1,629 research outputs found

    Design of Adiabatic MTJ-CMOS Hybrid Circuits

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    Low-power designs are a necessity with the increasing demand of portable devices which are battery operated. In many of such devices the operational speed is not as important as battery life. Logic-in-memory structures using nano-devices and adiabatic designs are two methods to reduce the static and dynamic power consumption respectively. Magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) is an emerging technology which has many advantages when used in logic-in-memory structures in conjunction with CMOS. In this paper, we introduce a novel adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS structure which is used to design AND/NAND, XOR/XNOR and 1-bit full adder circuits. We simulate the designs using HSPICE with 32nm CMOS technology and compared it with a non-adiabatic hybrid MTJ/CMOS circuits. The proposed adiabatic MTJ/CMOS full adder design has more than 7 times lower power consumtion compared to the previous MTJ/CMOS full adder

    A low-power transmission-gate-based 16-bit multiplier for digital hearing aids

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    The most widespread 16-bit multiplier architectures are compared in terms of area occupation, dissipated energy, and EDP (Energy-Delay Product) in view of low-power low-voltage signal processing for digital hearing aids and similar applications. Transistor-level simulations including back-annotated wire parasitics confirm that the propagation of glitches along uneven and re-convergent paths results in large unproductive node activity. Because of their shorter full-adder chains, Wallace-tree multipliers indeed dissipate less energy than the carry-save (CSM) and other traditional array multipliers (6.0µW/MHz versus 10.9µW/MHz and more for 0.25µm CMOS technology at 0.75V). By combining the Wallace-tree architecture with transmission gates (TGs), a new approach is proposed to improve the energy efficiency further (3.1µW/MHz), beyond recently published low-power architectures. Besides the reduction of the overall capacitance, minimum-sized transmission gate full-adders act as RC-low-pass filters that attenuate undesired switching. Finally, minimum size TGs increase the V dd to ground resistance, hence decreasing leakage dissipation (0.55nW versus 0.84nW in CSM and 0.94nW in Wallace