8,201 research outputs found

    A new Silver-Meal based heuristic for the single-item dynamic lot sizing problem with returns and remanufacturing

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    In a recent contribution, Teunter et al. [2006. Dynamic lot sizing with product returns and remanufacturing. IJPR 44 (20), 4377-4400] adapted three well-known heuristic approaches for the single-item dynamic lot sizing problem to incorporate returning products that can be remanufactured. The Silver-Meal based approach revealed in a large numerical study the best performance for the separate setup cost setting, i.e. the replenishment options remanufacturing and manufacturing are charged separately for each order. This contribution generalizes the Silver-Meal based heuristic by applying methods elaborated for the corresponding static problem and attaching two simple improvement steps. By doing this, the percentage gap to the optimal solution which has been used as a performance measure has been reduced to less than half of its initial value in almost all settings examined.

    Lot-sizing for inventory systems with product recovery

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    We study inventory systems with product recovery. Recovered itemsare as-good-as-new and satisfy the same demands as new items. Thedemand rate and return fraction are deterministic. The relevantcosts are those for ordering recovery lots, for orderingproduction lots, for holding recoverable items in stock, and forholding new/recovered items in stock. We derive simple formulaethat determine the optimal lot-sizes for theproduction/procurement of new items and for the recovery ofreturned items. These formulae are valid for finite and infiniteproduction rates as well as finite and infinite recovery rates,and therefore more general than those in the literature.Moreover, the method of derivation is easy and insightful.product returns;recovery;lot sizing;EOQ/EPQ

    Production planning and control of closed-loop supply chains

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    More and more supply chains emerge that include a return flow of materials. Many original equipment manufacturers are nowadays engaged in the remanufacturing business. In many process industries, production defectives and by-products are reworked. These closed-loop supply chains deserve special attention. Production planning and control in such hybrid systems is a real challenge, especially due to increased uncertainties. Even companies that are engaged in remanufacturing operations only, face more complicated planning situations than traditional manufacturing companies.We point out the main complicating characteristics in closed-loop systems with both remanufacturing and rework, and indicated the need for new or modified/extended production planning and control approaches. An overview of the existing scientific contributions is given. It appears that we only stand at the beginning of this line of research, and that many more contributions are needed and expected in the future.closed-loop supply chains;Production planning and control

    On the alignment of lot sizing decisions in a remanufacturing system in the presence of random yield

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    In the area of reverse logistics, remanufacturing has been proven to be a valu- able option for product recovery. In many industries, each step of the products’ recovery is carried out in lot sizes which leads to the assumption that for each of the different recovery steps some kind of fixed costs prevail. Furthermore, holding costs can be observed for all recovery states of the returned product. Although several authors study how the different lot sizes in a remanufacturing system shall be determined, they do not consider the specificity of the remanufacturing process itself. Thus, the disassembly operations which are always neglected in former analyses are included in this contribution as a specific recovery step. In addition, the assumption of deterministic yields (number of reworkable compo- nents obtained by disassembly) is extended in this work to study the system behavior in a stochastic environment. Three different heuristic approaches are presented for this environment that differ in their degree of sophistication. The least sophisticated method ignores yield randomness and uses the expected yield fraction as certainty equivalent. As a numerical experiment shows, this method already yields fairly good results in most of the investigated problem instances in comparison to the other heuristics which incorporate yield uncertainties. How- ever, there exist instances for which the performance loss between the least and the most sophisticated heuristic amounts to more than 6%.reverse logistics, remanufacturing, lot sizing, disassembly, random yield

    Dynamic lot sizing with product returns

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    We address the dynamic lot sizing problem for systems with product returns. The demand and return amounts are deterministic over the finite planning horizon. Demands can be satisfied by manufactured/procured new items, but also by remanufactured returned items. The objective is to determine those lot sizes for manufacturing and remanufacturing that minimize the total cost composed of holding cost for returns and serviceable products and set-ups costs. Two different set-up cost schemes are considered; there is either a joint set-up cost for manufacturing and remanufacturing (single production line) or separate set-up costs (dedicated production lines). For the joint set-up cost case, we present an exact, polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm. For both cases, we propose a number of heuristics and test them in an extensive numerical study

    Planning stability in a product recorvery syste

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    Recovery of used products is an issue of growing importance due to customer expectations and environmental regulation. As a consequence, companies need to adapt their material management taking into account inbound flows of used products. Corresponding inventory control models have been proposed in literature. In this paper we address the issue of planning stability in a product recovery context. To this end, we consider rolling horizon planning for a stock point facing stochastic demand and product returns. We analyze the impact of the return flow on planning stability and compare the system behaviour with a traditional production environment. We show that structural results derived for traditional inventory models remain valid in a product recovery context. Moreover we discuss counterintuitive effects resulting from interaction between planning stability and stock levels. Zusammenfassung. In den letzten Jahren besteht aufgrund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen und gestiegenem Umweltbewußtsein in der Bevölkerung zunehmend die Tendenz, daßUnternehmen ihre Produkte nach deren Gebrauch vom Kunden zurĂŒcknehmen. Die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung der Unternehmen muß diesen ProduktrĂŒckflĂŒssen angepaßt werden. In der Literatur sind fĂŒr verschiedene kreislaufwirtschaftliche Probleme optimale Lagerhaltungspolitiken abgeleitet worden. Dieser Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der PlanungsstabilitĂ€t in einem kreislaufwirt- schaftlichen Basismodell, wo alle zurĂŒckkommenden Produkte aufgearbeitet werden mĂŒssen. Insbesondere wird der Einflußder ProduktrĂŒckflĂŒsse auf die StabilitĂ€t untersucht und ein Vergleich mit der StabilitĂ€t eines traditionellen Lagerhaltungsmodells durchgefĂŒhrt. Es wird aufgezeigt, daß beide Modelle im wesentlichen dieselben strukturellen Eigenschaften besitzen

    A new Silver-Meal based heuristic for the single-item dynamic lot sizing problem with returns and remanufacturing

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    In a recent contribution, Teunter et al. [2006. Dynamic lot sizing with product returns and remanufacturing. IJPR 44 (20), 4377-4400] adapted three well-known heuristic approaches for the single-item dynamic lot sizing problem to incorporate returning products that can be remanufactured. The Silver-Meal based approach revealed in a large numerical study the best performance for the separate setup cost setting, i.e. the replenishment options remanufacturing and manufacturing are charged separately for each order. This contribution generalizes the Silver-Meal based heuristic by applying methods elaborated for the corresponding static problem and attaching two simple improvement steps. By doing this, the percentage gap to the optimal solution which has been used as a performance measure has been reduced to less than half of its initial value in almost all settings examined

    Investigation On The Influence Of Remanufacturing On Production Planning And Control – A Systematic Literature Review

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    Production planning and control (PPC) is one of the focal operational tasks of a company, and it is used to design logistics services in a target-orientated manner so that individual customer requirements can be fulfilled. However, existing PPC framework models are still based on the prevailing linear economic procedure (take - make - dispose). Due to customers' increasing interest in sustainability and growing regulatory pressure, the Circular Economy (CE) meets these changing conditions by closing material cycles, improving resource efficiency and extending product life cycles. However, for a company to guarantee a high logistics performance, the operational PPC must be adapted to this new economic model. To this end, it needs to be investigated whether and how the adaptation of circular strategies influences existing PPC processes. This paper focuses on the circular strategy of remanufacturing and its influence on different PPC-main tasks. The latter will be examined using a systematic literature review. Finally, the results of this analysis are compared with the Hanoverian Supply Chain Model as a PPC framework model. This comparison shows which PPC tasks are affected and which existing approaches have already been developed. Ultimately, these results provide the basis for developing a framework model for operational PPC regarding the CE

    Hybrid resolution approaches for dynamic assignment problem of reusable containers

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    In this study, we are interested in the reusing activities of reverse logistics. We focus on the dynamic assignment of reusable containers problem (e.g. gas bottles, beverages, pallets, maritime containers, etc.). The objective is to minimize the collect, reloading, storage and redistribution operations costs over a fixed planning horizon taking into account the greenhouse gas emissions. We present a new generic Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model for the problem. The proposed model was solved using the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimization software; this method yield exact solutions, but it is very time consuming. So we adapted two hybrid approaches using a genetic algorithm to solve the problem at a reduced time (The second hybrid approach is enhanced with a local search procedure based on the Variable Neighborhood Search VNS). The numerical results show that both developed hybrid approaches generate high-quality solutions in a moderate computational time, especially the second hybrid method
