2,848 research outputs found

    The Design of Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocols for Energy Efficient and QoS Provision in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis work focuses on innovative design of media access control (MAC) protocols in wireless sensor networks (WNSs). The characteristics of the WSN inquire that the network service design considers both energy efficiency and the associated application requirement. However, most existing protocols address only the issue of energy efficiency. In this thesis, a MAC protocol has been proposed (referred to as Q-MAC) that not only minimized the energy consumption in multi-hop WSNs, but also provides Quality of Service (QoS) by differentiating network services based on priority levels prescribed by different applications. The priority levels reflect the state of system resources including residual energy and queue occupancies. Q-MAC contains both intra- and inter- node arbitration mechanisms. The intra-node packet scheduling employs a multiple queuing architectures, and applies a scheduling scheme consisting of packet classification and weighted arbitration. We introduce the Power Conservation MACAW (PC-MACAW), a power-aware scheduling mechanism which, together with the Loosely Prioritized Random Access (LPRA) algorithm, govern the inter-node scheduling. Performance evaluation are conducted between Q-MAC and S-MAC with respect to two performance metrics: energy consumption and average latency. Simulation results indicate Q-MAC achieves comparable performance to that of S-MAC in non-prioritized traffic scenarios. When packets with different priorities are introduced, Q-MAC yields noticeable average latency differentiations between the classes of service, while preserving the same degree of energy consumption as that of S-MAC. Since the high density nature of WSN may introduce heavy traffic load and thus consume large amount of energy for communication, another MAC protocol, referred to as the Deployment-oriented MAC (D-MAC)has been further proposed. D-MAC minimalizes both sensing and communication redundancy by putting majority of redundant nodes into the sleep state. The idea is to establish a sensing and communication backbone covering the whole sensing field with the least sensing and communication redundancy. In specific, we use equal-size rectangular cells to partition the sensing field and chose the size of each cell in a way such that regardless of the actual location within the cell, a node can always sense the whole cell and communicate with all the nodes in neighboring cells. Once the sensing field has been partitioned using these cells, a localized Location-aware Selection Algorithm (LSA) is carried out to pick up only one node within each cell to be active for a fixed amount of period. This selection is energy-oriented, only nodes with a maximum energy will be on and the rest of nodes will be put into the sleep state once the selection process is over. To balance the energy consumption, the selection algorithm is periodically conducted until all the nodes are out of power. Simulation results indicated that D-MAC saves around 80% energy compared to that of S-MAC and Q-MAC, while maintaining 99% coverage. D-MAC is also superior to S-MAC and Q-MAC in terms of average latency. However, the use of GPS in D-MAC in identifying the nodes within the same cell, would cause extra cost and complexity for the design of sensor nodes

    Energy aware topology control protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Network has emerged as an important technology of the future due to its potential for application across a wide array of domains. The collaborative power of numerous autonomousremote sensing nodes self configured into a multi hop network permits in-depth accurate observation of any physical phenomenon. A stringent set of computational and resource constraints make the design and implementation of sensor networks an arduous task. The issue of optimizing the limited and often non-renewable energy of sensor nodes due to its direct impact on network lifetime dominates every aspect of wireless sensor networks. Existing techniques for optimizing energy consumption are based on exploiting node redundancy, adaptive radio transmission power and topology control. Topology control protocols significantly impact network lifetime, routing algorithms and connectivity. We classify sensor nodes as strong and weak nodes based on their residual energy and propose a novel topology control protocol (NEC) which extends network lifetime while guarantying minimum connectivity. Extensive simulations in Network-Simulator (ns-2) show that our protocol outperforms the existing protocols in terms of various performance metrics. We further explore the effectiveness of data aggregation paradigm as a solution to the dominant problem of maximizing energy utilization and increasing network bandwidth utilization in sensor networks. We propose a novel energy efficient data aggregation protocol based on the well-known k-Means algorithm. Our protocol achieves energy efficiency by reduced number of data transmissions at each level of a hierarchical sensor network. Our protocol exploits the spatial and temporal coherence between the data sensed by neighboring sensor nodes in a cluster to reduce the number of packet transmissions. Sensor nodes apply k-Means algorithm to the raw data to generate a reduced set of mean values and forward this modified data set to cluster-head nodes. We further prove the effectiveness of our protocol in providing increased energy conservation in the network by extensive simulation results

    A Survey on Classification of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Late progressions in remote innovation has prompted gigantic development in organization of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). WSNs are involved sensors and actuators hubs, thickly conveyed over some geographic area to detect, gather, handle and send information remotely to focal information authority. The correspondence among various remote sensor hubs is controlled by directing conventions; consequently the execution of WSN exceedingly relies on upon embraced steering strategy. Numerous such vitality proficient and quality steering conventions have been outlined throughout the years so as to build the execution of correspondence in WSNs. In this paper, a comprehensive survey and scientific classification of steering conventions is talked about on the premise of system structures and information transmission procedures. This review will help WSN framework fashioners to choose fitting directing convention for specific application

    Simulation and Performance Analysis of MP-OLSR for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data without reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network, which makes routing a crucial issue for the design of a ad hoc networks. In this paper we discussed a hybrid multipath routing protocol named MP-OLSR. It is based on the link state algorithm and employs periodic exchange of messages to maintain topology information of the networks. In the mean time, it updates the routing table in an on-demand scheme and forwards the packets in multiple paths which have been determined at the source. If a link failure is detected, the algorithm recovers the route automatically. Concerning the instability of the wireless networks, the redundancy coding is used to improve the delivery ratio. The simulation in NS2 shows that the new protocol can effectively improve the performance of the networks

    Virtual Broking Coding for Reliable In-Network Storage on WSANs

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    International audienceThe emerging Internet of Things (IoT) paradigmmakes Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) seemas a central element for data production and consumption. Inthis realm, where data are produced and consumed within thenetwork, WSANs have as a challenge to perform in-network datastorage considering their resource shortage. In this paper, wepropose the Virtual Broking Coding (VBC) as a data storagescheme compliant with WSANs constraints. As such, VBCensures a reliable data storage and an efficient mechanism fordata retrievability. To evaluate our proposed solution, we presenta theoretical analysis as well as a simulation study. Using both,we show that VBC reduces the cost incurred by the codingtechniques; and increases the delivery ratio of the requesteddata. The results presented by VBC suggest this solution as anew direction on how to use network coding based schemes toaddress the WSAN in-network storage problem