491 research outputs found

    The use of social robots with children and young people on the autism spectrum: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    © 2022 Kouroupa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Background: Robot-mediated interventions show promise in supporting the development of children on the autism spectrum. Objectives: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we summarize key features of available evidence on robot-interventions for children and young people on the autism spectrum aged up to 18 years old, as well as consider their efficacy for specific domains of learning. Data sources: PubMed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, ACM Digital Library, and IEEE Xplore. Grey literature was also searched using PsycExtra, OpenGrey, British Library EThOS, and the British Library Catalogue. Databases were searched from inception until April (6th) 2021. Synthesis methods: Searches undertaken across seven databases yielded 2145 articles. Forty studies met our review inclusion criteria of which 17 were randomized control trials. The methodological quality of studies was conducted with the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. A narrative synthesis summarised the findings. A meta-analysis was conducted with 12 RCTs. Results: Most interventions used humanoid (67%) robotic platforms, were predominantly based in clinics (37%) followed home, schools and laboratory (17% respectively) environments and targeted at improving social and communication skills (77%). Focusing on the most common outcomes, a random effects meta-analysis of RCTs showed that robot-mediated interventions significantly improved social functioning (g = 0.35 [95%CI 0.09 to 0.61; k = 7). By contrast, robots did not improve emotional (g = 0.63 [95%CI -1.43 to 2.69]; k = 2) or motor outcomes (g = -0.10 [95%CI -1.08 to 0.89]; k = 3), but the numbers of trials were very small. Meta-regression revealed that age accounted for almost one-third of the variance in effect sizes, with greater benefits being found in younger children. Conclusions: Overall, our findings support the use of robot-mediated interventions for autistic children and youth, and we propose several recommendations for future research to aid learning and enhance implementation in everyday settings. PROSPERO registration: Our methods were preregistered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42019148981).Peer reviewe

    Socially Assistive Robot Enabled Home-Based Care for Supporting People with Autism

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    The growing number of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an issue of concern in Australia and many countries. In order to improve the engagement, reciprocity, productivity and usefulness of people with ASD in a home-based environment, in this paper the authors report on a 9 month Australian home-based care trial of socially assistive robot (Lucy) to support two young adults with autism. This work demonstrates that by marrying personhood (of people with ASD) with human-like communication modalities of Lucy potentially positive outcomes can be achieved in terms of engagement, productivity and usefulness as well as reciprocity of the people with ASD. Lucy also provide respite to their carers (e.g., parents) in their day to day living

    Psychophysiological analysis of a pedagogical agent and robotic peer for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by ongoing problems in social interaction and communication, and engagement in repetitive behaviors. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1 in 68 children in the United States has ASD. Mounting evidence shows that many of these individuals display an interest in social interaction with computers and robots and, in general, feel comfortable spending time in such environments. It is known that the subtlety and unpredictability of people’s social behavior are intimidating and confusing for many individuals with ASD. Computerized learning environments and robots, however, prepare a predictable, dependable, and less complicated environment, where the interaction complexity can be adjusted so as to account for these individuals’ needs. The first phase of this dissertation presents an artificial-intelligence-based tutoring system which uses an interactive computer character as a pedagogical agent (PA) that simulates a human tutor teaching sight word reading to individuals with ASD. This phase examines the efficacy of an instructional package comprised of an autonomous pedagogical agent, automatic speech recognition, and an evidence-based instructional procedure referred to as constant time delay (CTD). A concurrent multiple-baseline across-participants design is used to evaluate the efficacy of intervention. Additionally, post-treatment probes are conducted to assess maintenance and generalization. The results suggest that all three participants acquired and maintained new sight words and demonstrated generalized responding. The second phase of this dissertation describes the augmentation of the tutoring system developed in the first phase with an autonomous humanoid robot which serves the instructional role of a peer for the student. In this tutoring paradigm, the robot adopts a peer metaphor, where its function is to act as a peer. With the introduction of the robotic peer (RP), the traditional dyadic interaction in tutoring systems is augmented to a novel triadic interaction in order to enhance the social richness of the tutoring system, and to facilitate learning through peer observation. This phase evaluates the feasibility and effects of using PA-delivered sight word instruction, based on a CTD procedure, within a small-group arrangement including a student with ASD and the robotic peer. A multiple-probe design across word sets, replicated across three participants, is used to evaluate the efficacy of intervention. The findings illustrate that all three participants acquired, maintained, and generalized all the words targeted for instruction. Furthermore, they learned a high percentage (94.44% on average) of the non-target words exclusively instructed to the RP. The data show that not only did the participants learn nontargeted words by observing the instruction to the RP but they also acquired their target words more efficiently and with less errors by the addition of an observational component to the direct instruction. The third and fourth phases of this dissertation focus on physiology-based modeling of the participants’ affective experiences during naturalistic interaction with the developed tutoring system. While computers and robots have begun to co-exist with humans and cooperatively share various tasks; they are still deficient in interpreting and responding to humans as emotional beings. Wearable biosensors that can be used for computerized emotion recognition offer great potential for addressing this issue. The third phase presents a Bluetooth-enabled eyewear – EmotiGO – for unobtrusive acquisition of a set of physiological signals, i.e., skin conductivity, photoplethysmography, and skin temperature, which can be used as autonomic readouts of emotions. EmotiGO is unobtrusive and sufficiently lightweight to be worn comfortably without interfering with the users’ usual activities. This phase presents the architecture of the device and results from testing that verify its effectiveness against an FDA-approved system for physiological measurement. The fourth and final phase attempts to model the students’ engagement levels using their physiological signals collected with EmotiGO during naturalistic interaction with the tutoring system developed in the second phase. Several physiological indices are extracted from each of the signals. The students’ engagement levels during the interaction with the tutoring system are rated by two trained coders using the video recordings of the instructional sessions. Supervised pattern recognition algorithms are subsequently used to map the physiological indices to the engagement scores. The results indicate that the trained models are successful at classifying participants’ engagement levels with the mean classification accuracy of 86.50%. These models are an important step toward an intelligent tutoring system that can dynamically adapt its pedagogical strategies to the affective needs of learners with ASD

    The Use of Socially Assistive Robots with Autistic Children

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    The use of socially assistive robots (SARs) appears to facilitate learning, social and communication, and collaborative play in autistic children, though rigorous research to drive translation into everyday practice is limited. This thesis, comprised of four studies, was aimed at providing a comprehesive overview of how SARs have been used with young autistic people, to identify the factors that might encourage their future use, and to consider the scope of SAR benefit for autistic youth via secondary data analysis from a specific SAR support programme. The first chapters provide an overview of autism, theories, and models, and the available psychosocial support for autistic children and their families as per current practice. Within this, the different SARs types used in autism research are described followed by an outiline of the rationale for each study design methodology to address the aims of this thesis. Chapter 4 presents an up-to-date evidence summary of the nature of SARs research in autism reporting that robot-mediated support has predominantly been administered in autism clinics/centers with benefits in the social and communication skills of autistic children. Chapter 5 explores parents’/carers’ knowledge and preferences about the use of smartphones, iPods, tablets, virtual reality, robots or other technologies to support the specific needs/interests of autistic children offering guidance on how to extend the benefits of the systematic review findings. The online survey reported that 59% of parents/carers mostly preferred a tablet, followed by virtual reality and then robots that were the least preferred technologies due to being immersive, unrealistic or an unknown technology. To delve deeper into parent views about SARs, chapter 6 provides data from 12 individual interviews and one focus group with parents of autistic children. Parents were receptive to the use of a robot-mediated support acknowledging that the predictability, consistency and scaffolding of robots might facilitate learning in autism. Independent living skills and social and communication skills were the two domains of focus in future robot-mediated support with autistic children. Such a finding indicates that there may be scope to extent robots in the autism community. The final data analysed in chapter 7 draws on ten video recordings of autistic children exploring the effect of triadic robot-mediated support with a human therapist alongside a humanoid robot, called Kaspar, compared to a dyadic interaction with a human therapist alone on the development of children’s joint attention skills. Retrospective data analysis here showed no statistically significant difference in the joint attention skills of autistic children in the human therapist compared to the robot-mediated group nor in their skills from the first to the last session in either group. A statistically significant difference was observed on the requests for social games which improved from the first to the last session in the human therapist group. This study highlights the challenges SARs research facing to evidence demonstrable impact on everyday life skills as a driver of parent and child buy-in to this type of support. Taken together, the studies in this thesis suggest that SARs have a role in autism support, mainly in social and communication domains. Parents/carers have valid reasons for preferring other types of technology support though when asked to think about SARs, they do acknowledge ways in which robots may be advantegous. Existing data and secondary analysis reported that rigour in reporting the way that SARs may benefit skills development is needed and that life skills impact may be difficult to assess over a short-term period. To take SARs research forward, it is imperative to deepen partenships with autism stakeholders to ensure fit for purpose skills selection, measurement of impact, and take up of support to expand benefit

    The Key Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Early Childhood Education: A Review

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been applied in various domains, including early childhood education (ECE). Integration of AI educational technology is a recent significant trend in ECE. Currently, there are more and more studies of AI in ECE. To date, there is a lack of survey articles that discuss the studies of AI in ECE. In this paper, we provide an up-to-date and in-depth overview of the key AI technologies in ECE that provides a historical perspective, summarizes the representative works, outlines open questions, discusses the trends and challenges through a detailed bibliometric analysis, and provides insightful recommendations for future research. We mainly discuss the studies that apply AI-based robots and AI technologies to ECE, including improving the social interaction of children with an autism spectrum disorder. This paper significantly contributes to provide an up-to-date and in-depth survey that is suitable as introductory material for beginners to AI in ECE, as well as supplementary material for advanced users.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, 4 table
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