6 research outputs found

    An Elitist Non-Dominated Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based Temperature Aware Circuit Synthesis

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    At sub-nanometre technology, temperature is one of the important design parameters to be taken care of during the target implementation for the circuit for its long term and reliable operation. High device package density leads to high power density that generates high temperatures. The temperature of a chip is directly proportional to the power density of the chip. So, the power density of a chip can be minimized to reduce the possibility of the high temperature generation. Temperature minimization approaches are generally addressed at the physical design level but it incurs high cooling cost. To reduce the cooling cost, the temperature minimization approaches can be addressed at the logic level. In this work, the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) based multi-objective heuristic approach is proposed to select the efficient input variable polarity of Mixed Polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) expansion for simultaneous optimization of area, power, and temperature. A Pareto optimal solution set is obtained from the vast solution set of 3n (β€˜n’ is the number of input variables) different polarities of MPRM. Tabular technique is used for input polarity conversion from Sum-of-Product (SOP) form to MPRM form. Finally, using CADENCE and HotSpot tool absolute temperature, silicon area and power consumption of the synthesized circuits are calculated and are reported. The proposed algorithm saves around 76.20% silicon area, 29.09% power dissipation and reduces 17.06% peak temperature in comparison with the reported values in the literature

    Low Power Design Techniques for Digital Logic Circuits.

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    With the rapid increase in the density and the size of chips and systems, area and power dissipationbecome critical concern in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuit design. Low powerdesign techniques are essential for today's VLSI industry. The history of symbolic logic and sometypical techniques for finite state machine (FSM) logic synthesis are reviewed.The state assignment is used to optimize area and power dissipation for FSMs. Two costfunctions, targeting area and power, are presented. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to searchfor a good state assignment to minimize the cost functions. The algorithm has been implementedin C. The program can produce better results than NOVA, which is integrated into SIS by DCBerkeley, and other publications both in area and power tested by MCNC benchmarks.Flip-flops are the core components of FSMs. The reduction of power dissipation from flip-flopscan save power for digital systems significantly. Three new kinds of flip-flops, called differentialCMOS single edge-triggered flip-flop with clock gating, double edge-triggered and multiple valuedflip-flops employing multiple valued clocks, are proposed. All circuits are simulated using PSpice.Most researchers have focused on developing low-power techniques in AND/OR or NAND& NOR based circuits. The low power techniques for AND /XOR based circuits are still intheir early stage of development. To implement a complex function involving many inputs,a form of decomposition into smaller subfunctions is required such that the subfunctions fitinto the primitive elements to be used in the implementation. Best polarity based XOR gatedecomposition technique has been developed, which targets low power using Huffman algorithm.Compared to the published results, the proposed method shows considerable improvement inpower dissipation. Further, Boolean functions can be expressed by Fixed Polarity Reed-Muller(FPRM) forms. Based on polarity transformation, an algorithm is developed and implementedin C language which can find the best polarity for power and area optimization. Benchmarkexamples of up to 21 inputs run on a personal computer are given

    Low power logic synthesis for XOR based circuits

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    Low Power Logic Synthesis for XOR Based Circuits

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    An abundance of research efforts in low power logic synthesis have so far been focused on and/or or nand/nor based logic. A typical approach is to first generate an initial multi-level and/or or nand/nor representation of a boolean function. Next, the representation is optimized in terms of power. However, there are major classes of circuits such as arithmetic functions which have sizable and/or representations but have very compact and/xor representations. For these functions and/or based optimization approach often yields poor results. In this paper, we put forth a paradigm for low power logic synthesis based on and/xor representations of boolean functions. Specifically, we propose transforming a boolean function into a Fixed Polarity Reed Muller form that allows us to efficiently synthesize xor trees and and trees with provably minimum switching activity. Preliminary experimental results show that we attain good power savings with negligible area overhead and often area reduction wh..