3 research outputs found

    Extensions of modal logic KTB and other topics

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    This thesis covers four topics. They are the extensions of the modal logic KTB, the use of normal forms in modal logic, automated reasoning in the modal logic S4 and the problem of unavoidable words. Extensions of KTB: The modal logic KTB is the logic of reflexive and symmetric frames. Dually, KTB-algebras have a unary (normal) operator f that satisfies the identities f (x){u2265}x and {u231D}x{u2264}f ({u231D}f(x)). Extensions of KTB are subvarieties of the algebra KTB. Both of these form a lattice, and we investigate the structure of the bottom of the lattice of subvarieties. The unique atom is known to correspond to the modal logic whose frame is a single reflexive point. Yutaka demonstrated that this atom has a unique cover, corresponding to the frame of the two element chain. We construct covers of this element, and so demonstrate that there are a continuum of such covers. Normal Forms in Modal Logic: Fine proposed the use of normal forms as an alternative to traditional methods of determining Kripke completeness. We expand on this paper and demonstrate the application of normal forms to a number of traditional modal logics, and define new terms needed to apply normal forms in this situation. Automated reasoning in 84: History based methods for automated reasoning are well understood and accepted. Pliu{u0161}kevi{u010D}ius & Pliu{u0161}kevi{u010D}ien{u0117} propose a new, potentially revolutionary method of applying marks and indices to sequents. We show that the method is flawed, and empirically compare a different mark/index based method to the traditional methods instead. Unavoidable words: The unavoidable words problem is concerned with repetition in strings of symbols. There are two main ways to identify a word as unavoidable, one based on generalised pattern matching and one from an algorithm. Both methods are in NP, but do not appear to be in P. We define the simple unavoidable words as a subset of the standard unavoidable words that can be identified by the algorithm in P-time. We define depth separating IX x homomorphisms as an easy way to generate a subset of the unavoidable words using the pattern matching method. We then show that the two simpler problems are equivalent to each other