17 research outputs found

    Loop Bound Analysis based on a Combination of Program Slicing, Abstract Interpretation, and Invariant Analysis

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    Static Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis is a technique to derive upper bounds for the execution times of programs. Such bounds are crucial when designing and verifying real-time systems. A key component for static derivation of precise WCET estimates is upper bounds on the number of times different loops can be iterated. In this paper we present an approach for deriving upper loop bounds based on a combination of standard program analysis techniques. The idea is to bound the number of different states in the loop which can influence the exit conditions. Given that the loop terminates, this number provides an upper loop bound. An algorithm based on the approach has been implemented in our WCET analysis tool SWEET. We evaluate the algorithm on a number of standard WCET benchmarks, giving evidence that it is capable to derive valid bounds for many types of loops

    Normalisation of Loops with Covariant Variables

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    AbstractTemporal property verification is utterly important to ensure safety of critical real-time systems. A main component of this verification is the computation of Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) that requires, in turn, the determination of loop bounds. Although a lot of efforts have been performed in this domain, it remains relatively common cases which are unsolved. For example, to our knowledge, no fast automatic method can cope with the loop bound of a simple binary search look-up. In this paper, we present an approach to solve such loops by using arithmetico-geometric series, that is, loops with arithmetic and/or geometric incrementation with several variables. We have implemented and experimented this approach in our tool oRange

    Accurate analysis of memory latencies for WCET estimation

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    International audienceThese last years, many researchers have proposed solutions to estimate the Worst-Case Execution Time of a critical application when it is run on modern hardware. Several schemes commonly implemented to improve performance have been considered so far in the context of static WCET analysis: pipelines, instruction caches, dynamic branch predictors, execution cores supporting out-of-order execution, etc. Comparatively, components that are external to the processor have received lesser attention. In particular, the latency of memory accesses is generally considered as a fixed value. Now, modern DRAM devices support the open page policy that reduces the memory latency when successive memory accesses address the same memory row. This scheme, also known as row buffer, induces variable memory latencies, depending on whether the access hits or misses in the row buffer. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to take the open page policy into account when estimating WCETs for a processor with an instruction cache. Experimental results show that WCET estimates are refined thanks to the consideration of tighter memory latencies instead of pessimistic values

    Estimating the WCET of GPU-Accelerated Applications using Hybrid Analysis

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    Timing Analysis of Embedded Software Updates

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    We present RETA (Relative Timing Analysis), a differential timing analysis technique to verify the impact of an update on the execution time of embedded software. Timing analysis is computationally expensive and labor intensive. Software updates render repeating the analysis from scratch a waste of resources and time, because their impact is inherently confined. To determine this boundary, in RETA we apply a slicing procedure that identifies all relevant code segments and a statement categorization that determines how to analyze each such line of code. We adapt a subset of RETA for integration into aiT, an industrial timing analysis tool, and also develop a complete implementation in a tool called DELTA. Based on staple benchmarks and realistic code updates from official repositories, we test the accuracy by analyzing the worst-case execution time (WCET) before and after an update, comparing the measures with the use of the unmodified aiT as well as real executions on embedded hardware. DELTA returns WCET information that ranges from exactly the WCET of real hardware to 148% of the new version's measured WCET. With the same benchmarks, the unmodified aiT estimates are 112% and 149% of the actual executions; therefore, even when DELTA is pessimistic, an industry-strength tool such as aiT cannot do better. Crucially, we also show that RETA decreases aiT's analysis time by 45% and its memory consumption by 8.9%, whereas removing RETA from DELTA, effectively rendering it a regular timing analysis tool, increases its analysis time by 27%

    Timing Analysis of Embedded Software Updates

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    We present RETA (Relative Timing Analysis), a differential timing analysis technique to verify the impact of an update on the execution time of embedded software. Timing analysis is computationally expensive and labor intensive. Software updates render repeating the analysis from scratch a waste of resources and time, because their impact is inherently confined. To determine this boundary, in RETA we apply a slicing procedure that identifies all relevant code segments and a statement categorization that determines how to analyze each such line of code. We adapt a subset of RETA for integration into aiT, an industrial timing analysis tool, and also develop a complete implementation in a tool called DELTA. Based on staple benchmarks and realistic code updates from official repositories, we test the accuracy by analyzing the worst-case execution time (WCET) before and after an update, comparing the measures with the use of the unmodified aiT as well as real executions on embedded hardware. DELTA returns WCET information that ranges from exactly the WCET of real hardware to 148% of the new version's measured WCET. With the same benchmarks, the unmodified aiT estimates are 112% and 149% of the actual executions; therefore, even when DELTA is pessimistic, an industry-strength tool such as aiT cannot do better. Crucially, we also show that RETA decreases aiT's analysis time by 45% and its memory consumption by 8.9%, whereas removing RETA from DELTA, effectively rendering it a regular timing analysis tool, increases its analysis time by 27%

    A Formal Design of a Tool for Static Analysis of Upper Bounds on Object Calls in Java

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    Abstract. This paper presents a formal design of a tool for statically establishing the upper bound on the number of executions of objects’ methods in a fragment of object-oriented code. The algorithm that our tool employs is a multi-pass interprocedural analysis consisting of data flow and region-based analyses. We describe the formalization of each of stage of the algorithm. This rigorous specification greatly aids the implementation of the tool by removing ambiguities of textual descrip-tions. There are many applications for information obtained through this method including reasoning about concurrent code, scheduling, code optimization, compositing services, etc.We concentrate on using upper bounds to instrument transactional code that uses a synchronization mechanism based on versioning, and therefore benefits from a priori knowledge about the usage of shared objects within each transaction. To this end we implement a precompiler for Java that analyzes transac-tions, and injects generated source code to initialize each transaction