6 research outputs found

    CVM: Crossbar-based circuit Verification through Modeling

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    The implementation of Boolean functions using Nano crossbar-based switching lattices has been suggested as a substitute for conventional CMOS-based approaches in digital circuits. This alternative may satisfy the needs of future electronic designs, considering the expected end of Mooreā€™s law. This study introduces CVM, a Crossbar-based circuit Verification through Modeling technique.Lattice Science Publication (LSP) Ā© Copyright: All rights reserved

    Cellular Automata Realization of Regular Logic

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    This paper presents a cellular-automatic model of a reversible regular structure called Davio lattice. Regular circuits are investigated because of the requirement of future (nano-) technologies where long wires should be avoided. Reversibility is a valuable feature because it means much lower energy dissipation. A circuit is reversible if the number of its inputs equals the number of its outputs and there is a one-to-one mapping between spaces of input vectors and output vectors. It is believed that one day regular reversible structures will be implemented as nanoscale 3-dimensional chips. This paper introduces the notion of the Toffoli gate and its cellular-automatic implementation, as well as an example of the Davio lattice built exclusively of Toffoli gates and run on a special cellular automaton called CAM-Brain Machine (CBM)

    Regularity and Symmetry as a Base for Efficient Realization of Reversible Logic Circuits

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    We introduce a Reversible Programmable Gate Array (RPGA) based on regular structure to realize binary functions in reversible logic. This structure, called a 2 * 2 Net Structure, allows for more efficient realization of symmetric functions than the methods shown by previous authors. In addition, it realizes many non-symmetric functions even without variable repetition. Our synthesis method to RPGAs allows to realize arbitrary symmetric function in a completely regular structure of reversible gates with smaller ā€œgarbageā€ than the previously presented papers. Because every Boolean function is symmetrizable by repeating input variables, our method is applicable to arbitrary multi-input, multi-output Boolean functions and realizes such arbitrary function in a circuit with a relatively small number of garbage gate outputs. The method can be also used in classical logic. Its advantages in terms of numbers of gates and inputs/outputs are especially seen for symmetric or incompletely specified functions with many outputs

    Implementing Boolean Functions with switching lattice networks

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    Four terminal switching network is an alternative structure to realize the logic functions in electronic circuit modeling. This network can be used to implement a Boolean function with less number of switches than the two terminal based CMOS switch. Each switch of the network is driven by a Boolean literal. Any switch is connected to its four neighbors if a literal takes the value 1 , else it is disconnected. In our work, we aimed to develop a technique by which we can find out if any Boolean function can be implemented with a given four-terminal network. It is done using the path of any given lattice network. First, we developed a synthesis tool by which we can create a library of Boolean functions with a given four-terminal switching network and random Boolean literals. This tool can be used to check the output of any lattice network which can also function as a lattice network solver. In the next step, we used the library functions to develop and test our MAPPING tool where the functions were given as input and from the output, we can get the implemented function in four terminal lattice network. Finally, we have proposed a systematic procedure to implement any Boolean function with a efficient way by any given one type of lattice network

    Logic Synthesis for a Regular Layout

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    New algorithms for generating a regular two-dimensional layout representation for multi-output, incompletely specified Boolean functions, called, Pseudo-Symmetric Binary Decision Diagrams (PSBDDs), are presented. The regular structure of the function representation allows accurate prediction of post-layout areas and delays before the layout is physically generated. It simplifies power estimation on the gate level and allows for more accurate power optimization. The theoretical background of the new diagrams, which are based on ideas from contact networks, and the form of decision diagrams for symmetric functions is discussed. PSBDDs are especially well suited for deep sub-micron technologies where the delay of interconnections limits the device performance. Our experimental results are very good and show that symmetrization of reallife benchmark functions can be done efficiently