64,694 research outputs found

    Answer Sets for Consistent Query Answering in Inconsistent Databases

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    A relational database is inconsistent if it does not satisfy a given set of integrity constraints. Nevertheless, it is likely that most of the data in it is consistent with the constraints. In this paper we apply logic programming based on answer sets to the problem of retrieving consistent information from a possibly inconsistent database. Since consistent information persists from the original database to every of its minimal repairs, the approach is based on a specification of database repairs using disjunctive logic programs with exceptions, whose answer set semantics can be represented and computed by systems that implement stable model semantics. These programs allow us to declare persistence by defaults and repairing changes by exceptions. We concentrate mainly on logic programs for binary integrity constraints, among which we find most of the integrity constraints found in practice.Comment: 34 page

    CHR Grammars

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    A grammar formalism based upon CHR is proposed analogously to the way Definite Clause Grammars are defined and implemented on top of Prolog. These grammars execute as robust bottom-up parsers with an inherent treatment of ambiguity and a high flexibility to model various linguistic phenomena. The formalism extends previous logic programming based grammars with a form of context-sensitive rules and the possibility to include extra-grammatical hypotheses in both head and body of grammar rules. Among the applications are straightforward implementations of Assumption Grammars and abduction under integrity constraints for language analysis. CHR grammars appear as a powerful tool for specification and implementation of language processors and may be proposed as a new standard for bottom-up grammars in logic programming. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), 2005Comment: 36 pp. To appear in TPLP, 200

    Computing abduction by using TMS with top-down expectation

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    AbstractWe present a method to compute abduction in logic programming. We translate an abductive framework into a normal logic program with integrity constraints and show the correspondence between generalized stable models and stable models for the translation of the abductive framework. Abductive explanations for an observation can be found from the stable models for the translated program by adding a special kind of integrity constraint for the observation. Then, we show a bottom-up procedure to compute stable models for a normal logic program with integrity constraints. The proposed procedure excludes the unnecessary construction of stable models on early stages of the procedure by checking integrity constraints during the construction and by deriving some facts from integrity constraints. Although a bottom-up procedure has the disadvantage of constructing stable models not related to an observation for computing abductive explanations in general, our procedure avoids the disadvantage by expecting which rule should be used for satisfaction of integrity constraints and starting bottom-up computation based on the expectation. This expectation is not only a technique to scope rule selection but also an indispensable part of our stable model construction because the expectation is done for dynamically generated constraints as well as the constraint for the observation

    Abduction in Well-Founded Semantics and Generalized Stable Models

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    Abductive logic programming offers a formalism to declaratively express and solve problems in areas such as diagnosis, planning, belief revision and hypothetical reasoning. Tabled logic programming offers a computational mechanism that provides a level of declarativity superior to that of Prolog, and which has supported successful applications in fields such as parsing, program analysis, and model checking. In this paper we show how to use tabled logic programming to evaluate queries to abductive frameworks with integrity constraints when these frameworks contain both default and explicit negation. The result is the ability to compute abduction over well-founded semantics with explicit negation and answer sets. Our approach consists of a transformation and an evaluation method. The transformation adjoins to each objective literal OO in a program, an objective literal not(O)not(O) along with rules that ensure that not(O)not(O) will be true if and only if OO is false. We call the resulting program a {\em dual} program. The evaluation method, \wfsmeth, then operates on the dual program. \wfsmeth{} is sound and complete for evaluating queries to abductive frameworks whose entailment method is based on either the well-founded semantics with explicit negation, or on answer sets. Further, \wfsmeth{} is asymptotically as efficient as any known method for either class of problems. In addition, when abduction is not desired, \wfsmeth{} operating on a dual program provides a novel tabling method for evaluating queries to ground extended programs whose complexity and termination properties are similar to those of the best tabling methods for the well-founded semantics. A publicly available meta-interpreter has been developed for \wfsmeth{} using the XSB system.Comment: 48 pages; To appear in Theory and Practice in Logic Programmin

    Nonmonotonic Integrity Constraints

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    Abstract. Semantics of multidimensional dynamic logic programming is traditionally based on the causal rejection principle: if there is a conflict between rules then the rule from a less preferred program is rejected. However, sometimes it is useful to solve a conflict between the heads of rules by blocking the body of a rule. Moreover, semantics based on the causal rejection principle, is not able to recognize conflicts, which are not manifested as conflicts between the heads of rules. Nonmonotonic integrity constraints are discussed in this paper. They provide alternative solutions of conflicts (as compared with solutions based on causal rejection principle). Conceptual apparatus introduced in this paper enables also to distinguish more preferred interpretations and, consequently, it is relevant for logic programming with preferences. Nonmonotonic integrity constraints and other notions introduced in the paper (falsified assumptions, more preferred assumptions) contribute to bridging the gap between research in fields as belief revision or preference handling on the one hand and multidimensional dynamic logic programming on the other hand

    The inheritance of dynamic and deontic integrity constraints or: Does the boss have more rights?

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    In [18,23], we presented a language for the specification of static, dynamic and deontic integrity constraints (IC's) for conceptual models (CM's). An important problem not discussed in that paper is how IC's are inherited in a taxonomic network of types. For example, if students are permitted to perform certain actions under certain preconditions, must we repeat these preconditions when specializing this action for the subtype of graduate students, or are they inherited, and if so, how? For static constraints, this problem is relatively trivial, but for dynamic and deontic constraints, it will turn out that it contains numerous pitfalls, caused by the fact that common sense supplies presuppositions about the structure of IC inheritance that are not warranted by logic. In this paper, we unravel some of these presuppositions and show how to avoid the pitfalls. We first formulate a number of general theorems about the inheritance of necessary and/or sufficient conditions and show that for upward inheritance, a closure assumption is needed. We apply this to dynamic and deontic IC's, where conditions arepreconditions of actions, and show that our common sense is sometimes mistaken about the logical implications of what we have specified. We also show the connection of necessary and sufficient preconditions of actions with the specification of weakest preconditions in programming logic. Finally, we argue that information analysts usually assume constraint completion in the specification of (pre)conditions analogous to predicate completion in Prolog and circumscription in non-monotonic logic. The results are illustrated with numerous examples and compared with other approaches in the literature

    Integrity constraints in deductive databases

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    A deductive database is a logic program that generalises the concept of a relational database. Integrity constraints are properties that the data of a database are required to satisfy and in the context of logic programming, they are expressed as closed formulae. It is desirable to check the integrity of a database at the end of each transaction which changes the database. The simplest approach to checking integrity in a database involves the evaluation of each constraint whenever the database is updated. However, such an approach is too inefficient, especially for large databases, and does not make use of the fact that the database satisfies the constraints prior to the update. A method, called the path finding method, is proposed for checking integrity in definite deductive databases by considering constraints as closed first order formulae. A comparative evaluation is made among previously described methods and the proposed one. Closed general formulae is used to express aggregate constraints and Lloyd et al. 's simplification method is generalised to cope with these constraints. A new definition of constraint satisfiability is introduced in the case of indefinite deductive databases and the path finding method is generalised to check integrity in the presence of static constraints only. To evaluate a constraint in an indefinite deductive database to take full advantage of the query evaluation mechanism underlying the database, a query evaluator is proposed which is based on a definition of semantics, called negation as possible failure, for inferring negative information from an indefinite deductive database. Transitional constraints are expressed using action relations and it is shown that transitional constraints can be handled in definite deductive databases in the same way as static constraints if the underlying database is suitably extended. The concept of irnplicit update is introduced and the path finding method is extended to compute facts which are present in action relations. The extended method is capable of checking integrity in definite deductive databases in the presence of transitional constraints. Combining different generalisations of the path finding method to check integrity in deductive databases in the presence of arbitrary constraints is discussed. An extension of the data manipulation language of SQL is proposed to express a wider range of integrity constraints. This class of constraints can be maintained in a database with the tools provided in this thesis
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