2,728 research outputs found

    3D-SeqMOS: A Novel Sequential 3D Moving Object Segmentation in Autonomous Driving

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    For the SLAM system in robotics and autonomous driving, the accuracy of front-end odometry and back-end loop-closure detection determine the whole intelligent system performance. But the LiDAR-SLAM could be disturbed by current scene moving objects, resulting in drift errors and even loop-closure failure. Thus, the ability to detect and segment moving objects is essential for high-precision positioning and building a consistent map. In this paper, we address the problem of moving object segmentation from 3D LiDAR scans to improve the odometry and loop-closure accuracy of SLAM. We propose a novel 3D Sequential Moving-Object-Segmentation (3D-SeqMOS) method that can accurately segment the scene into moving and static objects, such as moving and static cars. Different from the existing projected-image method, we process the raw 3D point cloud and build a 3D convolution neural network for MOS task. In addition, to make full use of the spatio-temporal information of point cloud, we propose a point cloud residual mechanism using the spatial features of current scan and the temporal features of previous residual scans. Besides, we build a complete SLAM framework to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of 3D-SeqMOS. Experiments on SemanticKITTI dataset show that our proposed 3D-SeqMOS method can effectively detect moving objects and improve the accuracy of LiDAR odometry and loop-closure detection. The test results show our 3D-SeqMOS outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 12.4%. We extend the proposed method to the SemanticKITTI: Moving Object Segmentation competition and achieve the 2nd in the leaderboard, showing its effectiveness

    Localization and Mapping for Self-Driving Vehicles:A Survey

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    The upsurge of autonomous vehicles in the automobile industry will lead to better driving experiences while also enabling the users to solve challenging navigation problems. Reaching such capabilities will require significant technological attention and the flawless execution of various complex tasks, one of which is ensuring robust localization and mapping. Recent surveys have not provided a meaningful and comprehensive description of the current approaches in this field. Accordingly, this review is intended to provide adequate coverage of the problems affecting autonomous vehicles in this area, by examining the most recent methods for mapping and localization as well as related feature extraction and data security problems. First, a discussion of the contemporary methods of extracting relevant features from equipped sensors and their categorization as semantic, non-semantic, and deep learning methods is presented. We conclude that representativeness, low cost, and accessibility are crucial constraints in the choice of the methods to be adopted for localization and mapping tasks. Second, the survey focuses on methods to build a vehicle’s environment map, considering both the commercial and the academic solutions available. The analysis proposes a difference between two types of environment, known and unknown, and develops solutions in each case. Third, the survey explores different approaches to vehicles’ localization and also classifies them according to their mathematical characteristics and priorities. Each section concludes by presenting the related challenges and some future directions. The article also highlights the security problems likely to be encountered in self-driving vehicles, with an assessment of possible defense mechanisms that could prevent security attacks in vehicles. Finally, the article ends with a debate on the potential impacts of autonomous driving, spanning energy consumption and emission reduction, sound and light pollution, integration into smart cities, infrastructure optimization, and software refinement. This thorough investigation aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the diverse implications of autonomous driving across various domains

    The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM):An overview

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    Positioning is a need for many applications related to mapping and navigation either in civilian or military domains. The significant developments in satellite-based techniques, sensors, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, image processing, etc. positively influenced to solve the positioning problem efficiently and instantaneously. Accordingly, the mentioned development empowered the applications and advancement of autonomous navigation. One of the most interesting developed positioning techniques is what is called in robotics as the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM. The SLAM problem solution has witnessed a quick improvement in the last decades either using active sensors like the RAdio Detection And Ranging (Radar) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) or passive sensors like cameras. Definitely, positioning and mapping is one of the main tasks for Geomatics engineers, and therefore it's of high importance for them to understand the SLAM topic which is not easy because of the huge documentation and algorithms available and the various SLAM solutions in terms of the mathematical models, complexity, the sensors used, and the type of applications. In this paper, a clear and simplified explanation is introduced about SLAM from a Geomatical viewpoint avoiding going into the complicated algorithmic details behind the presented techniques. In this way, a general overview of SLAM is presented showing the relationship between its different components and stages like the core part of the front-end and back-end and their relation to the SLAM paradigm. Furthermore, we explain the major mathematical techniques of filtering and pose graph optimization either using visual or LiDAR SLAM and introduce a summary of the deep learning efficient contribution to the SLAM problem. Finally, we address examples of some existing practical applications of SLAM in our reality

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for Autonomous Driving: Concept and Analysis

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    The Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique has achieved astonishing progress over the last few decades and has generated considerable interest in the autonomous driving community. With its conceptual roots in navigation and mapping, SLAM outperforms some traditional positioning and localization techniques since it can support more reliable and robust localization, planning, and controlling to meet some key criteria for autonomous driving. In this study the authors first give an overview of the different SLAM implementation approaches and then discuss the applications of SLAM for autonomous driving with respect to different driving scenarios, vehicle system components and the characteristics of the SLAM approaches. The authors then discuss some challenging issues and current solutions when applying SLAM for autonomous driving. Some quantitative quality analysis means to evaluate the characteristics and performance of SLAM systems and to monitor the risk in SLAM estimation are reviewed. In addition, this study describes a real-world road test to demonstrate a multi-sensor-based modernized SLAM procedure for autonomous driving. The numerical results show that a high-precision 3D point cloud map can be generated by the SLAM procedure with the integration of Lidar and GNSS/INS. Online four–five cm accuracy localization solution can be achieved based on this pre-generated map and online Lidar scan matching with a tightly fused inertial system
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