731 research outputs found

    Capsule endoscopy system with novel imaging algorithms

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    Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a state-of-the-art technology to receive images of human intestine for medical diagnostics. In WCE, the patient ingests a specially designed electronic capsule which has imaging and wireless transmission capabilities inside it. While the capsule travels through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it captures images and sends them wirelessly to an outside data logger unit. The data logger stores the image data and then they are transferred to a personal computer (PC) where the images are reconstructed and displayed for diagnosis. The key design challenge in WCE is to reduce the area and power consumption of the capsule while maintaining acceptable image reconstruction. In this research, the unique properties of WCE images are identified by analyzing hundreds of endoscopic images and video frames, and then these properties are used to develop novel and low complexity compression algorithms tailored for capsule endoscopy. The proposed image compressor consists of a new YEF color space converter, lossless prediction coder, customizable chrominance sub-sampler and an efficient Golomb-Rice encoder. The scheme has both lossy and lossless modes and is further customized to work with two lighting modes – conventional white light imaging (WLI) and emerging narrow band imaging (NBI). The average compression ratio achieved using the proposed lossy compression algorithm is 80.4% for WBI and 79.2% for NBI with high reconstruction quality index for both bands. Two surveys have been conducted which show that the reconstructed images have high acceptability among medical imaging doctors and gastroenterologists. The imaging algorithms have been realized in hardware description language (HDL) and their functionalities have been verified in field programmable gate array (FPGA) board. Later it was implemented in a 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology and the chip was fabricated. Due to the low complexity of the core compressor, it consumes only 43 µW of power and 0.032 mm2 of area. The compressor is designed to work with commercial low-power image sensor that outputs image pixels in raster scan fashion, eliminating the need of significant input buffer memory. To demonstrate the advantage, a prototype of the complete WCE system including an FPGA based electronic capsule, a microcontroller based data logger unit and a Windows based image reconstruction software have been developed. The capsule contains the proposed low complexity image compressor and can generate both lossy and lossless compressed bit-stream. The capsule prototype also supports both white light imaging (WLI) and narrow band imaging (NBI) imaging modes and communicates with the data logger in full duplex fashion, which enables configuring the image size and imaging mode in real time during the examination. The developed data logger is portable and has a high data rate wireless connectivity including Bluetooth, graphical display for real time image viewing with state-of-the-art touch screen technology. The data are logged in micro SD cards and can be transferred to PC or Smartphone using card reader, USB interface, or Bluetooth wireless link. The workstation software can decompress and show the reconstructed images. The images can be navigated, marked, zoomed and can be played as video. Finally, ex-vivo testing of the WCE system has been done in pig's intestine to validate its performance

    Study and simulation of low rate video coding schemes

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    The semiannual report is included. Topics covered include communication, information science, data compression, remote sensing, color mapped images, robust coding scheme for packet video, recursively indexed differential pulse code modulation, image compression technique for use on token ring networks, and joint source/channel coder design

    Pipelined implementation of Jpeg image compression using Hdl

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    This thesis presents the architecture and design of a JPEG compressor for color images using VHDL. The system consists of major parts like color space converter, down sampler, 2-D DCT module, quantization, zigzag scanning and entropy coDing The color space conversion transforms the RGB colors to YCbCr color coDing The down sampling operation reduces the sampling rate of the color information (Cb and Cr). The 2-D DCT transform the pixel data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. The quantization operation eliminates the high frequency components and the small amplitude coefficients of the co-sine expansion. Finally, the entropy coding uses run-length encoding (RLE), Huffman, variable length coding (VLC) and differential coding to decrease the number of bits used to represent the image. The JPEG compression is a lossy compression, since downsampling and quantization operations are irreversible. But the losses can be controlled in order to keep the necessary image quality; Architectures for these parts were designed and described in VHDL. The results were observed using Active-HDL simulator and the code being synthesized using xilinx ise for vertex-4 FPGA. This pipelined architecture has a minimum latency of 187 clock cycles

    Adaptive multispectral GPU accelerated architecture for Earth Observation satellites

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    In recent years the growth in quantity, diversity and capability of Earth Observation (EO) satellites, has enabled increase’s in the achievable payload data dimensionality and volume. However, the lack of equivalent advancement in downlink technology has resulted in the development of an onboard data bottleneck. This bottleneck must be alleviated in order for EO satellites to continue to efficiently provide high quality and increasing quantities of payload data. This research explores the selection and implementation of state-of-the-art multidimensional image compression algorithms and proposes a new onboard data processing architecture, to help alleviate the bottleneck and increase the data throughput of the platform. The proposed new system is based upon a backplane architecture to provide scalability with different satellite platform sizes and varying mission’s objectives. The heterogeneous nature of the architecture allows benefits of both Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) hardware to be leveraged for maximised data processing throughput

    Recent advances in coding theory for near error-free communications

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    Channel and source coding theories are discussed. The following subject areas are covered: large constraint length convolutional codes (the Galileo code); decoder design (the big Viterbi decoder); Voyager's and Galileo's data compression scheme; current research in data compression for images; neural networks for soft decoding; neural networks for source decoding; finite-state codes; and fractals for data compression

    Concept report: Experimental vector magnetograph (EXVM) operational configuration balloon flight assembly

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    The observational limitations of earth bound solar studies has prompted a great deal of interest in recent months in being able to gain new scientific perspectives through, what should prove to be, relatively low cost flight of the magnetograph system. The ground work done by TBE for the solar balloon missions (originally planned for SOUP and GRID) as well as the rather advanced state of assembly of the EXVM has allowed the quick formulation of a mission concept for the 30 cm system currently being assembled. The flight system operational configuration will be discussed as it is proposed for short duration flight (on the order of one day) over the continental United States. Balloon hardware design requirements used in formulation of the concept are those set by the National Science Balloon Facility (NSBF), the support agency under NASA contract for flight services. The concept assumes that the flight hardware assembly would come together from three development sources: the scientific investigator package, the integration contractor package, and the NSBF support system. The majority of these three separate packages can be independently developed; however, the computer control interfaces and telemetry links would require extensive preplanning and coordination. A special section of this study deals with definition of a dedicated telemetry link to be provided by the integration contractor for video image data for pointing system performance verification. In this study the approach has been to capitalize to the maximum extent possible on existing hardware and system design. This is the most prudent step that can be taken to reduce eventual program cost for long duration flights. By fielding the existing EXVM as quickly as possible, experience could be gained from several short duration flight tests before it became necessary to commit to major upgrades for long duration flights of this system or of the larger 60 cm version being considered for eventual development


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    In this paper, we provide an overview of the H2020 EU project EO-ALERT. The aim of EO-ALERT is to propose the definition and development of the next generation Earth observation (EO) data and processing chain, based on a novel flight segment architecture moving optimised key EO data processing elements from the ground segment to on-board the satellite. The objective is to address the need for increased throughput in EO data chain, delivering EO products to the end user with very low latency

    NASA Space Engineering Research Center for VLSI System Design

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    This annual report outlines the activities of the past year at the NASA SERC on VLSI Design. Highlights for this year include the following: a significant breakthrough was achieved in utilizing commercial IC foundries for producing flight electronics; the first two flight qualified chips were designed, fabricated, and tested and are now being delivered into NASA flight systems; and a new technology transfer mechanism has been established to transfer VLSI advances into NASA and commercial systems
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