10 research outputs found

    On random k-out sub-graphs of large graphs

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    We consider random sub-graphs of a fixed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with large minimum degree. We fix a positive integer kk and let GkG_k be the random sub-graph where each v∈Vv\in V independently chooses kk random neighbors, making knkn edges in all. When the minimum degree Ξ΄(G)β‰₯(12+Ο΅)n, n=∣V∣\delta(G)\geq (\frac12+\epsilon)n,\,n=|V| then GkG_k is kk-connected w.h.p. for k=O(1)k=O(1); Hamiltonian for kk sufficiently large. When Ξ΄(G)β‰₯m\delta(G) \geq m, then GkG_k has a cycle of length (1βˆ’Ο΅)m(1-\epsilon)m for kβ‰₯kΟ΅k\geq k_\epsilon. By w.h.p. we mean that the probability of non-occurrence can be bounded by a function Ο•(n)\phi(n) (or Ο•(m)\phi(m)) where lim⁑nβ†’βˆžΟ•(n)=0\lim_{n\to\infty}\phi(n)=0

    Crux and long cycles in graphs

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    We introduce a notion of the \emph{crux} of a graph GG, measuring the order of a smallest dense subgraph in GG. This simple-looking notion leads to some generalisations of known results about cycles, offering an interesting paradigm of `replacing average degree by crux'. In particular, we prove that \emph{every} graph contains a cycle of length linear in its crux. Long proved that every subgraph of a hypercube QmQ^m (resp. discrete torus C3mC_3^m) with average degree dd contains a path of length 2d/22^{d/2} (resp. 2d/42^{d/4}), and conjectured that there should be a path of length 2dβˆ’12^{d}-1 (resp. 3d/2βˆ’13^{d/2}-1). As a corollary of our result, together with isoperimetric inequalities, we close these exponential gaps giving asymptotically optimal bounds on long paths in hypercubes, discrete tori, and more generally Hamming graphs. We also consider random subgraphs of C4C_4-free graphs and hypercubes, proving near optimal bounds on lengths of long cycles

    Long paths and cycles in random subgraphs of graphs with large minimum degree

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    For a given finite graph GG of minimum degree at least kk, let GpG_{p} be a random subgraph of GG obtained by taking each edge independently with probability pp. We prove that (i) if pβ‰₯Ο‰/kp \ge \omega/k for a function Ο‰=Ο‰(k)\omega=\omega(k) that tends to infinity as kk does, then GpG_p asymptotically almost surely contains a cycle (and thus a path) of length at least (1βˆ’o(1))k(1-o(1))k, and (ii) if pβ‰₯(1+o(1))ln⁑k/kp \ge (1+o(1))\ln k/k, then GpG_p asymptotically almost surely contains a path of length at least kk. Our theorems extend classical results on paths and cycles in the binomial random graph, obtained by taking GG to be the complete graph on k+1k+1 vertices.Comment: 26 page