85 research outputs found

    An explicit universal cycle for the (n-1)-permutations of an n-set

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    We show how to construct an explicit Hamilton cycle in the directed Cayley graph Cay({\sigma_n, sigma_{n-1}} : \mathbb{S}_n), where \sigma_k = (1 2 >... k). The existence of such cycles was shown by Jackson (Discrete Mathematics, 149 (1996) 123-129) but the proof only shows that a certain directed graph is Eulerian, and Knuth (Volume 4 Fascicle 2, Generating All Tuples and Permutations (2005)) asks for an explicit construction. We show that a simple recursion describes our Hamilton cycle and that the cycle can be generated by an iterative algorithm that uses O(n) space. Moreover, the algorithm produces each successive edge of the cycle in constant time; such algorithms are said to be loopless

    Generation, Ranking and Unranking of Ordered Trees with Degree Bounds

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    We study the problem of generating, ranking and unranking of unlabeled ordered trees whose nodes have maximum degree of Δ\Delta. This class of trees represents a generalization of chemical trees. A chemical tree is an unlabeled tree in which no node has degree greater than 4. By allowing up to Δ\Delta children for each node of chemical tree instead of 4, we will have a generalization of chemical trees. Here, we introduce a new encoding over an alphabet of size 4 for representing unlabeled ordered trees with maximum degree of Δ\Delta. We use this encoding for generating these trees in A-order with constant average time and O(n) worst case time. Due to the given encoding, with a precomputation of size and time O(n^2) (assuming Δ\Delta is constant), both ranking and unranking algorithms are also designed taking O(n) and O(nlogn) time complexities.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2015, arXiv:1603.0053

    Pop & Push: Ordered Tree Iteration in ?(1)-Time

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    Generation of Neuronal Trees by a New Three Letters Encoding

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    A neuronal tree is a rooted tree with n leaves whose each internal node has at least two children; this class not only is defined based on the structure of dendrites in neurons, but also refers to phylogenetic trees or evolutionary trees. More precisely, neuronal trees are rooted-multistate phylogenetic trees whose size is defined as the number of leaves. In this paper, a new encoding over an alphabet of size 3 (minimal cardinality) is introduced for representing the neuronal trees with a given number of leaves. This encoding is used for generating neuronal trees with n leaves in A-order with constant average time and O(n) time complexity in the worst case. Also, new ranking and unranking algorithms are presented in time complexity of O(n) and O(n log n), respectively

    Two Reflected Gray Code based orders on some restricted growth sequences

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    We consider two order relations: that induced by the m-ary reflected Gray code and a suffix partitioned variation of it. We show that both of them when applied to some sets of restricted growth sequences still yield Gray codes. These sets of sequences are: subexcedant or ascent sequences, restricted growth functions, and staircase words. In each case we give efficient exhaustive generating algorithms and compare the obtained results

    Space-Optimal Quasi-Gray Codes with Logarithmic Read Complexity

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    A quasi-Gray code of dimension n and length l over an alphabet Sigma is a sequence of distinct words w_1,w_2,...,w_l from Sigma^n such that any two consecutive words differ in at most c coordinates, for some fixed constant c>0. In this paper we are interested in the read and write complexity of quasi-Gray codes in the bit-probe model, where we measure the number of symbols read and written in order to transform any word w_i into its successor w_{i+1}. We present construction of quasi-Gray codes of dimension n and length 3^n over the ternary alphabet {0,1,2} with worst-case read complexity O(log n) and write complexity 2. This generalizes to arbitrary odd-size alphabets. For the binary alphabet, we present quasi-Gray codes of dimension n and length at least 2^n - 20n with worst-case read complexity 6+log n and write complexity 2. This complements a recent result by Raskin [Raskin \u2717] who shows that any quasi-Gray code over binary alphabet of length 2^n has read complexity Omega(n). Our results significantly improve on previously known constructions and for the odd-size alphabets we break the Omega(n) worst-case barrier for space-optimal (non-redundant) quasi-Gray codes with constant number of writes. We obtain our results via a novel application of algebraic tools together with the principles of catalytic computation [Buhrman et al. \u2714, Ben-Or and Cleve \u2792, Barrington \u2789, Coppersmith and Grossman \u2775]
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