10,349 research outputs found

    Correlated Sources In Distributed Networks - Data Transmission, Common Information Characterization and Inferencing

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    Correlation is often present among observations in a distributed system. This thesis deals with various design issues when correlated data are observed at distributed terminals, including: communicating correlated sources over interference channels, characterizing the common information among dependent random variables, and testing the presence of dependence among observations. It is well known that separated source and channel coding is optimal for point-to-point communication. However, this is not the case for multi-terminal communications. In this thesis, we study the problem of communicating correlated sources over interference channels (IC), for both the lossless and the lossy case. For lossless case, a sufficient condition is found using the technique of random source partition and correlation preserving codeword generation. The sufficient condition reduces to the Han-Kobayashi achievable rate region for IC with independent observations. Moreover, the proposed coding scheme is optimal for transmitting a special correlated sources over a class of deterministic interference channels. We then study the general case of lossy transmission of two correlated sources over a two-user discrete memoryless interference channel (DMIC). An achievable distortion region is obtained and Gaussian examples are studied. The second topic is the generalization of Wyner\u27s definition of common information of a pair of random variables to that of N random variables. Coding theorems are obtained to show that the same operational meanings for the common information of two random variables apply to that of N random variables. We establish a monotone property of Wyner\u27s common information which is in contrast to other notions of the common information, specifically Shannon\u27s mutual information and G\u27{a}cs and K {o}rner\u27s common randomness. Later, we extend Wyner\u27s common information to that of continuous random variables and provide an operational meaning using the Gray-Wyner network with lossy source coding. We show that Wyner\u27s common information equals the smallest common message rate when the total rate is arbitrarily close to the rate-distortion function with joint decoding. Finally, we consider the problem of distributed test of statistical independence under communication constraints. Focusing on the Gaussian case because of its tractability, we study in this thesis the characteristics of optimal scalar quantizers for distributed test of independence where the optimality is both in the finite sample regime and in the asymptotic regime

    Common Information and Decentralized Inference with Dependent Observations

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    Wyner\u27s common information was originally defined for a pair of dependent discrete random variables. This thesis generalizes its definition in two directions: the number of dependent variables can be arbitrary, so are the alphabets of those random variables. New properties are determined for the generalized Wyner\u27s common information of multiple dependent variables. More importantly, a lossy source coding interpretation of Wyner\u27s common information is developed using the Gray-Wyner network. It is established that the common information equals to the smallest common message rate when the total rate is arbitrarily close to the rate distortion function with joint decoding if the distortions are within some distortion region. The application of Wyner\u27s common information to inference problems is also explored in the thesis. A central question is under what conditions does Wyner\u27s common information capture the entire information about the inference object. Under a simple Bayesian model, it is established that for infinitely exchangeable random variables that the common information is asymptotically equal to the information of the inference object. For finite exchangeable random variables, connection between common information and inference performance metrics are also established. The problem of decentralized inference is generally intractable with conditional dependent observations. A promising approach for this problem is to utilize a hierarchical conditional independence model. Utilizing the hierarchical conditional independence model, we identify a more general condition under which the distributed detection problem becomes tractable, thereby broadening the classes of distributed detection problems with dependent observations that can be readily solved. We then develop the sufficiency principle for data reduction for decentralized inference. For parallel networks, the hierarchical conditional independence model is used to obtain conditions such that local sufficiency implies global sufficiency. For tandem networks, the notion of conditional sufficiency is introduced and the related theory and tools are developed. Connections between the sufficiency principle and distributed source coding problems are also explored. Furthermore, we examine the impact of quantization on decentralized data reduction. The conditions under which sufficiency based data reduction with quantization constraints is optimal are identified. They include the case when the data at decentralized nodes are conditionally independent as well as a class of problems with conditionally dependent observations that admit conditional independence structure through the hierarchical conditional independence model

    Lossy Compression via Sparse Linear Regression: Performance under Minimum-distance Encoding

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    We study a new class of codes for lossy compression with the squared-error distortion criterion, designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression. Codewords are linear combinations of subsets of columns of a design matrix. Called a Sparse Superposition or Sparse Regression codebook, this structure is motivated by an analogous construction proposed recently by Barron and Joseph for communication over an AWGN channel. For i.i.d Gaussian sources and minimum-distance encoding, we show that such a code can attain the Shannon rate-distortion function with the optimal error exponent, for all distortions below a specified value. It is also shown that sparse regression codes are robust in the following sense: a codebook designed to compress an i.i.d Gaussian source of variance σ2\sigma^2 with (squared-error) distortion DD can compress any ergodic source of variance less than σ2\sigma^2 to within distortion DD. Thus the sparse regression ensemble retains many of the good covering properties of the i.i.d random Gaussian ensemble, while having having a compact representation in terms of a matrix whose size is a low-order polynomial in the block-length.Comment: This version corrects a typo in the statement of Theorem 2 of the published pape

    The Three-Terminal Interactive Lossy Source Coding Problem

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    The three-node multiterminal lossy source coding problem is investigated. We derive an inner bound to the general rate-distortion region of this problem which is a natural extension of the seminal work by Kaspi'85 on the interactive two-terminal source coding problem. It is shown that this (rather involved) inner bound contains several rate-distortion regions of some relevant source coding settings. In this way, besides the non-trivial extension of the interactive two terminal problem, our results can be seen as a generalization and hence unification of several previous works in the field. Specializing to particular cases we obtain novel rate-distortion regions for several lossy source coding problems. We finish by describing some of the open problems and challenges. However, the general three-node multiterminal lossy source coding problem seems to offer a formidable mathematical complexity.Comment: New version with changes suggested by reviewers.Revised and resubmitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 92 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl