17 research outputs found

    Direct torque control scheme for a six-phase induction motor with reduced torque ripple

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    This paper presents an improved direct torque control (DTC) method for an asymmetrical six-phase induction motor using a two-level six-phase inverter. As is well-known, a simple extension of three-phase direct torque control technique to an asymmetrical six-phase motor, using large vectors only, introduces significant current harmonics of the order 6n±1 (n = 1,3,5,…), which are mapped into the non-flux/torque producing (xy) plane. These harmonics cause only losses in the motor winding as they do not take part in torque production. Hence a number of different improved DTC techniques have been developed in the past for multiphase motor drives. The paper takes one such DTC method as the starting point and improves it further by using the concept of virtual voltage vectors. Developed vector selection algorithm, based on two virtual voltage vectors, requires the information on position of the flux in the auxiliary (xy) subspace and provides stator current quality commensurate with the currently available best DTC algorithm for six-phase drives. However, use of two virtual voltage vectors enables a substantial reduction of the torque ripple, which is achieved by means of a five-level torque comparator. Extensive experimentation is performed and it is shown that the reduction of the current harmonics is in essence almost the same as in another recently developed DTC scheme, based on the use of a single virtual voltage vector. However, the achieved torque ripple reduction, which is verified experimentally, makes the scheme superior when compared to the existing approaches. At the same time, developed scheme retains qualities of conventional DTC schemes, such as simple structure and fast response. Its additional beneficial feature is the easiness of implementation

    Model Predictive Control based on Dynamic Voltage Vectors for Six-phase Induction Machines

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    Model predictive control (MPC) has been recently suggested as an interesting alternative for the regulation of multiphase electric drives because it easily exploits the inherent advantages of multiphase machines. However, the standard MPC applies a single switching state during the whole sampling period, inevitably leading to an undesired x y voltage production. Consequently, its performance can be highly degraded when the stator leakage inductance is low. This shortcoming has been, however, mitigated in recent work with the implementation of virtual/synthetic voltage vectors (VVs) in MPC strategies. Their implementation reduces the phase current harmonic distortion since the average x y voltage production becomes null. Nevertheless, VVs have a static nature because they are generally estimated offline, and this implies that the flux/torque regulation is suboptimal. Moreover, these static VVs also present some limitations from the point of view of the dc-link voltage exploitation. Based on these previous limitations, this article proposes the implementation of dynamic virtual voltage vectors (DVVs), where VVs are created online within the MPC strategy. This new concept provides an online optimization of the output voltage production depending on the operating point, resulting in an enhanced flux/torque regulation and a better use of the dc-link voltage. Experimental results have been employed to assess the goodness of the proposed MPC based on DVVs.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-096151-B-100

    Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Direct Torque Control Technique for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives

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    Direct torque control (DTC) has been widely used as an alternative to traditional field-oriented control (FOC) methods for three-phase drives. The conventional DTC scheme has been successfully extended to multiphase drives in recent times, using hysteresis regulators to independently track the desired torque and flux in symmetrical five-phase induction machines (IMs). The fault-tolerant capability of multiphase drives is an interesting intrinsic advantage for safety-critical applications, where recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of FOC schemes to perform ripple-free postfault operation. In spite of the utility of DTC methods in normal operation of the multiphase machine, no extension to manage the postfault operation of the drive is found in the literature. In this paper, a novel fault-tolerant DTC scheme is presented. The performance of the proposed method is experimentally validated in a five-phase IM drive considering an open-phase fault condition. Provided tests analyze steady and transient states, including the transition from pre- to postfault operation. Obtained results prove the interest of the proposal, which ensures the open-phase fault-tolerant capability of DTC-controlled five-phase IM drives

    Low-speed control improvements for a two-level five-phase inverter-fed induction machine using classic direct torque control

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    A novel technique that improves the low-speed performance of a five-phase induction machine (IM) driven by a two-level inverter using the classic direct torque control (DTC) technique is presented. Demagnetization of the stator flux is investigated when the IM runs at lower speeds, and a solution is provided to overcome this phenomenon. The proposed technique reduces the demagnetization phenomenon by using the +/- 36 degrees displaced voltage vector during low-speed operation but employs the +/- 72 degrees displaced voltage vectors otherwise. The demagnetization of the stator flux is shown by simulation and experiment to be eliminated using the proposed technique. It can be observed that the proposed technique can significantly improve the rate of change of stator flux, the torque response, and the speed response compared with traditional method

    Direct Torque Control based on Virtual Voltage Vector for a Six-phase Induction Machine

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    [EN] Direct torque control (DTC) strategy is one of the methods used to control multiphase machines. This strategy has been popular in recent decades owing to its speed, robustness and simplicity in the control scheme. However, the appearance of the new secondary x-y currents components typical of multiphase systems can deteriorate the currents quality and increase the losses in the stator copper if they are not regulated properly. That is why the definition and use of the called virtual voltage vectors allow the reduction of these x-y components, thus alleviating the main problem of the direct extension of the DTC to systems with more than three phases. This paper presents the implementation of virtual voltage vectors in a direct torque control for the speed regulation of a six-phase induction machine, validating the goodness of the control strategy proposed by experimental results.[ES] La estrategia de control directo de par (DTC por sus siglas en inglés) es uno de los métodos empleados para el control de máquinas multifásicas. Esta estrategia ha sido popular en las últimas décadas gracias a su rapidez, robustez y simplicidad en el esquema de control. Sin embargo, la aparición de las nuevas componentes secundarias de corrientes x-y propias de los sistemas multifásicos pueden deteriorar la calidad de las corrientes y aumentar las pérdidas en el cobre del estator si no se regulan adecuadamente. Es por ello por lo que la definición y el uso de los denominados vectores virtuales de tensión permiten la reducción de estas componentes x-y, paliando así el principal problema de la extensión directa del DTC a sistemas con más de tres fases. Este artículo presenta la implementación de vectores virtuales de tensión en un control directo de par para la regulación de la velocidad de máquina de inducción de seis fases, validando la bondad de la estrategia de control propuesta mediante resultados experimentales.García Entrambasaguas, P.; González Prieto, I.; Durán Martínez, MJ.; Bermúdez Guzmán, M.; Barrero García, FJ. (2018). Vectores Virtuales de Tensión en Control Directo de Par para una Máquina de Inducción de Seis Fases. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 15(3):277-285. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2018.9837OJS277285153Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Masoud, M.I. y Williams, B.W. 2012. Improved flux pattern with third harmonic injection for multiphase induction machines. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27, No. 3, 1563-1578.Abdel-Khalik, A.S., Masoud, M.I. y Williams, B.W. 2012. Vector controlled multiphase induction machine: harmonic injection using optimized constant gains. Electric Power Systems Research 89, 116-128.Alcharea, R., Kianinezhad, R., Nahid-Mobarakeh, B., Betin, F. y Capolino, G.A. 2008. Direct torque control for six-phase symmetrical induction machines. 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics.Arahal, M.R. y Durán, M.J. 2009. PI tuning of five-phase drives with third harmonic injection. Control Engineering Practice 17, 787-797.Arnanz, R., García, F.J. y Miguel, L.J. 2016. Métodos de control de motores de inducción: síntesis de la situación actual. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 13, 381-392.Barrero, F. y Durán, M.J. 2016. Recent advances in the design modeling, and control of multiphase machines - Part I. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63, No. 1, 449-458.Benatmane, M. y McCoy, T. 1998. Development of a 19 MW PWM converter for U.S. Navy surface ships. Proc. Int. Conf. ELECSHIP, Istanbul, Turkey, 109-113.Bermúdez, M., González-Prieto, I., Barrero, F., Guzmán, H., Durán, M.J. y Kestelyn, X. 2017. Open-phase fault-tolerant direct torque control technique for five-phase induction motor drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64, No. 2, 902-911.Bojoi, R., Levi, E., Farina, F., Tenconi, A. y Proumo, F. 2006. Dual three-phase induction motor drive with digital current control in the stationary reference frame. IEEE Proceedings Electric Power Applications 153, No. 1, 29-139.Che, H.S., Levi, E., Jones, M., Hew, W.P. y Rahim, N.A. 2014a. Current control methods for an asymmetrical six-phase induction motor drive. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29, No. 1, 407-417.Che, H.S., Levi, E., Jones, M., Durán, M.J., Hew, W.P. y Rahim, N.A. 2014b. Operation of a six-phase induction machine using series-connected machine-side converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61, No. 1, 164-176.Che, H.S., Durán, M.J., Levi, E., Jones, M., Hew, W.P. y Rahim, N.A. 2013. Post-fault operation of an asymmetrical six-phase induction machine with single and two isolated neutral points. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 1131-1138.Cortés, P., Kazmierkowski, M.P., Kennel, R.M., Quevedo, D.E. y Rodríguez, J. 2008. Predictive control in power electronics and drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55, No. 12, 4312-4324.Durán, M.J., Riveros, J.A., Barrero, F., Guzmán, H. y Prieto, J. 2012. Reduction of common-mode voltage in five-phase induction motor drives using predictive control techniques. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications 48, No. 6, 2059-2067.Durán, M.J. y Barrero, F. 2016. Recent Advances in the design modeling, and control of multiphase machines - Part II. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63, No. 1, 459-468.Ferreira, C.L. y Bucknall, R.W.G. 2004. Modelling and real-time simulation of an advanced marine full-electrical propulsion system. Proc. IEEE PEMD Conference, Edinburgh, U.K., 2, No. 498, 574-579.Gamesa Technological Corporation S.A., 2016. Gamesa 5.0 MW. Recuperado de: http://www.gamesacorp.com/recursos/doc/ productos-servicios/aerogeneradores/catalogo-g10x-45mw.pdfGao, L., Fletcher, J.E. y Zheng, L. 2011. Low-speed control improvements for a two-level five-phase inverter-fed induction machine using classic direct torque control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58, No. 7, 2744-2754.González, O., Rodas, J., Ayala, M., Gregor, R., Rivera, M., Durán, M. y González-Prieto, I. 2016. Predictive current control with kalman filter observer for a five-phase induction machine operating at fixed switching frequency.González-Prieto, I., Durán, M.J., Barrero, F., Bermúdez, M. y Guzmán, H. 2017. Impact of postfault flux adaptation on six-phase induction motor drives with parallel converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32, No. 1, 515-528.González-Prieto, I., Durán, M.J., Che, H.S., Levi, E., Bermúdez, M. y Barrero, F. 2016. Fault-tolerant operation of six-phase energy conversion systems with parallel machine-side converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31, No. 4, 3068-3079.González-Prieto, I., Durán, M.J. y Barrero, F. 2016. Fault-tolerant control of six-phase induction motor drives with variable current injection. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.Gregor, R., Rodas, J., Gregor, D. y Barrero, F. 2015. Reduced-order observer analysis in MBPC techniques applied to the six-phase induction motor drives. INTECH Open Science.Guzmán, H., Durán, M.J. y Barrero, F. 2012. A comprehensive fault analysis of a five-phase induction motor drive with an open phase. 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, LS5b.3-1 - LS5b.3-6.Guzmán, H., Durán, M.J., Barrero, F., Bogado, B. y Toral, S. 2014. Speed control of five-phase induction motors with integrated open-phase fault operation using model-based predictive current control techniques. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61, No. 9, 4474-4484.Guzmán, H., Durán, M.J., Barrero, F., Zarri, L., Bogado, B., González-Prieto, I. y Arahal, M.R. 2016. Comparative study of predictive and resonant controllers in fault-tolerant five-phase induction motor drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63, No. 1, 606-617.Hodge, C., Williamson, S. y Smith, A.C. 2002. Direct drive marine propulsion motors. Proc. Int. Conf. Electrical Machines (ICEM), Bruges, Belgium, CD-ROM, Paper 807.Jones, M., Slobodan, N., Vukosavic, S., Dujic, D. y Levi, E. 2009. A synchronous current control scheme for multiphase induction motor drives. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24, No. 4, 860-868.Jung, E., Yoo, H., Sul, S., Choi, H. y Choi, Y. 2012. A nine-phase permanent-magnet motor drive system for an ultrahigh-speed elevator. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications 48, No. 3, 987-995.Khan, M.R., Iqbal, A. y Ahmad, M. 2008. MRAS-based sensorless control of a vector controlled five-phase induction motor drive. Electric Power Systems Research 78, 1311-1321.Kianinezhad, R., Nahid, B., Betin, F. y Capolino, G.A. 2006. A novel direct torque control (DTC) method for dual three phase induction motors. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.Kianinezhad, R., Alcharea, R., Nahid, B., Betin, F. y Capolino, G.A. 2008. A novel direct torque control (DTC) for six-phase induction motors witch common neutrals. IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion.Kouro, S., Cortés, P., Vargas, R., Ammann, U. y Rodríguez, J. 2009. Model predictive control - a simple and powerful method to control power converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56, No. 6, 1826-1838.Levi, E. 2016. Advances in converter control and innovative exploitation of additional degrees of freedom for multiphase machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63, No. 1, 433-448.Libo, Z., Fletcher, J.E., Williams, B.W. y Xiangning, H. 2008. Dual-plane vector control of a five-phase induction machine for an improved flux pattern. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55, No. 5, 1996-2005.Lu, S. y Corzine, K. 2005. Multilevel multi-phase propulsion drives. Proc. IEEE ESTS, Philadelphia, PA, 363-370.Martín, C., Arahal, M.R., Barrero, F. y Durán, M.J. 2016. Five-phase induction motor rotor current observer for finite control set model predictive control of stator current. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63, No. 7, 4527-4538.McCoy, T. y Benatmane, M. 1998. The all-electric warship: An overview of the U.S. Navy's integrated power system development programme. Proc. Int. Conf. ELECSHIP, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-4.Mengoni, M., Zarri, L., Tani, A., Parsa, L., Serra, G. y Casadei, D. 2015. High-torque density control of multiphase induction motor drives operating over a wide speed range. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62, No. 2, 814-825.Munim, W.N.W.A., Durán, M.J. Che, H.S, Bermúdez, M. y González-Prieto, I 2016. A unified analysis of the fault tolerance capability in six-phase induction motor drive. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.Pandit, J.K., Aware, M.V., Nemade, R.V. y Levi, E. 2017. Direct torque control scheme for a six-phase induction motor with reduced torque ripple. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 32, No. 9, 7118-7129.Ren, Y. y Zhu, Z.Q. 2015a. Enhancement of steady-state performance in direct-torque-controlled dual three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine drives with modified switching table. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62, No. 6, 3338-3350.Ren, Y. y Zhu, Z.Q. 2015b. Reduction of both harmonic current and torque ripple for dual three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine using modified switching-table-based direct torque control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62, No. 11, 6671-6683.Ríos-García, N., Durán, M.J., González-Prieto, I., Martín, C. y Barrero, F. 2017. An open-phase fault detection method for six-phase induction motor drives. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality.Riveros, A., Yepes, A.G., Barrero, F., Doval-Gandoy, J., Bogado, B., López, O., Jones, M. y Levi, E. parameter identification of multiphase induction machines with distributed windings-Part 2: time-domain techniques. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27, No. 4, 1067-1077, 2012.Simoes, M.G. y Vieira, P. 2002. A high-torque low-speed multiphase brushless machine - A perspective application for electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49, No. 5, 1154-1164.Singh, G.K., Nam, K. y Lim, S.K. 2005. 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    Direct Torque and Predictive Control Strategies in Nine-phase Electric Drives Using Virtual Voltage Vectors

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    One of the main distinctive features of multiphase machines is the appearance of new degrees of freedom ( - voltages/currents) that do not exist in their three-phase counterparts. As a direct consequence, control approaches that apply a single switching state during the sampling period cannot achieve zero average - voltage production. In direct torque control (DTC) this implies that - currents are not regulated, whereas in finite-control-set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) an enhanced - current regulation is feasible only at the expense of disturbing the flux/torque production. Aiming to avoid these shortcomings, this work makes use of the concept of synthetic/virtual voltage vectors (VVs) to nullify/limit the - voltage production in order to improve the current regulation in the secondary planes. Two strategies using two and four virtual voltage vectors (2-VV and 4-VV, respectively) are proposed and compared with the standard case that applies a single switching state. Since standard MPC has the capability to indirectly regulate - currents, the improvements with the inclusion of VVs are expected to be more significant in DTC strategies. Experimental results validate the proposed VVs and confirm the expectations through a detailed performance comparison of standard, 2-VV and 4-VV approaches for DTC and MPC strategies

    Direct torque control of multiphase doubly converter-fed asynchronous machines incorporating the harmonic torques

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    Doubly fed asynchronous machines have an outstanding property: they can be operated up to twice rated speed delivering full rated torque. This paper presents, for the first time in the literature, a control system for multiphase asynchronous machines fed by Voltage Source Inverters (VSIs) both in stator and rotor that incorporates the harmonic torques. The system has three main and distinctive features: the independent control of the fundamental and harmonic torques, a very fast dynamic response for each one of these torques and a powerful method for selecting the best suited inverter state to achieve the evolution of the fundamental and harmonics flux linkage space phasors prescribed by the external control loops. The first feature is achieved through the decoupling of the multiphase machine provided by the Space Phasor Theory (SPhTh). The second one comes from the application of the General Approach for a very Fast TOrque Control (GAFTOC) principle. The third feature relies on using for multi-phase VSIs a simple but powerful switching-table based mode of operation that overcomes the limitations of the switching-table based modes of operation developed up to now, that only enable for the inverter to feed machines with no harmonic torques contribution

    Fault Tolerance in Direct Torque Control with Virtual Voltage Vectors

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    [EN] Reliability is considered a fundamental requirement of some variable-speed electric drives. Therefore, multiphase systems, which introduce a higher fault tolerance than conventional three-phase ones, turn out to be an interesting alternative for these applications. This high fault-tolerant capability is obtained thanks to the higher number of freedom degrees. This paper presents a direct torque control strategy based on virtual voltage vectors when an open phase fault appears in a six-phase induction machine. These virtual voltage vectors reduce the copper losses due to x-y current components. Experimental tests have been provided to validate the control strategy.[ES] La fiabilidad es considerada una característica fundamental en algunos accionamientos eléctricos de velocidad variable. Es por ello que los sistemas multifásicos, que presentan una mayor tolerancia al fallo que los sistemas trifásicos convencionales, resultan una alternativa interesante para este tipo de aplicaciones. Esta mayor tolerancia al fallo es debida a su mayor número de grados de libertad, lo que se traduce en un aumento de su fiabilidad. En este artículo se presenta la aplicación de un control directo de par basado en vectores virtuales de tensión para una máquina de inducción de seis fases, considerando un fallo de fase abierta. La introducción de estos vectores virtuales permite reducir las pérdidas en el cobre debido a la reducción de las componentes x-y de corriente propias de los sistemas multifásicos. La implementación de la estrategia de control propuesta va a permitir tanto un incremento de la fiabilidad del accionamiento eléctrico como la disminución de las pérdidas debidas a las citadas componentes x-y. La bondad del método propuesto ha sido validada mediante resultados experimentales.García Entrambasaguas, P.; González-Prieto, I.; Durán, M.; Bermúdez, M.; Barrero, F. (2018). Tolerancia al Fallo en Control Directo de Par con Vectores Virtuales de Tensión. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática. 16(1):56-65. doi:10.4995/riai.2018.9288SWORD566516

    Predictive current control in electrical drives: an illustrated review with case examples using a five-phase induction motor drive with distributed windings

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    The industrial application of electric machines in variable-speed drives has grown in the last decades thanks to the development of microprocessors and power converters. Although three-phase machines constitute the most common case, the interest of the research community has been recently focused on machines with more than three phases, known as multiphase machines. The principal reason lies in the exploitation of their advantages like reliability, better current distribution among phases or lower current harmonic production in the power converter than conventional three-phase ones, to name a few. Nevertheless, multiphase drives applications require the development of complex controllers to regulate the torque (or speed) and flux of the machine. In this regard, predictive current controllers have recently appeared as a viable alternative due to an easy formulation and a high flexibility to incorporate different control objectives. It is found however that these controllers face some peculiarities and limitations in their use that require attention. This work attempts to tackle the predictive current control technique as a viable alternative for the regulation of multiphase drives, paying special attention to the development of the control technique and the discussion of the benefits and limitations. Case examples with experimental results in a symmetrical five-phase induction machine with distributed windings in motoring mode of operation are used to this end

    Design of a novel axial-flux induction machine for traction applications.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Induction motors are an important element in the industrial world; they are used in many applications, such as electric fans, elevators, pumps, conveyor belts, compressors and now even traction motors. Electric motors consume about 70 % of all industrial power consumption. Induction machines are also the source of the power generation such as in wind turbines. In recent years, the increase in price and supply-chain issues of rare earth magnets, which are currently an important material in brushless permanent machines, which are the most popular vehicular drive motor, has led to a focus on non-permanent magnet machine replacements, such as the induction machine. The induction machine is still undergoing design development and being used in an increasing number of applications. They can be used in fixed speed (grid-connected) or variable speed (variable-frequency inverter-connected) depending on the application. Loss reduction, weight, size, as well as minimizing the cost of raw materials for manufacturing, are some of the issues in design improvement. In view of this, it is important to develop innovative methods for producing electrical machines that will reduce losses and minimizing cost of production. The aim of this research work is to develop an appropriate analytical design procedure for designing an axial-flux induction machine and to evaluate the performance of the designed machine under various conditions. The machine must be robust and cheaper. ANSYS Maxwell software is used for 3D finite element modelling and simulation of the proposed axial-flux induction machine AFIM). For fast calculation, a simple sizing exercise is done using a pre-defined stator core. Then a radial-flux machine representation is developed in Siemens SPEED motor design software for fast assessment. The electromagnetic motor model is further tested to take into account the variations in rotor design. A proof-of-concept prototype was constructed for initial validation that the machine works and this design was modelled. The result of the simulation and the measurements from the laboratory design prove the possibility of the proposed AFIM for use in automotive application. Further design was carried out to improve the prototype using more substantial windings and a longer rotor. This design was tested with ANSYS Maxwell and SPEED. The designed machine offers a cost effective solution for future drive systems in automotive applications