5 research outputs found

    Low Latency Low Loss Streaming using In-Network Coding and Caching

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    International audienceOwing to the rapid growth in high-quality video streaming over the Internet, preserving high-level robustness against data loss and low latency, while maintaining higher data transmission rates, is becoming an increasingly important issue for high-quality real-time delay-sensitive streaming. In this paper, we propose a low latency, low loss streaming mechanism, L4C2, convenient for high-quality delay-sensitive streaming. With L4C2, nodes in the network estimate the acceptable delay and packet loss probability in their uplinks, aiming at retrieving lost data packets from in-network cache and/or coded data packets using in-network coding within an acceptable delay, by extending the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) approach. Further, L4C2 naturally provides multiple paths and multicast technologies to efficiently utilize network resources while sharing network resources fairly with competing data flows by adjusting the video quality when necessary. We validate through comprehensive simulations that L4C2 achieves a high success probability of data transmission considering the acceptable one-way delay, and higher QoE while suppressing the interest and redundant data traffic than the proposed multipath congestion control mechanism in CCN

    Efficient Pull-based Mobile Video Streaming leveraging In-Network Functions

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    International audienceThere has been a considerable increase in the demand for high quality mobile video streaming services, while at the same time, the video traffic volume is expected to grow exponentially. Consequently, maintaining high quality of experience (QoE) and saving network resources are becoming crucial challenges to solve. In this paper, we propose a name-based mobile streaming scheme that allows efficient video content delivery by exploiting a smart pulling mechanism designed for information-centric networks (ICNs). The proposed mechanism enables fast packet loss recovery by leveraging in-network caching and coding. Through an experimental evaluation of our mechanism over an open wireless testbed and the Internet, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme leads to higher QoE levels than classical ICN and TCP-based streaming mechanisms

    A protocol design paradigm for rateless fulcrum code

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    Establecer servicios Multicast eficientes en una red con dispositivos heterog茅neos y bajo los efectos de un canal con efecto de borradura es una de las prioridades actuales en la teor铆a de la codificaci贸n, en particular en Network Coding (NC). Adem谩s, el creciente n煤mero de clientes con dispositivos m贸viles de gran capacidad de procesamiento y la prevalencia de tr谩fico no tolerante al retardo han provocado una demanda de esquemas Multicast sin realimentaci贸n en lo que respecta a la gesti贸n de recursos distribuidos. Las plataformas de comunicaci贸n actuales carecen de un control de codificaci贸n gradual y din谩mico basado en el tipo de datos que se transmiten a nivel de la capa de aplicaci贸n. Este trabajo propone un esquema de transmisi贸n fiable y eficiente basado en una codificaci贸n hibrida compuesta por una codificaci贸n sistem谩tica y codificaci贸n de red lineal aleatoria (RLNC) denominada codificaci贸n Fulcrum. Este esquema h铆brido de codificaci贸n distribuida tipo Rateless permite implementar un sistema adaptativo de gesti贸n de recursos para aumentar la probabilidad de descodificaci贸n durante la recepci贸n de datos en cada nodo receptor de la informaci贸n. En 煤ltima instancia, el esquema propuesto se traduce en un mayor rendimiento de la red y en tiempos de transmisi贸n (RTT) mucho m谩s cortos mediante la implementaci贸n eficiente de una correcci贸n de errores hacia delante (FEC).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingenier铆a de Sistemas y Computaci贸

    Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networking Architectures

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    The volume of data traffic in the Internet has increased drastically in the last years, mostly due to data intensive applications like video streaming, file sharing, etc.. This motivates the development of new communication methods that can deal with the growing volume of data traffic. To this aim, Named Data Networking (NDN) has been proposed as a future Internet architecture that changes how the Internet works, from the exchange of content between particular nodes of the network, to retrieval of particular content in the network. The NDN architecture enables ubiquitous in-network caching and naturally supports dynamic selection of content sources, characteristics that fit well with the communication needs of data intensive applications. However, the performance of data intensive applications is degraded by the limited throughput seen by applications, which can be caused by (i) limited bandwidth, (ii) network bottlenecks and (iii) packet losses. In this thesis, we argue that introducing network coding into the NDN architecture improves the performance of NDN-based data intensive applications by alleviating the three issues presented above. In particular, network coding (i) enables efficient multipath data retrieval in NDN, which allows nodes to aggregate all the bandwidth available through their multiple interfaces; (ii) allows information from multiple sources to be combined at the intermediate routers, which alleviates the impact of network bottlenecks; and (iii) enables clients to efficiently handle packet losses. This thesis first provides an architecture that enables network coding in NDN for data intensive applications. Then, a study demonstrates and quantifies the benefits that network coding brings to video streaming over NDN, a particular data intensive application. To study the benefits that network coding brings in a more realistic NDN scenario, this thesis finally provides a caching strategy that is used when the in-network caches have limited capacity. Overall, the evaluation results show that the use of network coding permits to exploit more efficiently available network resources, which leads to reduced data traffic load on the sources, increased cache-hit rate at the in-network caches and faster content retrieval at the clients. In particular, for video streaming applications, network coding enables clients to watch higher quality videos compared to using traditional NDN, while it also reduces the video servers' load. Moreover, the proposed caching strategy for network coding enabled NDN maintains the benefits that network coding brings to NDN even when the caches have limited storage space