113 research outputs found

    Privacy-Preserving Remote Heart Rate Estimation from Facial Videos

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    Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) is the process of estimating PPG from facial videos. While this approach benefits from contactless interaction, it is reliant on videos of faces, which often constitutes an important privacy concern. Recent research has revealed that deep learning techniques are vulnerable to attacks, which can result in significant data breaches making deep rPPG estimation even more sensitive. To address this issue, we propose a data perturbation method that involves extraction of certain areas of the face with less identity-related information, followed by pixel shuffling and blurring. Our experiments on two rPPG datasets (PURE and UBFC) show that our approach reduces the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms by over 60%, with minimal impact on rPPG extraction. We also test our method on three facial recognition datasets (LFW, CALFW, and AgeDB), where our approach reduced performance by nearly 50%. Our findings demonstrate the potential of our approach as an effective privacy-preserving solution for rPPG estimation.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 202

    DeepFake detection based on high-frequency enhancement network for highly compressed content

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    The DeepFake, which generates synthetic content, has sparked a revolution in the fight against deception and forgery. However, most existing DeepFake detection methods mainly focus on improving detection performance with high-quality data while ignoring low-quality synthetic content that suffers from high compression. To address this issue, we propose a novel High-Frequency Enhancement framework, which leverages a learnable adaptive high-frequency enhancement network to enrich weak high-frequency information in compressed content without uncompressed data supervision. The framework consists of three branches, i.e., the Basic branch with RGB domain, the Local High-Frequency Enhancement branch with Block-wise Discrete Cosine Transform, and the Global High-Frequency Enhancement branch with Multi-level Discrete Wavelet Transform. Among them, the local branch utilizes the Discrete Cosine Transform coefficient and channel attention mechanism to indirectly achieve adaptive frequency-aware multi-spatial attention, while the global branch supplements the high-frequency information by extracting coarse-to-fine multi-scale high-frequency cues and cascade-residual-based multi-level fusion by Discrete Wavelet Transform coefficients. In addition, we design a Two-Stage Cross-Fusion module to effectively integrate all information, thereby greatly enhancing weak high-frequency information in low-quality data. Experimental results on FaceForensics++, Celeb-DF, and OpenForensics datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods and can effectively improve the detection performance of DeepFakes, especially on low-quality data. The code is available here

    Neural function approximation on graphs: shape modelling, graph discrimination & compression

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    Graphs serve as a versatile mathematical abstraction of real-world phenomena in numerous scientific disciplines. This thesis is part of the Geometric Deep Learning subject area, a family of learning paradigms, that capitalise on the increasing volume of non-Euclidean data so as to solve real-world tasks in a data-driven manner. In particular, we focus on the topic of graph function approximation using neural networks, which lies at the heart of many relevant methods. In the first part of the thesis, we contribute to the understanding and design of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Initially, we investigate the problem of learning on signals supported on a fixed graph. We show that treating graph signals as general graph spaces is restrictive and conventional GNNs have limited expressivity. Instead, we expose a more enlightening perspective by drawing parallels between graph signals and signals on Euclidean grids, such as images and audio. Accordingly, we propose a permutation-sensitive GNN based on an operator analogous to shifts in grids and instantiate it on 3D meshes for shape modelling (Spiral Convolutions). Following, we focus on learning on general graph spaces and in particular on functions that are invariant to graph isomorphism. We identify a fundamental trade-off between invariance, expressivity and computational complexity, which we address with a symmetry-breaking mechanism based on substructure encodings (Graph Substructure Networks). Substructures are shown to be a powerful tool that provably improves expressivity while controlling computational complexity, and a useful inductive bias in network science and chemistry. In the second part of the thesis, we discuss the problem of graph compression, where we analyse the information-theoretic principles and the connections with graph generative models. We show that another inevitable trade-off surfaces, now between computational complexity and compression quality, due to graph isomorphism. We propose a substructure-based dictionary coder - Partition and Code (PnC) - with theoretical guarantees that can be adapted to different graph distributions by estimating its parameters from observations. Additionally, contrary to the majority of neural compressors, PnC is parameter and sample efficient and is therefore of wide practical relevance. Finally, within this framework, substructures are further illustrated as a decisive archetype for learning problems on graph spaces.Open Acces

    Assessment Framework for Deepfake Detection in Real-world Situations

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    Detecting digital face manipulation in images and video has attracted extensive attention due to the potential risk to public trust. To counteract the malicious usage of such techniques, deep learning-based deepfake detection methods have been employed and have exhibited remarkable performance. However, the performance of such detectors is often assessed on related benchmarks that hardly reflect real-world situations. For example, the impact of various image and video processing operations and typical workflow distortions on detection accuracy has not been systematically measured. In this paper, a more reliable assessment framework is proposed to evaluate the performance of learning-based deepfake detectors in more realistic settings. To the best of our acknowledgment, it is the first systematic assessment approach for deepfake detectors that not only reports the general performance under real-world conditions but also quantitatively measures their robustness toward different processing operations. To demonstrate the effectiveness and usage of the framework, extensive experiments and detailed analysis of three popular deepfake detection methods are further presented in this paper. In addition, a stochastic degradation-based data augmentation method driven by realistic processing operations is designed, which significantly improves the robustness of deepfake detectors
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