10 research outputs found

    Efficient Lock-free Binary Search Trees

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    In this paper we present a novel algorithm for concurrent lock-free internal binary search trees (BST) and implement a Set abstract data type (ADT) based on that. We show that in the presented lock-free BST algorithm the amortized step complexity of each set operation - {\sc Add}, {\sc Remove} and {\sc Contains} - is O(H(n)+c)O(H(n) + c), where, H(n)H(n) is the height of BST with nn number of nodes and cc is the contention during the execution. Our algorithm adapts to contention measures according to read-write load. If the situation is read-heavy, the operations avoid helping pending concurrent {\sc Remove} operations during traversal, and, adapt to interval contention. However, for write-heavy situations we let an operation help pending {\sc Remove}, even though it is not obstructed, and so adapt to tighter point contention. It uses single-word compare-and-swap (\texttt{CAS}) operations. We show that our algorithm has improved disjoint-access-parallelism compared to similar existing algorithms. We prove that the presented algorithm is linearizable. To the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm for any concurrent tree data structure in which the modify operations are performed with an additive term of contention measure.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to POD

    The SkipTrie: low-depth concurrent search without rebalancing

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    To date, all concurrent search structures that can support predecessor queries have had depth logarithmic in m, the number of elements. This paper introduces the SkipTrie, a new concurrent search structure supporting predecessor queries in amortized expected O(log log u + c) steps, insertions and deletions in O(c log log u), and using O(m) space, where u is the size of the key space and c is the contention during the recent past. The SkipTrie is a probabilistically-balanced version of a y-fast trie consisting of a very shallow skiplist from which randomly chosen elements are inserted into a hash-table based x-fast trie. By inserting keys into the x-fast-trie probabilistically, we eliminate the need for rebalancing, and can provide a lock-free linearizable implementation. To the best of our knowledge, our proof of the amortized expected performance of the SkipTrie is the first such proof for a tree-based data structure.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1217921)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (Grant ER26116/DE-SC0008923)Oracle CorporationIntel Corporatio

    On the cost of composing shared-memory algorithms

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    Solo-Fast Universal Constructions for Deterministic Abortable Objects

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    International audienc

    On the cost of composing shared-memory algorithms

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    Decades of research in distributed computing have led to a variety of perspectives on what it means for a concurrent algorithm to be efficient, depending on model assumptions, progress guarantees, and complexity metrics. It is therefore natural to ask whether one could compose algorithms that perform efficiently under different conditions, so that the composition preserves the performance of the original components when their conditions are met. In this paper, we evaluate the cost of composing shared-memory algorithms. First, we formally define the notion of safely composable algorithms and we show that every sequential type has a safely composable implementation, as long as enough state is transferred between modules. Since such generic implementations are inherently expensive, we present a more general light-weight specification that allows the designer to transfer very little state between modules, by taking advantage of the semantics of the implemented object. Using this framework, we implement a composed long-lived test-and-set object, with the property that each of its modules is asymptotically optimal with respect to the progress condition it ensures, while the entire implementation only uses objects with consensus number at most two. Thus, we show that the overhead of composition can be negligible in the case of some important shared-memory abstractions

    The Complexity of Obstruction-Free Implementations

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    Obstruction-free implementations of concurrent ob jects are optimized for the common case where there is no step contention, and were recently advocated as a solution to the costs associated with synchronization without locks. In this paper, we study this claim and this goes through precisely defining the notions of obstruction-freedom and step contention. We consider several classes of obstruction-free implementations, present corresponding generic ob ject implementations, and prove lower bounds on their complexity. Viewed collectively, our results establish that the worst- case operation time complexity of obstruction-free implementations is high, of step contention. We also show that lock-based implementations are not sub ject to some of the time-complexity lower bounds we present

    Throughput and energy efficiency of lock-free data structures: Execution Models and Analyses

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    Concurrent data structures are key program components to harness the available parallelism in multi-core processors. Lock-free algorithmic implementations of concurrent data structures offer high scalability and possess desirable properties such as immunity to deadlocks, convoying and priority inversion. In this thesis, we develop analytical tools to model and analyze the throughput and energy consumption of concurrent lock-free data structures. We start our study with a general class of lock-free data structures. Then, we target more specialized designs for lock-free queues. Finally, we focus on the search data structures that possess different characteristics compared to previously mentioned data structures. Performance of lock-free data structures: This thesis contributes to the problem of making ends meet between theoretical bounds and actual measured throughput. As the first step, we consider a general class of lock-free data structures and propose three analytical frameworks with different flavors. Analyses of this class also cover efficient implementations of a set of fundamental data structures that suffer from inherent sequential bottlenecks. We model the executions and examine the impact of contention on the throughput of these algorithms. Our analyses lead to optimization methods on memory management and back-off strategies. Performance and energy efficiency of lock-free queues: We take a step further to model the throughput of lock-free operations and their interaction. Considering shared queues, as a key paradigm for data sharing, operations (En- queue, Dequeue) access the opposite ends of a queue. Same type of operations might contend with each other on a non-empty queue. However, all types of operations are subject to interaction when the queue is empty. We first decorrelate the throughput of dequeuers’ and enqueuers’ into several uncorrelated basic throughputs, and reconstruct the main throughputs as a function of these basic throughputs. Besides, we model the power dissipation and integrate it with the throughput estimations to extract the energy consumption of applications that utilize lock-free queues. Performance of lock-free search data structures: Lock-free designs that utilize fine-grained synchronization have produced efficient implementations of search data structures. These designs reveal different characteristics compared to the previous set of lock-free data structures with inherent sequential bottlenecks. We introduce a new way of modeling and analyzing the throughput of search data structures under stationary and memoryless access patterns.

    On Design and Applications of Practical Concurrent Data Structures

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    The proliferation of multicore processors is having an enormous impact on software design and development. In order to exploit parallelism available in multicores, there is a need to design and implement abstractions that programmers can use for general purpose applications development. A common abstraction for coordinated access to memory is a concurrent data structure. Concurrent data structures are challenging to design and implement as they are required to be correct, scalable, and practical under various application constraints. In this thesis, we contribute to the design of efficient concurrent data structures, propose new design techniques and improvements to existing implementations. Additionally, we explore the utilization of concurrent data structures in demanding application contexts such as data stream processing.In the first part of the thesis, we focus on data structures that are difficult to parallelize due to inherent sequential bottlenecks. We present a lock-free vector design that efficiently addresses synchronization bottlenecks by utilizing the combining technique. Typical combining techniques are blocking. Our design introduces combining without sacrificing non-blocking progress guarantees. We extend the vector to present a concurrent lock-free unbounded binary heap that implements a priority queue with mutable priorities.In the second part of the thesis, we shift our focus to concurrent search data structures. In order to offer strong progress guarantee, typical implementations of non-blocking search data structures employ a "helping" mechanism. However, helping may result in performance degradation. We propose help-optimality, which expresses optimization in amortized step complexity of concurrent operations. To describe the concept, we revisit the lock-free designs of a linked-list and a binary search tree and present improved algorithms. We design the algorithms without using any language/platform specific constructs; we do not use bit-stealing or runtime type introspection of objects. Thus, our algorithms are portable. We further delve into multi-dimensional data and similarity search. We present the first lock-free multi-dimensional data structure and linearizable nearest neighbor search algorithm. Our algorithm for nearest neighbor search is generic and can be adapted to other data structures.In the last part of the thesis, we explore the utilization of concurrent data structures for deterministic stream processing. We propose solutions to two challenges prevalent in data stream processing: (1) efficient processing on cloud as well as edge devices and (2) deterministic data-parallel processing at high-throughput and low-latency. As a first step, we present a methodology for customization of streaming aggregation on low-power multicore embedded platforms. Then we introduce Viper, a communication module that can be integrated into stream processing engines for the coordination of threads analyzing data in parallel

    Long Lived Adaptive Splitter and Applications

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    this paper we were able to define and implement a variant of the Moir-Anderson splitter that does not have all the properties that their splitter has but on the other hand, has an adaptive and long-lived implementation. Furthermore, we use this splitter as a building block in constructions other than a grid (for example a row of splitters or a tree of splitters) and in this way implement diverse applications such as mutual exclusion and optimal name space renamin