1,054 research outputs found

    Long dominating cycles and paths in graphs with large neighborhood unions

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    Let G be a graph of order n and define NC(G) = min{|N(u)U N(v)| |uv E(G)}. A cycle C of G is called a dominating cycle or D-cycle if V(G) - V(C) is an independent set. A D-path is defined analogously. The following result is proved: if G is 2-connected and contains a D-cycle, then G contains a D-cycle of length at least min{n, 2NC(G)} unless G is the Petersen graph. By combining this result with a known sufficient condition for the existence of a D-cycle, a common generalization of Ore's Theorem and several recent neighborhood union results is obtained. An analogous result on long D-paths is also established

    On some intriguing problems in Hamiltonian graph theory -- A survey

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    We survey results and open problems in Hamiltonian graph theory centred around three themes: regular graphs, tt-tough graphs, and claw-free graphs

    A note on dominating cycles in 2-connected graphs

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    Let G be a 2-connected graph on n vertices such that d(x) + d(y) + d(z) n for all triples of independent vertices x, y, z. We prove that every longest cycle in G is a dominating cycle unless G is a spanning subgraph of a graph belonging to one of four easily specified classes of graphs

    Long cycles, degree sums and neighborhood unions

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    AbstractFor a graph G, define the parameters α(G)=max{|S| |S is an independent set of vertices of G}, σk(G)=min{∑ki=1d(vi)|{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} and NCk(G)= min{|∪ki=1 N(vi)∥{v1,…,vk} is an independent set} (k⩾2). It is shown that every 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,n+NCr+5+∈(n+r)(G)-α(G)}, where ε(i)=3(⌈13i⌉−13i). This result extends previous results in Bauer et al. (1989/90), Faßbender (1992) and Flandrin et al. (1991). It is also shown that a 1-tough graph G of order n⩾3 with σ3(G)⩾n+r⩾n has a cycle of length at least min{n,2NC⌊18(n+6r+17)⌋(G)}. Analogous results are established for 2-connected graphs

    A generalization of Ore's Theorem involving neighborhood unions

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    AbstractLet G be a graph of order n. Settling conjectures of Chen and Jackson, we prove the following generalization of Ore's Theorem: If G is 2-connected and |N(u)∪N(v)|⩾12n for every pair of nonadjacent vertices u,v, then either G is hamiltonian, or G is the Petersen graph, or G belongs to one of three families of exceptional graphs of connectivity 2

    Maker-Breaker domination number

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    The Maker-Breaker domination game is played on a graph GG by Dominator and Staller. The players alternatively select a vertex of GG that was not yet chosen in the course of the game. Dominator wins if at some point the vertices he has chosen form a dominating set. Staller wins if Dominator cannot form a dominating set. In this paper we introduce the Maker-Breaker domination number γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) of GG as the minimum number of moves of Dominator to win the game provided that he has a winning strategy and is the first to play. If Staller plays first, then the corresponding invariant is denoted γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(G). Comparing the two invariants it turns out that they behave much differently than the related game domination numbers. The invariant γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) is also compared with the domination number. Using the Erd\H{o}s-Selfridge Criterion a large class of graphs GG is found for which γMB(G)>γ(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) > \gamma(G) holds. Residual graphs are introduced and used to bound/determine γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(G) and γMB(G)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(G). Using residual graphs, γMB(T)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}(T) and γMB(T)\gamma_{{\rm MB}}'(T) are determined for an arbitrary tree. The invariants are also obtained for cycles and bounded for union of graphs. A list of open problems and directions for further investigations is given.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Long cycles in graphs with large degree sums and neighborhood unions

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    We present and prove several results concerning the length of longest cycles in 2-connected or 1-tough graphs with large degree sums. These results improve many known results on long cycles in these graphs. We also consider the sharpness of the results and discuss some possible strengthenings

    Hamiltonian properties of graphs with large neighborhood unions

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    AbstractLet G be a graph of order n, σk = min{ϵi=1kd(νi): {ν1,…, νk} is an independent set of vertices in G}, NC = min{|N(u)∪ N(ν)|: uν∉E(G)} and NC2 = min{|N(u)∪N(ν)|: d(u,ν)=2}. Ore proved that G is hamiltonian if σ2⩾n⩾3, while Faudree et al. proved that G is hamiltonian if G is 2-connected and NC⩾13(2n−1). It is shown that both results are generalized by a recent result of Bauer et al. Various other existing results in hamiltonian graph theory involving degree-sums or cardinalities of neighborhood unions are also compared in terms of generality. Furthermore, some new results are proved. In particular, it is shown that the bound 13(2n−1) on NC in the result of Faudree et al. can be lowered to 13(2n−1), which is best possible. Also, G is shown to have a cycle of length at least min{n, 2(NC2)} if G is 2-connected and σ3⩾n+2. A Dλ-cycle (Dλ-path) of G is a cycle (path) C such that every component of G−V(C) has order smaller than λ. Sufficient conditions of Lindquester for the existence of Hamilton cycles and paths involving NC2 are extended to Dλ-cycles and Dλ-paths