CPC \equiv P as formal polynomials. In this paper, we study the question of proving lower bounds for homogeneous depth-33 and depth-44 arithmetic circuits for functional computation. We prove the following results : 1. Exponential lower bounds homogeneous depth-33 arithmetic circuits for a polynomial in VNPVNP. 2. Exponential lower bounds for homogeneous depth-44 arithmetic circuits with bounded individual degree for a polynomial in VNPVNP. Our main motivation for this line of research comes from our observation that strong enough functional lower bounds for even very special depth-44 arithmetic circuits for the Permanent imply a separation between #P{\#}P and ACCACC. Thus, improving the second result to get rid of the bounded individual degree condition could lead to substantial progress in boolean circuit complexity. Besides, it is known from a recent result of Kumar and Saptharishi [KS15] that over constant sized finite fields, strong enough average case functional lower bounds for homogeneous depth-44 circuits imply superpolynomial lower bounds for homogeneous depth-55 circuits. Our proofs are based on a family of new complexity measures called shifted evaluation dimension, and might be of independent interest

    On Computing Multilinear Polynomials Using Multi-r-ic Depth Four Circuits

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    International audienceIn this paper, we are interested in understanding the complexity of computing multilinear polynomials using depth four circuits in which polynomial computed at every node has a bound on the individual degree of r (referred to as multi-r-ic circuits). The goal of this study is to make progress towards proving superpolynomial lower bounds for general depth four circuits computing multilinear polynomials, by proving better and better bounds as the value of r increases. Recently, Kayal, Saha and Tavenas (Theory of Computing, 2018) showed that any depth four arithmetic circuit of bounded individual degree r computing a multilinear polynomial on n^O(1) variables and degree d = o(n), must have size at least (n/r^1.1)^{\sqrt{d/r}} when r is o(d) and is strictly less than n^1/1.1. This bound however deteriorates with increasing r. It is a natural question to ask if we can prove a bound that does not deteriorate with increasing r or a bound that holds for a larger regime of r. We here prove a lower bound which does not deteriorate with r , however for a specific instance of d = d (n) but for a wider range of r. Formally, we show that there exists an explicit polynomial on n^{O(1)} variables and degree Θ(log^2(n)) such that any depth four circuit of bounded individual degree r < n^0.2 must have size at least exp(Ω (log^2 n)). This improvement is obtained by suitably adapting the complexity measure of Kayal et al. (Theory of Computing, 2018). This adaptation of the measure is inspired by the complexity measure used by Kayal et al. (SIAM J. Computing, 2017)

    Progress on Polynomial Identity Testing - II

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    We survey the area of algebraic complexity theory; with the focus being on the problem of polynomial identity testing (PIT). We discuss the key ideas that have gone into the results of the last few years.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, surve

    Arithmetic Circuit Lower Bounds via MaxRank

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    We introduce the polynomial coefficient matrix and identify maximum rank of this matrix under variable substitution as a complexity measure for multivariate polynomials. We use our techniques to prove super-polynomial lower bounds against several classes of non-multilinear arithmetic circuits. In particular, we obtain the following results : As our main result, we prove that any homogeneous depth-3 circuit for computing the product of dd matrices of dimension n×nn \times n requires Ω(nd1/2d)\Omega(n^{d-1}/2^d) size. This improves the lower bounds by Nisan and Wigderson(1995) when d=ω(1)d=\omega(1). There is an explicit polynomial on nn variables and degree at most n2\frac{n}{2} for which any depth-3 circuit CC of product dimension at most n10\frac{n}{10} (dimension of the space of affine forms feeding into each product gate) requires size 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)}. This generalizes the lower bounds against diagonal circuits proved by Saxena(2007). Diagonal circuits are of product dimension 1. We prove a nΩ(logn)n^{\Omega(\log n)} lower bound on the size of product-sparse formulas. By definition, any multilinear formula is a product-sparse formula. Thus, our result extends the known super-polynomial lower bounds on the size of multilinear formulas by Raz(2006). We prove a 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)} lower bound on the size of partitioned arithmetic branching programs. This result extends the known exponential lower bound on the size of ordered arithmetic branching programs given by Jansen(2008).Comment: 22 page

    Robustly Separating the Arithmetic Monotone Hierarchy via Graph Inner-Product

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    A Casual Tour Around a Circuit Complexity Bound

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    I will discuss the recent proof that the complexity class NEXP (nondeterministic exponential time) lacks nonuniform ACC circuits of polynomial size. The proof will be described from the perspective of someone trying to discover it.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. An earlier version appeared in SIGACT News, September 201